Thursday 6 July 2006

Why Can't Gays Marry in New York? Because We Make Horrible Parents

Story: New York Supreme Court Rules Against Gay Marriage

'We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal.' * 
-- Declaration of Independence

*New York Supreme Court: Unless you're gay or lesbian

It's the week of July Fourth, and Americans across this great land of ours have paused to celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the document that eloquently and defiantly proclaims belief in "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

That sentiment and this week's patriotic celebrations strike me as more than a little ironic. Why? Because New York’s highest court today voted 4-2 to deny equal marriage rights to gay and lesbian couples.

What is shocking is the blatant homophobia and incredibly tired arguments in the written decision. (Read a PDF of the decision here.) It truly blows my mind that the court would have the guts, not to mention ignorance (malice?) to deny same-sex marriage based on their contention that kids need a mommy and a daddy. But that's what they did.

After citing a few of the "316 benefits" of marriage that straight people get to enjoy -- including "significant tax advantages," "rights to be treated as family members" for insurance benefits and health care decisions, and get this: "the symbolic benefit, or moral satisfaction, of seeing their relationships recognized by the State" -- the court goes on to put gay people in our place:

... We conclude, however, that there are at least two grounds that rationally support the limitation on marriage that the Legislature has enacted. Others have been advanced, but we will discuss only these two, both of which are derived from the undisputed assumption that marriage is important to the welfare of children.

First, the Legislature could rationally decide that, for the welfare of the children, is it more important to promote stability, and to avoid instability, in opposite-sex than in same-sex relationships. Heterosexual intercourse has a natural tendency to lead to the birth of children; homosexual intercourse does not. Despite the advances of science, it remains true that the vast majority of children are born as a result of a sexual relationship between a man and a woman, and the Legislature could find that this will continue to be true. The Legislature could also find that such relationships are all too often casual or temporary. It could find that an important function of marriage is to create more stability and permanence in the relationships that cause children to be born. It thus could choose to offer an inducement -- in the form of marriage and its attendant benefits -- to opposite-sex couples who make a solemn, long term commitment to each other.

The Legislature could find that this rationale for marriage does not apply with comparable force to same-sex couples. These couples can become parents by adoption, or by artificial insemination or other technological marvels, but they do not become parents as a result of accident or impulse ...

There is a second reason: The Legislature could believe that is it is better, other things being equal, for children to grow up with both a mother and a father. Intuition and experience suggest that a child benefits from having before his or her eyes, every day, living models of what a man and a woman are like. It is obvious that there are exceptions to this general rule -- some children who never know their fathers, or their mothers, do far better than some who grow up with parents of both sexes -- but the Legislature could find that the general rule will usually hold.

Did you get all that? The court doesn't want gays to marry because kids need a mommy and a daddy. It doesn't want gays to marry because straight people have sex/children the way God intended (?!): They're driven by "accident or impulse." First of all, that's incredibly insulting to straight people, and second, it makes no sense. The very fact that gay people have to work so hard to adopt or find alternate ways of giving birth should be evidence enough that, for those gay men and lesbians who choose to have children, they really want them. There's nothing accidental about our families. And there is no factual basis for their argument that kids of gay parents are any less well-adjusted or taken care of than those of hetero parents.

Don't even get me started about the straight divorce rate, the number of single-parent households, the incredibly high and outrageously under-prosecuted number of deadbeat straight dads who ignore their kids and underpay or never pay child support. Are these the families children of every hetero-headed household benefit so much from? "Having before his or her eyes, every day, living models of what a man and a woman are like." Sorry to burst your bubble, Judges, but if that's what you think America looks like, you're dreaming.

But why are we even having this discussion? Gay marriage is about the union of two people -- in and of itself. Why should child welfare be the central argument of the Court's decision -- especially when gay people become parents every single day, despite the fact that our relationships aren't recognized by the state?

This battle should be about equality. Nothing else. If the justices had any of the moral sense that they so self-righteously tried to express in this case, they would have decided that discrimination is wrong.

