Again from Jeff: A breathless bugler blew through the streets of Provincetown at dawn, playing a tune whose meaning brings joy to the hearts of all the gay vacationers: Another closeted celebrity has come out. Kenny had the following post in my in-box this morning:

As is often the case, he was out to friends and family. He was seen around town in places that could cause some to wonder. He poked his head out of the closet when seen earlier this summer having fun in gay bars in Provincetown with 'Amazing Race' star Reichen Lehmkuhl.
Now, Lance Bass has made it official. On newsstands this Friday, PEOPLE Magazine will feature an exlusive interview with the former *NSYNC boy band babe.
On why he waited so long, Lance cites concerns for the livelihood of himself and his bandmates. He says now, it was just time:
"The thing is, I’m not ashamed – that’s the one thing I want to say," he explains of his decision to come out. "I don't think it's wrong, I'm not devastated going through this. I'm more liberated and happy than I’ve been my whole life. I'm just happy."Comments | Worth Repeating: Home | Gay Galleries, Video, Pen Pals, More
As for why he's talking about this now Bass says, "The main reason I wanted to speak my mind was that (the rumors) really were starting to affect my daily life. Now it feels like it's on my terms. I'm at peace with my family, my friends, myself and God so there's really nothing else that I worry about."
i thnck tha iit is nice that you came out of the closet
Nice!! Go, Lance!!! Thank you for coming out of the closet!!! You show that is definitelu a positive to be open rather than being closeted. Boo-yea!!
Way to go Lance!!! Being a Lesbian female myself I know the difficultly of being able to come out to family and friends. I honestly have no idea what it would be like in the public eye. But congrats on having the strength and courage to do it. I know he must feel relieved of holding in that secret. I wish the best for him, his family, and friends.
Wow... THIS is a surprise. Which big surprise is next? Liberace? Michelangelo Signorile? Barney Franks? Rosie O'Donnell?
C'mon, this is about as shocking as warm oatmeal.
In a word......DUH!
I think it's wonderful that Lance came out!! It's hard to come out of the closet. I would guess it's even harder for people who are in the public eye. As for the comment that it's disgusting and adding to the AIDS epidemic, grow up. Straight people get AIDS too. Drug users get AIDS too. In very rare cases these days, children and adults who get blood transfusions get AIDS too. It's people who don't take care of their bodies, don't stay safe, or people who don't have AIDS education who get AIDS. There are other circumstances too. Just because you don't agree with someone's life style doesn't mean you have to belittle it.
well if your going to be gay.... why not have the hottttest man out there
way to go lannce!!!!!!!1
congradulations on the peace of mind and freedom now...I am an older man and know the freedom you must feel now that there is no need to hide and live a double life.. way to Go lance good luck to you and your Partner... my partner and I have been together 8 years and believe me... we both wish you guys the best
we all knew he was somewhat frutty but glad he came out he need acction!!!
How on God's green earth is THIS news?
I've known he was gay from day one. I thought everyone knew he was gay -- only it was one of those type of subjects that you knew, yet never discussed. Those rumors didn't come out of nowhere as of recently. There have been "rumors" Lance was/is gay since NSYNC first became famous back in the late 90s.
Catch up, people.
Actually who cares
i always thought he was gay
He was always my favorite! Leave it to the lesbian to have her teen pop idol come out of the closet. Isn't it ironic, don't ya think?
I am so happy that America has so much time on their hands that they care about such a meaningless event as to whether this forgotten band's member is gay.....
it saddens me that another person thinks it's ok to be gay. it goes against every moral thing we were made to be on this earth. to lance have a big gay time when you go to hell. trust there will be many other homo's down there partying.
Wow he was the second cutest one!! that's nasty i dislike gays sorry gay people
Every time I see a picture of Lance Bass, I think back when Will Sasso of MAD TV would portray him in comedy sketches and laugh my ass off!!!
