She does so in her column this week -- and this time, it's personal.

Like most people, Goodman has gay relatives, including two gay men with an adopted daughter, Ruthie. Young cousin Ruthie is one reason that gay adoption means a lot to Ellen Goodman, and why she's particularly irked that the far right, the Vatican, the governor of her own liberal state of Massachusetts, and others have taken up gay adoption as yet another issue with which to divide our country.
· Taking the Gay Insults Personally (The Boston Globe)
· Talk About It
1 comment:
Absolutely LOVE Ellen for her open-minded understanding of what should be a totally PERSONAL matter...sexual orientation!!! a young, semi-retired Professor, I am thankful every day for all the training I had in psychology! And, especially the all-important study of GENES, characteristic determiners of everything about us from the color of our eyes to sexual orientation!!! The simple test is just who chooses to go through this life being harassed for leading a life-style which he/she did NOT choose? Personal self-disciple dictates how we manage that which was determined at birth! Thus our sexual orientation is a non-issue. We are who we are! It's just too bad that so many members of this society set themselves up as God, pronouncing their irrational judgments on a subject about which they know nothing and unwilling to study and learn the FACTS! Thus, we are ALL human beings who didn't ask to come here in the first place! Let us live and let live, respect each other's individuality, and study to show ourselves "approved, workmen who neededth not be ashamed".
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