At least Chief Judge Judith Kaye stood up for the real meaning of the Declaration of Independence in her dissent: "Simply put, fundamental rights are fundamental rights. They are not defined in terms of who is entitled to exercise them."

Two Top Courts Rule Against Gay Marriage (Washington Post, Free Registration Required)

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Anonymous said...

Taking the note "At least Chief Judge Judith Kaye stood up for the real meaning of the Declaration of Independence in her dissent: "Simply put, fundamental rights are fundamental rights. They are not defined in terms of who is entitled to exercise them." , seems to be one of the FEW that "GET IT"...Do the fools who decided that per chance conception is to be MORE honorable than deliberate choice realize just how WEAKMINDED their premise is ?  Ridiculous , but with such "activists" sitting on benches making the RULINGS, guess expectable but NOT acceptablein the long or short of it all and is but another blip that WIL evwewntaul disolve. Hard to imagine the retrograde fervor that has swept this nation that considers itself such a modern progresive entity..These days we's moving backwards in time, some figure yesterday was somehow safer and more secure and , blah,blah,blah. Disheartening to say the very least but will add, happen to be a hetro that does NOT believe a piece of paper guarentees a "marriage" anyway but acknowledges it does allow for certain "rights" that are attached to such by human/man made laws/rules/regulations so consequently figure should indeed be available to ANY and ALL who so desire it.

Anonymous said...

Well I suppose if gays want to marry then its off to Massachusetts you go.
You probably should live there as well since they seem to like the idea of gay marriages.
I'll bet if enough gays did move to Mass. the people from there would get so disgusted that they would demand the courts to overturn thier ruling on gay marriage, and ban it from thier state forever.
Before you throw the homo phobe card at me understand what a phobia is, by definition it means to have an irrational fear or dread. I don't fear gays, but I do dread them in a rational way,  since thier lifestyle is not natural.

Anonymous said...

Has the notion of 'natural selection' ever been brought into this discussion?  In the animal kindom, there is a saying, "only the strong survive".  An animal with a genetic defect is likely to not win out in the battle for a sexual partner.  Thus, those with the cleanest genetic makeup pro-create.  It might just be the same for humans.  Those who are homosexual, by your own accord, do not 'choose' to be gay; rather it is dictated by your genetic make-up, or in other words, a gene defect (or mutation) has caused you to be this way.  Thus, by not pro-creating, the gene pool is protected from this genetic mutation.  So whether it be by in vitro fertilization, or adoption for that matter, homosexual couples having or raising children has a negative impact on the gene pool.  In the animal kingdom, where there is an absence of political agendas, only the strong survive.  I suspect that the small percentage of homosexual animals out there are not making babies.   Thus, their genes wash out of the system.

Anonymous said...

icky icky icky

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to me that this is even an issue. Two consenting adults who want to be in a legal union afforded to "straight" citizens can not do it.  To those who consider it a defected gene and natural selection, I can see how you would be upset that two gay males want to adopt and raise a child.  After all, arent genes passed through child rearing? Oh, thats right, they're not it's DNA.  Homosexual couples are promiscuous, and straight people aren't.  Right.  I forgot that as a straight person I have only had one partner my whole life.  It will destroy the institution of marriage.  The same way celebrities who marry multiple times are preserving marriage.  It is time for us as a culture to grow up and realize that if two people love each other, let them marry regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.  After all, America does not exclude anyone in the workplace or in public schools, so why should wy exclude in love and unions?  It just makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

But then again it aught to be about having the right to CHOOSE to be married.  I have a Cousin who is gay, and has been with his partner for 25 years...when i asked if they planned to tie the knot as it were, assuming NY legalized gay marriage, his answer was no, because right now they would lose benefits that they have as not being married.  And i understand.  but for the majority, one would hope that NY will legalize gay marriage or at least do a Civil Union law, though it took them god knows how many years to get the Sexual orientation on the books for non-descrimination(one of the last states in new England to do so), I'm not going to hold my breath.