I can't believe people in this day and age would have the ignorance to post some of the things I've just read. I'm sorry if you're that god fearing that someone's sexuality somehow affects you. Damn.... he's probably right about the potential hazard of coming out while with N*Sync. Good for him for finally adressing the subject though it was quite obvious.
i don;t understand half the people who are talking on this, your all saying how you all dislike gays and everything when you yourself have probobally questioned. it's not wrong that he's gay , and it's not his fault either. it's not a choice wether you want to be a homosexual or not , it's just the way you are. so for all you catholics and christians who posted on here saying there are going to be a lot of gays parting in hell , just remember that god made all of us and that he made him gay. so screw yous , and i'm happy for lance. =DD<333333
I'm heartbroken! I loved Lance Bass! Not only that...he's soooooooooooo HOTT! How can he be gay?!
You guys really sicken me. In case you haven't noticed, he IS a person, and I'm glad he came out of the closet instead of lying about it. To whoever made that stupid remark about adding to the AIDS population, screw off, cause if he never came out I'm sure you'd think he was just fine and dandy. Also, I could read off a list of straight people that got AIDS because they're idiots and didn;t protect themselves. And as for all the Christians swearing that all the gay, lesbian and bi people are going to hell, you need to get your facts straight and get your ass back to church because the last time i checked, God made and loves everyone, but correct me if I'm wrong. If anybody's going to hell it's the ones who hate other people because they like another gender. It's 2006, for everyone's sake, GROW UP PEOPLE.
Thank you Lance for coming out. Gays who hide make it harder for those of us who don't. I appreciate your bravery and honesty.
I think if it makes him happy then he should be gay. Atleast he is happy unlike more than half of the people in America that are too scared to try knew things. And no im not saying everyone should be gay Im just saying that people should respect others rights and opinions without trashing other peoples!
ok i just dont understand why atl of these god fearing gay bashing hypocrits were on aol gay & lesbian section?!?!?
first of all i would like to address a couple of the comments from below....
to luvbabi0518- you're probably going to hell too. if you've read the bible then you would know that most of what we do nowadays is sinful. 'oh no! premarital sex? GO TO HELL!! he's gay? GO TO HELL!!' well you go to hell for being judgemental which good christians (which you obviously are not) don't do. stop being an ignorant hick and get over it. your little comments were petty and uncalled for and i think you should re-examine your morals before you start pointing fingers. have fun partying in hell.
to pacambier- huh, gonna talk shit about people leaving comments? what the hell did you just do? moron. people can care about whatever they want to. they have every right to it. who the hell are you to ruin things for them? but yeah, way to be a total hypocrit contradicting yourself. 'oh this is stupid. why does america care? why would they comment?'.
.....well i'm glad lance came out. he's happy which is more than can be said for all the other straight celebrities out there getting divorced and having affairs. so screw all the homophobs and people who just need to get a clue.
What's the big news? Have you ever seen a copy of People with a picture and caption that read "I'm Straight"?
Thank you Lance, you give me hope...
dear lance, i just wanted to tell you that i will continue to pray for you and just as you stated that you are at peace with your family and friends and god well i can speak for god he is not at peace with you. this is a sin in his eyes and you can redeem yourself and ask him into your heart. please do so i would love to see you go to heaven after this lifetime. god bless you lance iam a great fan. jessie lovelady
Oh give me a break! I am reminded why I want nothing to do with being a christian or christians any longer. Just the sheer ridiculousness of that last comment makes me laugh. He's HAPPY, so maybe it's common sense that he doesn't want to be "redeemed." There is nothing TO be redeemed. I know I'm making waves by christian-bashing, and it isn't any better than gay-bashing, but enough is enough. Just listen to yourselves. Someone who doesn't know a thing about christianity would take a peek and think you're all torch-wielding psychos. It's funny how all you hypocrites like to pray for sinners when you're all sinners yourselves. Such statements as malikagrant's oh-so clever comment is a testament to the ignorance out there.
