Thursday 13 July 2006

'Project Runway': Better Than Ever

I know that writing a "gay take" on 'Project Runway' seems somewhat redundant, but like Heidi, I too am already on pins and needles about the show, so I really can't resist.

'Runway' burst onto the scene Wednesday night with more style, energy and excitement than you can shake a yardstick at. With two seasons of success under its Fendi belt, the show is attracting a greater level of talent than ever before, which will make season three the best -- and most competitive --  yet.

I'm so glad to be back with Tim Gunn every week. As I said last season, I love Tim because "he's an honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned homo, and we need more of them." His blog is a lot of fun, by the way, and so are the comments (but be careful if you don't like spoilers.)

It's always hard to sift through the initial couple of episodes when there's a full crew on deck. Although some of the names and faces blend together for me, I can't restrain my need to try to separate fashion's wheat from the chafe, I mean chaff. Here are a few initial impressions on the gang, with way more to come.

Most Annoying
Every season needs its Santino. Enter Malan Beton. He reeks of conceit, he's a little creepy, and I have the feeling he could get creepier. I guess that means he'll make it to the final three.

Woman to Watch Out For
At 43, Laura Bennett isn't about to let her lack of fashion design experience prevent her from giving these kids a run for their money. Her first assignment project was brilliant. Architecture is her first profession, the skills and talents of which she's now applying to clothing. She has five children, but looks like a million bucks. And she says she NEVER dresses down, because once you start it's a "slippery slope to sweat pants." So true. You've been warned: This isn't her first time at the rodeo.

Guy to Watch Out For
This is a toss up. Keith Michael had the balls to show up without a stitch of women's wear in his portfolio-- and yet he managed to make the show. You can tell this guy is driven, independent and talented. His work week-one was stunningly simple. But he'll have some stiff competition from underdog Michael Knight, the lone African American on the show whose initial hip hop look and feel made some wonder if he could design in the school of 'Project Runway.' Fast forward to the dress he crafted from coffee filters -- gorgeous! -- and it became quickly clear that he could be a contender.

Gayest Contestant
Kayne Gillespie definitely has some competition in this category, especially with Robert, Barbie Doll's personal clothing designer in the mix. But the fact that Kayne specializes in designing dresses for pageants and ballroom dancing, does so from Oklahoma, and spells his name K-A-Y-N-E, gives him first dibs on gayest, at least for the moment. He's sweet and affable, and his bio says that he "realized at a young age the importance of standing out."  I think that's supposed to be capital "O" Out.

Who Needs to Go Next
Vincent Libretti is a major goofball. That silly hat he designed from a silly basket with other crap on top reminded me of when Lucy and Ethel wore buckets on their heads in Paris because Ricky told them they were couture. Sorry pal, but you really should have thought twice before cashing in your 401(k) so you could do this. Is it too late to redeposit it?


More Links
See Listings, Clips, Boards (AOL TV)
'Project Runway': Official Site (Bravo)

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Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to have Tim Gunn back in my life and also glad to see that Worth Repeating is covering PR3!

Now, on with the plug... come check out my straight male mostly sports blog at

Make it work,

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with your analysis of Laura and Michael -- I think they are the ones to watch, altho the second show was such an easy challenge for Kayne -- what a soft pitch!  However, I wouldn't rule out Robert or Uli either.  I think Keith will not last past the halfway point -- he's full of himself.  

Anonymous said...

does anyone else wonder who got kicked out of the houses and why????  The way they left it wedsnday i can't wait to see next week!!