Anonymous said...

In talking about what's been left out, the writer conveniently left out a lot of plain truth. Sodomites are deviants. There is nothing normal about human sodomy. What is true for the beasts, is not intended for men. God created the creatures and he created man in the image of God. Just because it's politically correct to accept deviants, doesn't make it right. Society would be right to treat sodomites for what they are; an abberation of normal human behavior. It's not born, it's learned and you know the more you're accepted; the more others will be influenced. It's absolutely wrong for parenting. God will judge sodomy, not men. God will forgive those who confess and desist from sodomy. There IS grace for those, but NO grace afforded for those who continue and those who support them. Change and become normal.

Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to hear such passion in the way this article is written. Unfortunatly nothing will be done about the way homosexuals and lesbians are treated in the US until we all have the passion and determination as the author of this journal. I myself am a 21 yr old gay man who grew up with lesbian mothers. My sister was pregnant at 17 and instead of getting mad or angy my moms took it in stride and helped her out and are the happiest of grandparents. I never was able to share benifits with my moms partner, nor have many of the benifits that a majority of people have, and so carelessly take advantage of. I dont pity myself because if anything i have an amazing family, supportive to my lifestyle and a blessing in every defintion of the word. This past year the state I am from (Texas) voted on the same sex amendment, as many other states did. I was shocked to know that the vote was only defeated by around 150,000 votes.

Anonymous said...

Although that may seem like alot of votes, I met so many gay people who didnt even go out to vote for their own right to marry, but yet are the first to complain because they have no rights. this past few months, millions of illegal citizens got together and went on strike at thier jobs and got alot of recognition. these people, who are not even legal citizens, banned together and showed the rest of the country how many people make up that small group of people and what an impact they make in our society. Gay people make up such a large pecent of our population yet cant stand together to get a single amendment passed because they feel they are fighting a loosing battle. sometimes I read such poetic, compeling blogs or articles written by fed up homos. it makes me happy but I know that alot of people can bitch and complain as our rights are being stolen from us all for political advantages... not for moral reasons, and yet we sit so casually by as we are raped of our lives and who we are. so I guess I commend the author, but for the rest of the country.. I say strike out... go crazy... show this country that we are here. when is our stonewall riots.. when will we be looked back in history books like we view womens suffrage and black civil rights... last month millions of people showed support in pride parades across the country and not even a month later we see bills like the one in New York. a state made up of so many gay people. the state where the stonewall riots took place and where one of the biggest pride parade takes place.... its sad...... but what are we going to do about it......we shall see... but until then i feel we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the way we are treated

Anonymous said...

I'm a heterosexual mom who, with my husband, raised five kids to adulthood -- four straight, one gay, all equally loved and cherished. We both fight daily for gay equality, including and especially marriage, because it's the absolute right thing to do.  The thought that our straight kids could -- and did -- marry the person they loved, but that our gay kid could not -- isn't acceptable, and we'll keep fighting to change this inequality until it dies a well-deserved death. As believers in a God who sees ALL people as equal in every way, and who loves each person equally, we know it's absolutely wrong for society to deem one segment less 'equal' than another. Shame on this!

What's needed is for fair-minded heterosexuals, i.e., parents, grandparents, siblings, other relatives, friends -- of gays and lesbians -- to stop cowing in silence and to stand up and be counted for equality.  Say to politicians, clergy ... whoever would dare try to define the life parameters of your beloved family members and friends:  'ENOUGH!!! THIS IS MY BELOVED FAMILY MEMBER ... THIS IS MY CHERISHED FRIEND YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT AND TRYING TO KEEP AS A SECOND CLASS CITIZEN! ENOUGH!!!

Come on board for equality, fair-minded heterosexuals. Gays and lesbians need our help.  Stand up and be counted!

Anonymous said...