Lance, If no one else loves you, I do. I don't even listen to your music. Normal people lose alot of people when they come out of the closet (people they didn't need). Well, your making life easier for alot of kids in the future. I wish I could do the same. Smooches
Love Ya,
Anonymous Jason
i am personally very happy for lance just from watching him i like many others knew the torture he was enduring. now he will be able to live a life without inner turmoil; however that does not end the constant oppression he will receive from society at large but there will be alot of gays cheering on his relationship as well as many sophisticated straights who know love in any form does not threaten our society on the whole.concratulations to you both each of you are such fine examples of vibrant young men and have so much to offer one another as well as the community just remember be honest with one another and always always cherish the fact that you are wht others dream of being a happy couple. steve
First of all i would like to say... WAY TO GO LANCE!!! I'm proud to be a fan of Lance Bass. It makes me happy to know that even celebrities are also gay, lesbian, and bi. It is encouraging for gay, bi, lesbian people out there knowing that they aren't the only ones. It sure encourages me to tell people i'm bi. Wow.... I'm just soooo proud of Lance that i don't know what to say but CONGRATS LANCE ON COMING OUT!!!!
Proud of Who I Am,
K Pesola
Hey Lance,
I've had the hots for you for years!!!!!
Just look at the dude. he is very gay but who cares? Not Justin Timberlake nor the rest of the boy band. He is what he is. He came out when he thought the time is right and he didn't even have to do it. It's nobody's business and that took a lot of courage. Let's leave this man alone in peace and not make a big fuss about his sexuality. He seems to be a decent and not flamboyant or vulgar(the gross type of gayness)
Dear Lance, I hope you read this. I like you and not going to jugde you. But please read the Holy Scripture and ask our Lord to intervene for clarity and wisdom. Homosexual act is abominable in the eyes of GOD and you must remember that our soul lives for eternity. With the help of GOD, nothing is impossible. Just go to him with all your heart and he will heal you. We are not meant to stay in this world forever but our soul lives for eternity. Please don't let the glamour of Satan intise you with flesh and material things. You are a good man and it's not too late to redeem yourself, Your brother in Christ, Angie
Oh, this was shocking news. So what Lance! Maybe the other guys ought to step up and admit they are heterosexuals. I don't understand publically outing ones sexual preference. That is between you and your significant other.
I do understand there is still a lot of hate and bigotry towards gay men and women. Personally, I don't think it is any of my business or anyone elses, especially our corrupt government. However, I have excellent "gaydar" and your "outing" was not surprising to me and I've never met you, but I always knew you were gay.
my dear angelina god doesnt judge people do, god only loves, and mind you most of that beautiful art that you see in the bible was created by homosexuals
okay, 1 thing i have to say is, i dont think people should have to be forced out of the closet because people from some media place(Perez Hilton) cant let these people lead there own lives.. It is no one elses business if he was gay or not, but i do have to say Lance, i support your decesion and i have always liked you since NSYNC came around, i didnt like Justin like all the girls did, but i do have a lot of respect for you.. And anything you do in the future, keep us posted on your next career move..
And to all you people on here tooting how GOD is against us, you should all know you are just as bad, with all the cheating you do in your marriages, and think that GOD isnt watching you also?? keep your preaching to a minimum.. we are tired of listening to it.. go to Pat Robertson and see if he needs you..
how sick of course he is the rest of out of sync probably are to. Lance gettin in the ass!
Personally, It really isn't a big deal to me. I'm kind of... glad that he came out, and it will help other homosexuals also. But some heterosexuals and haters that have been posting here, you cannot choose to be gay! Some say it's in your DNA as a figure of speech. And whoever say "Rot in hell" and such, God loves everyone and anyone! Although I am completly heterosexual, I must say, that there isn't anything wrong with being gay. Whoa, that rhymed. There are many others whom agree with me, and you guys rock. Others need to, i think, Work on their homophobia, If they hate homosexuals, they probably have homophobia, and need to work on losing or diminishing that phobia, so they can accept others, who have done nothing wrong.
