Tuesday 21 March 2006

It's Miller Time -- And I'm Thirsty

The highly irritating 'Prison Break' hiatus has ended, and Wentworth Miller is back in my life on Monday nights.

The "mid-season opener" last night didn't disappoint, especially the cliff-hanger ending. While we all know that Lincoln isn't going to die (right?), that execution-interruptus moment when the show ended delivered quite a jolt. OK, I screamed.

The show is great, but let's face it: I watch 'Prison Break' because I can't get enough of Wentworth Miller, the hottest man on TV.

My straight pal Jeff asked me last night as we strolled the aisle in Safeway, "What makes that guy hot?" That's like asking what makes fire hot. It's a form of combustion, a chemical reaction. It keeps me warm. If I get right on top of it, it makes me hot. Really hot. I'm talking about the fire, of course.  

In an online-only interview with EW this week, Wentworth opens up about the ways in which he's similar to his character Michael Scofield and what we might expect this season. The best part of the whole interview is a fantasy he shares:

"I do have a little fantasy where in the last episode of the season we break out of our cells, slip down into the prison's sewer systems, we're climbing up through all these grates, and we pop up out a hatch — and we're face to face with [Lost's] Matthew Fox."
I am so there.

· Jail Bait (Entertainment Weekly)
· 'Prison Break': Dead Man Walking (PopWatch)
· 'Prison Break': The Rat (TV Squad)
· Bonus Video: 'We Belong Together' (AOL Music)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this guy is one out of many imagine-but-prolly-never-gonna-happen fantasies. boy, the straight ppl have it great but we have it better. if i wasn't gay...