Ever since Jared Leto didn't come out on AOL, I've hated him.
At the time, I was slightly amused that he played with his interviewer, casually tossing out his proffered, "I'll give you an exclusive ... I'm gay," only to have his publicist later explain he was "just kidding."
Since then, I've come to think about him in the way I did before the big coming out, and that is: I don't think about him.
Seriously, when I first got wind of the big interview, I had to Google the guy. He wasn't on my radar. Although he has been in more movies than one might think, I guess he never made much of an impact on me. The TV era during which 'My So-Called Life' played was not in sync with my age demo's TV habits, so I just never knew him as an actor.
I do know him now -- as a smartass, though. I still can't figure out what moved him to falsely represent himself as being gay. I'm pretty sure it was to score some publicity for his band -- I never knew he had a band -- a stunt which strikes me as desperate and lacking in creativity in every sense of the word.
Of course, I do harbor some suspicion that his coming-out-capades may be an indicator that perhaps he does harbor some desire for man-on-man lovin.' But since it appears that he mostly just played the gay card to benefit no one but himself and his crappy band, I don't give a flying, um, rainbow flag either way.
Which brings me to this little gem of a video clip. This is Leto on Jimmy Kimmel, only with added hilarious Celebrity Translation from VH1's Best Week Ever.
And I'm SO glad he's NOT gay. Click, Laugh, Gloat
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This article has to be the biggest waste of time I've ever encountered on the Internet. Yeah, hate Jared Leto because he's not gay- because if he WERE, you'd have DEFINATELY been with him, right?
On top of that, the Best Week Ever video didn't help your case. I mean, I like Best Week Ever, but I can easily say that the video subtitles were cliche and were a waste of time, barely got a chuckle. You have to remember that's a live performance, he sings remarkably well live- I will even go out on a limb and say he sings much better live than my favorite band Death Cab for Cutie.
Get over IT and YOURSELF.
So your gay be proud.... if your not you sure fit the stero type, and sure look gay. more than most gays i know.
I totally agree. This excuse of a person who thinks he can toy with the label of "gay" and think that he is cute, is only sorely mistaken and redundant. He is such a loser. enuf said. cutiemarine@aol.com
What ever!
come on chill out!
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