Its about time someone from music industry is actually representing our pride , as our strength to stand as one ... No one should judge another person on there prefference , because in all reality we are all the same . The media needs to attack isuses that are important to society , not about people life style . Its sad that we have people that preach about our style , yet they don't judge their character or action , but then again gay life important to talk about . Anyways "Lance Bass" keep ur head up ,and live the life u enjoy most..
"aka ruler "
I think the focus here is equality. Lance was forced not to be himsef because of fear or costing his bandmates their career. He didn't kill anyone or commit a crime but he was in fear being gay. I think we as a society should concentrate on treating people equal no matter of their sexuality crede color.
Gay society expecially should unite to achieve equal right. Ellen being gay and succesfull and the Fab 5 and Will and Grace are positive signs. But there a lot more work to do. I hope Lance has the strength to adress these issues even thought its not his fight. No matter what the prejudice is I would offer my support and time.
I hear Lance cried about this whole situation and its a shame he should be in fear but he must relaize with fame comes lack of privacy. I myself might be lose some privacy and If it happens I will be aware of the positives and negatives .
All people are created equal lets treat them as such.........
Lance, good for you. Now don't do like the rest and flaunt your relationship in front of the media. Seem these "stars" talk about their happy lives, then some time's over. Reichan has done it already. Spoke on Great Race of how happy they were together..............then after the cash arrived, they've broken up. So...............don't use the GAY card to get your name in the media.
There is not one word in the New Testament that says being gay was a sin or evil. Jesus never said a word about it. Before any of you haters say anything about the Lord, why don't you read what Jesus said about divorce and fix yourselves first.
Duh! its like rosie odonnel or elton john saying theyre gay. Did anyone in the world NOT know Lance Bass was gay?
i cant beleave it ur the hotteset guy in the group why i had the hotts 4 years!!!!
Actually, if I remember correctly without having a bible handy, in the Old Testament, there is a verse in there that said something about all witches and homosexuals being killed on sight. I could be wrong, but something like that stands out. Aside from being morally disgusting, homosexuality is wrong even in biblical times.
For those that want to quote the Old Testament they might want to read all of it before they start spouting off about a small passage. Fortunately for all of us, we're now living under the state of Grace not Law.
My personal feelings aside, I just don't think this is the biggest or worst thing that has ever been stated. I'm a lot more concerned about my friends and family who are in the military and overseas right now than I am about some celeb coming out of the closet.
First things first- CONGRATS Lance it is great to see another fellow human being happy! Myself being gay and having struggled with it for years like Lance, it makes me happy to see that we are able to over come our struggles and be happy. Lance- have a great life and enjoy being free of oppression from people who have no life to be happy about.
As for all the people who have posted about GOD and how Lance and gay people are going to HELL. Let me just remind you about something GOD does not judge and nor should you! If your GOD judges or does not love people for who they are then obviously you are going to place of worship that is controlled by one person who is not happy with themselves or their own life and must push their HATRED off on others to make themselves feel better about what they are doing wrong. If you want to be part of that so be it, but remember your own day will come and your fake interpretation of happiness will all come FALLING down around you!
All I have to say is that I am happy and if this world would stop judging people and just accept and enjoy life we would have world peace.
Remember what Lance said: "The main reason I wanted to speak my mind was that (the rumors) really were starting to affect my daily life. Now it feels like it's on my terms. I'm at peace with my family, my friends, myself and God so there's really nothing else that I worry about."
He is at peace with family, friends, himself and GOD! Lance is happy, I am happy in my life and relationship I have can't we all do the same! :) GOD BLESS
Lance has alway's come across as having a great heart. I know this was a difficult thing for him to have to carry for all these years. He was thinking of the other guys in the group and how it would affect them. I am proud of him for having the courage to come forward and not want to live a lie anymore. He deserves to be happy and now he finally can be. Lots of love to you Lance!!