I am a 37 year old hetrosexual woman.  I could sit here all day and spell out all the mistakes I have made in my life.  Starting with I am on my third marriage and have two wonderful children, each from my previous two marriages.  If it wasn't for the people around me who accepted and forgave me with every mistake, I would be living in hell from the critizism.  I have learn to mind my own business, allow my nieghbor to live the life they have chossen.  Which puts me right out there:  I am pro choice and pro same sex marriages.  These people are wonderful people.  The choice of marriage is a long thinking process for anybody but for same sex couples it goes much deeper.  We don't live in a country where a person is not judged.  My first child was not planned.  I was married for 6 months when I got pregnant.  Same sex couples jump through many hoops just to love a child---a child a hetrosexual couple did not want for whatever reasons.  A child does not need a father and a mother to be raised without consequences.  There are more and more single parents/grandparents raising our children.  Same sex couples do not nuture children to be gay.  It is fear that drives these politicians to the decisions they make.  Ask the child living on the street if it matters if a same sex couple takes them in the provides for them what obiously their biological parents refused to!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Well, Well, if the  biggots of the  world  ever  had  a  "hang out"  it  would  be  here on this site!  I  am  totally  disgusted  by the  so-called  religious  analysis that some of the  "Christian"  community post  here!  If  you  are  so  darned  concerned,  then  just  pray  about it...oh  wait....that  would  be  what the  Good Book  says  to do,  right?!  And  as  for those  who  come in and  air their religiously political  mumbo jumbo  I  say...GOOD  FOR YOU..because  you  are  exercising  one  of  YOUR  freedom of  speech.....  Just think  its  a shame  that  you don't  see this  can  exercise  all of  your  civil liberties and  all the  while  you  stand  for  suppressing others  of  exercising  their rights  as  American  Citizens!!!   TSK  TSK..SHAME  ON YOU!!!!Dont  you think  Jesus Died  for  us ALL?!  or  Do  you think  God  Cries  less when  we  hurt  a Gay or Lesbian  than  when  we  hurt  a "NORMAL" person!?.....Or maybe  this.... that  all the  American  soldiers  that  died  on  foreign  soil  for  ALL of  our  freedom thought  as  the were  taking their  last  breath "I'm  only  doing this  so  Straight  people  can be  free!   DOUBT IT!!!
LOVE ONE ANOTHER  AS  YOU SHOULD..if  you  disagree with  a choice..pray about  bout that!?
AND  BE &nbsp

Anonymous said...

I believe if two people love or even care for eachother enough to make commitments to each other in this way, so be it!  Who is to say who you can be involved wit personally, friendshipwise, or even sexualy.  I am strugling with the fact that everyone around me is Bi and Homofobic.  I think that you bring out a lot of good points about marriage in hetero-sexual as opposed to homo-sexual viewpoints.   Truly great Pros

Anonymous said...

I do not think that church or state should determine who we love and how we love.
As the Declaration of Independance has allotted.......we are free to the pursuit of life, liberty and why can't we as gay or str8 pursue our happiness?

Why can't we love who we wanna love without the right wing types, the religious fanatics, and the supreme court stepping in and telling us who and how to love.

I am a mother of three and I am a living breathing loving lesbian; the woman I love is a mother as well she has two. Her children are just fine they have the influence of a mom and dad in their lives I am just their step parent.  As for mine they live with their daddy and they know my partner and are open minded to the fact that I live and love as a lesbian.



Anonymous said...

I think I have an "odd" persption to gay marraige. First of all, I was raised in a Christian household where "gay people go to hell". I was brought up to believe the Bible is right and the Church is even more accurate. On one hand, due to my religious beliefs, I do believe that marraige should be shared between a man and a woman.  I think gay couples should be allowed to receive the same benefits as life partners, but I don't believe they should be legally allowed to marry.................

However, the United States is kinda stupid. They found a country on the Bible and then decided to remove it ......."conveniently". You can't pray or read scripture in schools, can't even have the 10 Commandments in a court house, but when it comes to gay marraige, everyone is quoting scripture. The government needs to make up their damn minds in my opinion. If they are going to separate church from state, then keep it separate. If I or my kids can't pray in school, then don't tell me that I can't marry a woman because the Bible says so. I think it's that simple, but these politicians are so scared to be "outed" or that gay ppl will do better job at parenting that it blinds them.

