"You CAN'T just expect everyone to be okay with you, and your life. Your (sic) a fag, and that (sic) fine, but keep it to yourself. Trust me, if I ever walk by you on the street with my kids and I see you kissing or holding hands with some dude, I'll brake (sic) every bone in your gay little body. Keep your sh*t behind closed doors, so children can't see you." (Read the whole comment here.)
Being the resourceful Internet hound that he is, Jeremy traced the e-mail address and was able to identify the homophobe who left the virtual threat. Turns out the guy owns Enterprise Steaks, a beef distribution company in Philly -- and he has a history of harrasing gays online.
Jeremy has a few choice things to say on the subject, which I invite you to check out.
1 comment:
People like THIS make everybody sick. I think there's a problem with the link 'inviting you to check out'... I want his email address so we all can tell him what we think about his brand of hate. His comments are right on par with a guy who tortures and then slaughters cows for a living...
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