Lance it's your one else' your life the way you feel right about......screw neveryone else's opinions...........good luck my friend
I like N'Sync's music and I guess I always thought Lance was probably gay...but what difference could it make....if he sings tomorrow, he'll sound just the same as he did last month... being gay doesn't change who you are..but it definatley is part of who you are. When it comes to art in all forms, gay people seem to be recognized for excellence. Shakespeare, Michael Angelo, Elton John and many we can add Lance to the list.
Being 58 years old and gay, I know what it's like to be gay and not be able to be open about it... I did it for 31 years. I think when someone finally comes into your life that you care about, what other people think becomes less of a concern to you. I have to say it makes me happy to know that things are really changing and that young people feel that they can come out and be themsleves. I never thought in my lifetime I'd see gay TV shows or gay main stream movies... I even have a young friend that took his boyfriend to his prom.. So Lance I hope you all the best with your new boyfriend and always be proud of who you are.
For all the religious people out there that have something to say.....if you notice around the world today that it's all the religous groups that are doing all the bombing and killing. I'm sure God is just so proud of them....One of the 10 commandments state, Thou shall not Kill... I don't think I've ever seen, Thou shall not be Gay !
He seems like a nice man. I wish him lots of love and happiness!!!
Congrats Lance,
You made people realize that stars and people like me are here. We are sons, brothers, lovers, great workers, best friends, and like most Americans good people.
It is shame that you were forced out, but thank God good guys like you will make it easier for the rest of us. Huge support and love here in Houston!
Lance was born Gay and has to play the cards God gave him. Yes I am a Christian and proud of that. We are all sinners saved by the grace of Jesus and He said let the person without sin cast the first stone. Thats not me for sure! Don't single out one sin or another. We are saved or not only by our choice to receive Jesus or not as Savior. Love and not bashing be it against Gays or Christians are wrong. I am Gay also and abstain from sex because of my beliefs but God has not chose to change me. Examine your hearts - you will probably no have much time to worry about others sins.
This one has taken me by surprise. There is a certain strangeness that we are accustomed to about some people that you cannot place your finger on. However, it did not cross my mind that he was gay. I think it is partly because he had the perfect cover , the nsync group.
Big suprise!!!! If you ever heard his music you would know there is at least one gay guy in the group. I wondering when the rest will come out. I know they are planning a come back but they are going to change the group name to the back door boys. LOL. To be honest I really don't care one bit. I hope lance is happy in what ever he does. After all the bad music, lance deserves a break. Good luck in life lance
who cares?????????????????leave him alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LEAVE HIM ALONE PEOPLE!!! before he announced he was gay he wasn't really a "big star" since the breakup of N'Sync. so now that he's come out he's gonna make the front page of magazines and internet articles?? people need to get a life and realize that there ARE gay celebrities and they're no different from regular everyday gay people...
I'm not really surprised. At the same time it's really none of my business what his orientation is. However I would like to say that for famous people who are gay when they come out that's it- there's no hiding it from anyone. Not that they should, it's just that as a liberal and sort of out there person, there are things that I tend to not share with conservative people who may be around me. I guess I dont really understand, but it has to be hard to come out as a gay celebrity. It must be hard for anyone to announce that they are gay. I dont think he should be left alone - I think he and all the others should be commended for the example the set: you don't have to hide who you are.
I never leave comments on these things but this one deserved it. I sat here and read all these comments that people have left. I am stunned at they way america thinks. Some of you really need to check yourselves. Lance is a human with feelings and is living his life, do all of you ask someone else everytime you want to do something in your life? I think its wonderful that now he can be who he is. How would you feel if you wanted something in your life and everyone around you condemed you for that. Im not gay. I am a single mother of 2 girls, and let me just say that this should not even be an issue in these times. Also to the one person who said he is spreading aids, Get a life!!!! Do you think gay men are the only ones with aids? And then the ones speaking about the Bible, Look into your lives and see what you have done againts the Bible. He who cast the first stone!!!
