Jamie Raskin, a candidate running for the Maryland State Senate, has created some buzz because of a well-delivered, razor-sharp statement he made when testifying in the Maryland legislature on a proposed state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
At the end of Raskin's testimony, Republican Senator Nancy Jacobs, a good Christian woman and card-carrying member of Concerned Women for America, said: "As I read biblical principles, marriage is intended, ordained and started by God -- that is my belief ... For me, this is an issue solely based on religious principles."
Raskin, who is a professor of constitutional law at American University and a public-interest attorney, replied with something simple, eloquent and perfect:
"People place their hand on the Bible
and swear to uphold the Constitution;
they don't put their hand on the Constitution
and swear to uphold the Bible."
· Story: Marriage In Maryland: Law Prof Challenges Bible-Based Legislation (The Wall of Separation)
In Other Marriage News:· Gay Marriage Foes Crowd Senator at Statehouse (Sioux City Journal)
"Sen. Maggie Tinsman, one of two Republican senators opposing a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage, said she had the scariest moment of her political career Monday when several hundred backers of the amendment surrounded her in the Statehouse and yelled slogans at her.
"They started shouting 'Let the people vote.' Some were yelling, some were shouting," Tinsman said in an interview Tuesday.
Nearly a thousand backers of the amendment held a rally outside the Statehouse. Afterwards, hundreds of them walked inside to request meetings with senators who are on record opposing the proposal."
· Czech Republic Legalizes Gay Civil Unions (Queerty)
"The Czech Republic voted today to legalize same-sex civil unions, after a long battle over "family values" and threats of a veto by Czech President Vaclav Klaus. The measure passed with heavy support."