Monday 6 March 2006

A Gay Old Time at the Oscars (Sort Of)

Last night's 78th Annual Academy Awards started out with a big gay bang, spent three hours on a slow simmer, and ended in an even bigger, very disappointing 'Crash.'

Here's my take on A Gay Old Time at the Oscars, and why losing out on Best Picture really doesn't matter. 

Also check out Towleroad's morning-after post and Malcovision's Brokeback-relevant Oscar clips.

I watched the show with my gay family. My friend Jeff (who's smart, funny and single -- e-mail me if you're interested) showed up wearing one Western shirt on top of another. These aren't the $100,000 shirts. He just had these hanging in his closet. Our lovely lesbian hosts always make these awesome Oscar-shaped cookies.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monday, March 6, 2006
5:34:00 PM EST
Hearing When Oscar Went Yodeling, Larry N. Swenson  

So what did you think about the song?  You oughta hear "Alice The Camel" on his Three Bears CD.  What a hoot!  He actually has three CD's of kids songs...great ones.