America----- Get real !!!!!
ok...this is so weird...Lance Gay??...Umm..ok...i think that this is something that should have been said along time ago....When they were big..i was in love with them and nothing was gonna make me miss anything that Nsync did..they he comes out and says that he is gay and most people are freaking out because they use to like them....i is still the same lance...only differnet...i am not happy that he is like this..but i support him and he is showing that he has another side to him
umm thats cool. You are who you are. But I feel you could have come out a long time ago. Now a days everybody who is anybody is coming out of closets all across America. Its like no biggie to me. Ya all right with me.
he doesn't owe anyone an explanation. america is so puritan and prejudiced that he felt he had to explain himself... to the rest of america, why don't you just get some culture....
Amen, brothers and sisters. I applaud your comments. Sure, maybe, Lance is happier than he has ever been and is finally at peace with his life, but old men in suits in our churches have said homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, so therefore, we must tell him of the horrible evil he is committing. Amen. Amen, amen, amen. After this, you should all head on over to Paris Hilton and tell her of the awful sins she's committing, what with exposing her breasts and sleeping with all sorts of men. Oh, be sure to let Jessica Simpson and Nick Lache (sp?) know of the terrible evil they've committed by divorcing each other. And we should all gang up on Lindsey Lohan for all the sex she's having before marriage. And let's yell at Ashlee Simpson for lying and wanting us to think it was really her who was singing on Saturday Night Live. You know what? I saw a woman today walking around today with a pretty tight shirt on, I should go find her and tell her to accept Jesus. And let's go to the beach and tell everyone to cover up, awful Satan-loving sinners that they are.
With all the hate that's already in this world, why do you want to create more?
umm yall america couldnt tell before??? c'mon what happened 2 good ol fashiond gaydar?? i mean look @ him
well, lance i loved you then and i always will, people say that being gay is a crime but u like who u like, u cnt help who ypu are attracted to and ANYONE WITH A BRAIN CAN SEE THAT,you are cool with me, i have lots of gay friends and they r cool,kepp doin watcha doin man! love ya
Lance I just want to say I think it is kewl that you came out. I am gay as well.
sure it can be hard at times but trust me no one can make you happy but you.
be strong and keep your head up always. I just thank it is funny on how some people juge us for what we do....word is Juge.......
But to me the BIBLE is man made no one knows what is in gods mined he made us all we are all is childeren.
now Lance can hook up with Tom Cruise and the couple will be called Bass Cruise
LANCE-do not listen to all these so-called "God people". All God expects from any of us is to be good to each other and since following you for the last few years, it seems you do that. BE HAPPY IN LIFE.............
FRIGGEN RIGHT!! You go Lance! Honestly though, I know personally what it was like to tell everyone I know that I'm gay, it was difficult. For you to talk to PEOPLE Magazine where literly Millions will read it is just plain heroic!! I FIRGGEN LOVE YOU, MAN!! lol. I wish you the best in life!!
Just as a side note to those who are using the bible to bring him or the rest of the gay comunity down, I'm not too religous, but I believe that somewhere in the bible it states that God has unconditional love for EVERYONE.....just thought I'd make you ppl aware of that...
Ok, i think that it is his choice. He can be gay if he wants to. He can have his prode and be happy at the same time. He has the choice of being Straight, Bi, and Gay. And he chose gay. I wish you luck.
i dont think its really a big deal he came out of the closet right now....he has a man he doesnt need to come out and let anyone know his a single gay celebrity.... come on now everyone knew he was... but i am glad that he could finally get it off his chest to not have to worry about where he goes or who he sees now he can do it freely... Im glad for you lance
I just want to say way to go and that i am proud of him and now he can be himself. I just wish him the best even though I have never meet him thats all one can hope for someone. He is still a hottie and can i marry him lol jk. Also best wishes with your relationship.
