Friday 16 February 2007

Where Is Kenneth Hill?

Wondering where I am?

Check out my NEW BLOG, I'll explain more later.  Click it:

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Why 'X' Means 'Kiss'

Due to icy roads caused by last night's storm in Washington, I'm working from home today. You know what that means, right? Right! 'The View,' 'Ellen' and 'Martha' on in the background. Yay!

So Martha Stewart, goddess, taught me something interesting today which I never knew, and possibly you didn't know either:
"In Medieval times, people who couldn't write their names signed with a 'X' which they kissed to show their sincerity. This is how the 'X' symbol became synonymous with a kiss."

Cool, eh?

In honor of Xs, Valentine's Day and all things kissy, here's an A-D-O-R-A-B-L-Y sweet series of clips from four separate film projects showing lots and lots of kisses. 

XXX Kenneth

'Gay People Kissing'

Source: RGaston39 at YouTube

Tuesday 13 February 2007

A Song Both Happy and Gay

Gang -- I was cramming on a big project today, so squeezing this blog post in at midnight.

I give you this awesome song by Swedish pop band Alcazar. It's message of freedom and love -- and the super fun hetero and homo smooching will lift you up. I swear it.

'Someday' by Alcazar

Monday 12 February 2007

Grammys Better than Ever

I wasn't planning to watch the Grammy Awards. The past few years I found them dull, and worse, they made me feel completely out of touch with "today" because so many of the nominees and the featured performances meant nothing to me (read: I had no idea who they were).

Last night was a different experience. I caught the beginning of the show unintentionally   and spent the next three hours glued to my set. The production was hot. There were some kickass performances. Strangely, I actually knew most of the performers and the nominees for the awards that were given out live.

I wonder: Have I become cooler and more hip to the newest music, or did the Grammy's come down to my level?

What did you think of the show?

Random Observations:
Corinne Bailey Rae owns any moment in which she appears on stage. I could watch her all night.
Mary J. Blige, Christina Aguilera, Shakira: Awesome.
Sting: The 56-year-old rocker looks as hot as ever. Oh, and Police reunion=cool.
Justin Timberlake has, in fact, grown into himself. He gets kudos.
It was nice how the show inserted older artists into the context of today's new music.
Joan Baez stole Dorian Gray's portrait and it's in her closet right now.

Some Lesser Known Grammy Awards that Caught My Eye:
Best Jazz Vocal Album: Nancy Wilson. Love her!
Best Musical Show Album: 'Jersey Boys'
Best Electronic/Dance Album: 'Confessions on a Dance Floor,' Madonna
Best Polka Album: 'Polka in Paradise,' Jimmy Sturr And His Orchestra. Yes, there really is a category for Best Polka Album.

Finally, I was thrilled that the Dixie Chicks did so well. Love them, love the album, love the song. I was disappointed that the gals were so cocky and I-told-you-so (using grade-school rhetoric) in their acceptance speeches. The power of their experience and the message of the song are above that.

Everything Grammys on AOL
Full List of Nominees/Winners
Watch MusicVideos of the Nominated Songs
Photo Galleries

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An iPod Almost Killed Someone Today

I'm driving to work this morning and am stopped at an intersection near the White House waiting for the light to turn green so I can make a right turn.

A pedestrian is standing on the corner waiting to cross. The light turns, he does nothing. I wait a good 10 seconds or more -- I'm a very polite driver. He continues to just stand there staring blankly, not moving, so I start to make my turn at which point he steps into the crosswalk right in front of my car and throws me his best Bette Davis bitch-look which includes a hand gesture as if to say "HOW DARE YOU! I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY YOU WRETCHED, INCONSIDERATE BASTARD!" -- or something like that.

What just happened? The idiot was listening to his iPod, not paying attention to the sights, sounds and street activity around him.

This i-distraction is maddening. I encounter it all the time now, which is why a just-announced proposed New York law banning pedestrian use of iPods and other gadgets doesn't seem like a bad idea.

I know the bill is too restrictive on individual freedom, and I know it won't pass. I'm just saying that pedestrians who don't look both ways because they're caught up in Gwen Stefani's 'Sweet Escape' A) piss me off, and B) are accidents waiting to happen. Like this:

(Mature Language)

Friday 9 February 2007

Elliott Yamin's New Songs

Velvet-voiced Elliott Yamin, aka my favorite 'Idol' man of last season, has an album dropping March 20. Fortunately, we don't have to wait that long to hear some of it.

Get a First Listen to the world premiere of his new song, while you join me in a slobberfest over how totally HOT HOT HOT he looks.

Gay Sightings

'Ugly Betty' Rules: TV Squad blog reviews this week's episode: "Honestly, it was just plain artful how the writers thematically connected Justin's story of playground bullying and his father's concern about his sexuality to Alexis' story of her own father's disapproval and eventual sex change. In the Suarez home, being accepted for who you are and seeing beauty in the people around you wins the day. In the Meade home, your father would rather see you dead than happy."

And USA Today catches up with Mark Indelicato, the actor who plays Justin, aka the greatest sissy character of all time.

Healing Homophobia: T.R. Knight's gal pal Katherine Heigl reports that Isaiah Washington is "trying very hard" to make up for calling Knight a faggot.

Gay In Hollywood: The public is fine with gay actors, it's the TV industry that isn't ready to embrace teh gay.

Dems Anger Gays: Former DNC official Donald Hitchcock (the gay man who was unceremoniously canned last year) says Howard Dean's not ready to make nice with gays, a sentiment echoed by now a second gay DNC staffer, Ramon Gardenhire, who writes about Dean's decision to eliminate the office of GLBT outreach.