You may have seen the online petition a few months ago by the gang at Blogging Project Runway endeavoring to gather signatures in support of 'Project Runway' hottie Tim Gunn being named as PEOPLE's Sexiest Man Alive.
A hunky pal of mine who loves 'Runway' (thanks, Jamie!) sent it to me today, which makes me think the petition is still making the rounds, even though 98,700 signatures are still needed to meet the 100k goal.
Not only are people signing it, but you can leave a comment with your John Hancock:
NL: "I support this petition because Tim Gunn is absolutely comfortable being who he is--and that's as sexy as sexy gets."
Jennifer B: "I support this petition because because Tim Gunn is sexy, sophisticated, smart, sweet, and cares deeply about the people he's a 'den dad' to. What's sexier than that? Make it work, People!"
Beth Battaglia: "I support this petition because there is more class and elegance in his little finger that in most of the men out or straight...combined."
Miranda: "I support this petition because because he is smart and hot. Yeah, he's old enough to be my dad, and yeah, he's gay, but I'd still do him. :-)"
Nancy: "I support this petition because Tim is like a gay Cary Grant--so smooth and charming." [Gayest Editor Ever's Note: Nancy, most people think Cary Grant was a gay Cary Grant, but well said!]
My question is: How far off are we from the day when a national, mainstream magazine names an openly gay man as the Sexiest Man Alive? Could it happen today? In five years? 10? Never? You tell me.
Regardless of when any mainstream magazine says so, Tim Gunn *is* sexy, and charming, and is almost single-handedly doing more to change the hearts and minds of America about gay people than anyone else on TV today.
Meanwhile, tomorrow night is the big 'Project Runway' finale. Readers of Worth Repeating remain steadfast in their belief that Michael will emerge the winner:
What you said the week of Oct 2:
What you're saying this week:
New York magazine has a brilliant write up in their current issue about why New Yorkers love this show. If you are not a New Yorker, but think non-New Yorkers are people too, you might identify with this as well:
"I think the reason New Yorkers like 'Runway' is because, unlike 'The Apprentice,' with its play-school business challenges, 'Runway' is all about work. Hard work, and the people who are willing to do it, in exchange for a faint promise of rewards but a weekly guarantee of weariness. At its core, 'Runway' fetishizes drudgery, and as we've seen this season, there's no more damning accusation than you didn't do all the work yourself. The designers, locked away in that harshly lit Parsons dungeon, toil under that damned, remorseless clock as it mocks them with each sweep of its time-lapsed hands. Tim Gunn is the genial jailer, always tut-tutting and tapping his watch. Two more hours, people! Make it work!"
(Read More: Smarty Pants: How 'Project Runway' Flatters New Yorkers’ Sense of Self)
So what are
your big fat predictions for the finale?
-- The accusations against Jeffrey are
impossible to prove and he stays in
-- Uli's gowns glide down the cat
walk like so much rows and floes of angel
-- Laura
Cruella-DeVille's her way down the runway, stitch-perfect but
-- But Michael emerges as the
Never! I find Tim Gunn absolutely HORRIBLE.
Watch his facial expressions: Never has anyone so fallen into a narcissistic, self-absorbed pit as he. He is NOTHING in the grand scheme of things and really needs to reflect on his life's choices. And it IS a choice!
He's horrible.
I love Tim. He makes the show, and I hope to see him on the cover of Esquire soon with a huge spread inside. He's intelligent, classy and he's straight up. when Tim gives that face, the designers know he's not feeling their design at all. Tim Gunn rules!
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