The only thing that i don't seem to understand is why would how he live his life be a major issue with everyone, especially the media? It's his life. He neither owes us anything (mainly concerning his sexual preferences) nor does he need to explain himself. I don't get why we have to make a big deal out this. So he prefers his own gender... so what? Some of my friends do too. More power to him for having the guts to stand by it. Let him and his partner live their own lives, while everyone else... should just get thier own and stop focusing on others. (No offense to anyone)
People have known for years that Lance was gay. He did a guest appearance on 7th Heaven about 6 years ago and a fiend of mine was working on the set and mentioned that he came off as really gay and had majorly plucked eyebrows. He's been seen out and about with his wanna be celebrity boy friend. Great that he came out and frankly this is probably the most attention he is likely to get from this point forward. N'SYNC is done and over. There is no way Justin Timberlake is gonna tarnish a successful (and much more luractive) solo career by revisiting the boy band era which at this point is pretty much played out.
A word of warning regarding the boy friend. Reichen is a major celebrity wanna be and loves nothing more than being in the spot light. Lance will eventually see that for what it is and will call into question if Reichen is more interested in his celebrity status or in him as a person.
I'm glad that Lance thinks that he is at peace with God. Lance, you should read your Bible. There is no peace when you are in a lifestyle that God calls an abomination. How disappointing that the only member of NSYNC that claimed to be Christian is now claiming to be gay. I hope that you do get right with God and get back to a lifestyle that glorifies God.
Hey boyz and girlz, I'm a friend of the logged in name. After hearing my buddy talk to me about these "blogs", dont care for them but my girlie spends all her time on the computer, anyway, wanted to say in my own hetro way, NRKevin you got the right idea. I dont give a rat's @ss who is gay or who isn't. I'snt that fat heap "Perez" whatever an "Uncle Tom" kind of I thought that was a queer if i ever saw one. Any way the gay community should look into there own appointed "socalite's" umm.. you know madame nasty or Perez Hilton or whatever that beast's name is, how you gonna stab your own kind in the back.?.? As for Paris, your HOTTTT. from: Str8 and some advice. peace
Hey everyone. I heard that Perrez Hilton outed Lance Bass. Who the hell does he think he is? Everyone has their right to privacy, for whatever reason. I agree with the posts that say that Lance doesn't owe anyone and explanation. I think that Perez Hilton owes an explanation. I know that's his "job" and all, but come on. I wonder if this was Lances' choice, or was it forced upon him? This celebrity entertainment totally crosses the line sometimes, and I can't believe that Perez is getting paid to act like a little rumor loving 15 year old high school girl. Hey Perez, when are you going to come out?
Wait a minute, to the blogger who said "Lance has the choice to be gay, straight, or bi and he chose gay". That is totally false. Your sexual preference is not a choice, it is who you are. Lance did not choose to be gay. He is gay. What he chose to do is share that with the rest of us. I am sure it was a somewhat hard decision to make and I support him now more than ever. Way to go Lance!!!!! And to Mr. Perez (or whatever his name is) SHAME ON YOU.
I think It's great that people are more comfortable about being who thy are these days. I know how hard it was for me to hide my true feeling and interests throughout my youth and even into my early twenties. It really is a great relief to be able to "just be myself" with whomever I'm with. People know who I am, and it's an unspoken understanding. I think that if everyone would just come clean about their sexuality, life would be so much easier for everyone. I'm gay and I don't hate myself for it. Noone else should either! Thank you, Lance, for being honest to yourself and the people who love you.