Like i said, morally, I honestly believe gay marraige is wrong, but legally, gay people are just ppl that love their bodies so much, they need 2 of what they have...LOL. All I got to say about it is that when it is legalized, have fun and do your thing. Just make sure you do it better then straight ppl so they will shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

It is funny to see that the complex social identities of 'Man'/ 'Father' and 'Woman'/ 'Mother' are still being challenged and interpreted as strictly that in the legal sense, which is seeking to re-interpret (in dubio pro reo) standing legal claims, especially in a common-law system like in most Anglo-American societies. What has now been clear for decades to psychoanalysts and social scientists of many a kind, the roles of 'man' and 'woman' are not simply biologically embedded but to a great extent acquired behaviour patterns through meaningful socio-cultural practices. Meaningful to ourselves, our identities are therefore developing and changing constantly and so are the images of what a 'real' family is. As human beings we have a choice and not being able to exercise the right to choose the way we want to live in a postmodern society is an offense to anyone that counts him/herself as a thinking being (and I am leaving the word 'intellectual' out on purpose). 'I think therefore I am' goes neatly into this discussion. Oh and by the way, please leave discussions around 'gene pools' and other primary school natural selection theories to the ones that actually understand the matter. It has been proven by now that this theory is flawed and depicts anyone how is not straight (nor disadvantaged in any way) as 'freaks of nature'. And likewise comparisons to 'the animal kingdom', well, not that I would want to question the intelligence of animals, but based on the above, I think, in some departments we are still a tiny bit different, right? Mixing this with religious theories is quite funny though and, yet again, brings up the old feud between Genesis and evolution (since we are looking at 'what God wanted' - apparently, who is to say? - on the one side and genetic 'mutations' and social Darwinistic outcries on the other) and while faith and reason tend to mutually exclude one another, I still have faith that reason, based on fact, will eventually kick in.

Anonymous said...

Its appalling that the imbeciles in our New York Supreme Court have a brain the size of a pea. How can they say such an idioctic thing? That children under straight parents are more likly to have a more stable homelife. That is bull! If that were true how come the divorce rate is so high up in hetrosexual  relationships or marriages? I knew more kids in high school that were in a dysfunctional household and they came from"straight married" couples. What  they said and thier basis of it was an insult to me as a human being. I have adopted and raised to wonderful kids with my life partner because thier so called "Hetrosexual parents" could not even care for themselves. So the state had to come in and place them in foster care. I have raised them they way my parents raised me. I teach then morals and to be the best they can be. I do not understand I pay taxes, I work for living, I dont steal, I dont kill, and I contribute to society and I dont have the right to marry. So much for democracey!

Anonymous said...

I HATE GAYS.i think that gay people have a mental disorder.I dont think gays should be able to marry each other because it is gross and marrige is between a man and a women not a women and a women or even worse a man and a man.

Anonymous said...

I am a single mother of three and think the ruling is stupid.I have plenty of guy and lesbian friends and truth be told I think they make bette parents than some f my straight friends because they appreciatte the fact they have childrn.I found in straight folks they tend to take kids for granted but my gay friends who have children that worked thier asses off to get a child and give ita GOOD AND STABLE home know andappreciatte the gift of children.Also on the issue of gay marriage  how would you feel to be with someone for over 20 years loving them living with them accepting them when many wouldnt and they are in a hospital dying from cancer or in a car wreck and you cant even be there with them in those last moments the goodbye moments because you arent FAMILY?I ask that of any straight person imagine that if your wife or husband was dyin wold you want to be there with tem and for them.Love is love pure and simple if its between gay straight black white love is just love.I think folks are fraid of love in todays world because they tend to throw it away and misname t alot now.I cant love them they are black or a woman or man or whatever why not embrace it and be glad that in todys screwed up world we can all find little no matter how it comes