It's as American as ... Gay People!

What's the greatest gay song ever? In honor of Gay Pride, I'll tell you.
You are so wrong if you're expecting Over the Rainbow/ I’m Coming Out/ It’s Raining Men/ I Will Survive/ I Am What I Am.
Not that I have anything against those songs. I love them all. They are legendary Pride anthems.
But the greatest gay song ever is
'A Patriotic Finale,' the most celebratory, clever and fun song about being gay you will ever hear.
Never heard of it? Meet your friendly, neighborhood show tune queen: Me.
'A Patriotic Finale' is from 'When Pigs Fly,' a romp of a show that Ziegfield would have loved -- if he'd had a commitment ceremony with Noel Coward. It's the brainchild of Howard Crabtree, with sketches and lyrics by Mark Waldrop and music by Dick Gallagher. When it opened in New York in 1996, the New York Times called it an "exceptionally cheerful, militantly gay new musical revue that comes close to living up to its own billing, 'the side-splitting musical extravaganza.'"
No one -- and I mean no one -- I have ever played this song for hasn't grinned ear to ear. It will make you laugh. It will make you marvel at the cleverness of gay people. It will make you glad you're gay. If you're not gay, it will either make you want to be gay, or at least want to know someone who is.
Check out a few of the lyrics below. I encourage you to download this song from
AOL Music Now or
iTunes, or buy it on
Amazon. Think of it as my little Pride gift to you (only with you forking over the .99 cents/$12 bucks.)
A Few Select Lines From 'A Patriotic Finale'
You can't take the color out of Colorado
You can't take the Mary out of Mary-Land
As John Phillip Sousa said, "I can't march
If I can't hear the boys in the band."
You can't take the sissy out of Mississippi
He's there and he's going to stay
And so Q.E.D., it's as plain as ABC
You need US to make the USA
Who will never be passe in Old El Paso?
Who will always know what's new in New Orleans?
Chicago without chic would be boring and oblique
And you can't have New York City without QUEENS
You cannot replace those Staten Island faeries
And who'll always keep Santa fey?
Yes, we're proud to state, we help make this country great
You need US to make the USA
It goes on. It gets better. It's the greatest gay song EVER.
But hey -- this is just my opinion. What do YOU think the gayest song ever is? Post the obvious -- or the obscure. Think you can out-gay me? Try. Just try.
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