I hope Lance might see my comment................Im very proud of you !! When I was your age 25 years ago , , I was out to everyone who mattered in my life. At that time ,,,,,,,, I thought it was a BOLD step. ,,, But , I was just me. You , on the other hand are a world famous young man. Thank You , Lance, for being brave. There will be MANY young guys and girls who will follow in your brave footsteps. God Bless You Lance, I Admire you , and Your Braveness. ( I hope thats a word , Braveness) : ) If its not , it should be ,,,, because , you enbodie it ....... , with gerat pride , ,, Bill
I hope Lance might see my comment................Im very proud of you !! When I was your age 25 years ago , , I was out to everyone who mattered in my life. At that time ,,,,,,,, I thought it was a BOLD step. ,,, But , I was just me. You , on the other hand are a world famous young man. Thank You , Lance, for being brave. There will be MANY young guys and girls who will follow in your brave footsteps. God Bless You Lance, I Admire you , and Your Braveness. ( I hope thats a word , Braveness) : ) If its not , it should be ,,,, because , you enbodie it ....... , with great pride , ,, Bill
To someone below me, homosexuality IS a choice; in fact, the whole being born gay thing is a myth. Homosexuality isn't a race, nor is it a disorder like manic depression or OCD. There is no homosexual gene. You're not going to be homosexual because your mom or your dad was...See how preposterous that sounds? Be proud of your choice; don't say you couldn't help it...It makes it sound like you don't want to be that way. :)
That being said, I agree, it's good that Lance can stop "hiding" it. *N He needs to be happy and secure in himself, as that is a human right. End of story.
Lance's statement about the not wanting to hurt the band is BS. The band has been done for 4 yrs. If your gay say it, live it! To hide behind the band and from what I heard Justin wasn't privy to this info is BS too. Come on, you travel with these people for yrs. their like family and you don't share? I think he just "got caught" and had to just come out. Maybe now he can live his live here on earth instead of trying to go to space! LOL!!!
Well I must say, this story shocked me! My kids (ages 21-12) were not surprised and yet I was? I always thought that maybe JC or Justin might be, but Lance? I am happy for Lance though, whatever makes YOU happy is all that matters in this world. Doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. If you had "come out" during the success of your band though, I do think it would've hurt the band overall, mainly because the media would have focused on "YOU" and not so much the music the band was putting out. Best of luck to you Mister Bass!!
Be happy in life,
Houston, Texas
Good for him. Let him live his life, and everyone else live there life as well. Life is too short and complicated to not be who you are. Kudos to Lance Bass, and best of luck with your boyfriend. You have great taste in men.
YAY LANCE!!!!! I knew it alll along... ANd i still love u!!! Now we can be together!!!! YEA!!!!! lol! j/k but im really happy for u thogh... u'lll feel much better now! (but im not kidding about the being together part)
I don't believe Lance waited so he wouldn't hurt the other band members careers. The group ended sometime ago. It doesn't matter why he waited, but this was something he had to do when he was ready. No one would really care that he is gay if he was just the boy next door. Everyone has a right to be happy and no one has the right to judge him. Leave him alone and let him live his life.
Congrats Lance on making the decision to BE YOURSELF! Nobody should have to live a lie. You deserve happiness and love.
Thanks Lance! I'm glad you could come out earlier in life than I was able to. It's such a relief when you finally come out. A famous person like you helps our cause and educates people about being gay, and that anyone might be gay. Hans
i think its about time that he came out..i just think he should have came out sooner. but i understand that he was most likely scared and just didnt know what people would say about him
honestly, who cares? he's gay big deal. lots of ppl r and to b honest, i think it's great! why not be who you are? why hide it? who the hell cares? and im so SICK to death of ppl coming out and using religion to cover up their own hatred ideas. im pretty sure god has other things to concern himself with other than lance bass being gay! god loves everyone including those who are homosexual. he doesn't care.those religious ppl r SOO irritating! get a damn life and open your mind. this is the 21st century. no one thinks like that anymore!
All right, here's the deal. God does say homosexuality is an abomination, and EVEN IN THE NEW TESTAMENT he says that it is unnatural. So indeed, when Lance feels "at peace with...God," my mind does stop at that statement. No matter what you come up with, homosexuality is ALWAYS condemned in the Bible. There is NEVER any instance where God has ever said it is okay to be homosexual. God loved the people who killed Jesus. Was it a right thing to do? I can see both answers to that.
Anyway, I do feel that even though Lance chooses an alternative lifestyle, as a Christian, I can't condemn him, or even tell him how God feels about him. His relationship with God is not my business, nor is it any of us "People who are hiding behind religion" I guess what I'm saying is hate the sin, not the sinner.
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