Amid accusations of paying an escort for gay sex and drugs, the head of one of the largest conservative Christian organizations has resigned. (Read the full story here.)
Rev. Ted Haggard (pictured, above left) denies any wrongdoing. Mike Jones, the gay escort, says he is in possession of taped messages proving his claim, which a voice expert has confirmed as being the voice of Haggard. (See video)
I'm never surprised when these virulently anti-gay guys have men hidden under their covers. Never.
But riddle me this:
1) Why are gay escorts who service conservatives ugly? (See Jeff Gannon)
2) Why wouldn't Pastor Ted get his jones on with a hotter escort than Mike Jones? Does Jones have a great personality? A pin-sharp mind? Weird.
3) On why Jones came forward: "It made me angry that here's someone preaching about gay marriage and going behind the scenes having gay sex." It took escort Jones three years to figure that out? Guess that rules out "pin-sharp mind."
Life is funny.
BLOG UPDATE, 11:22pm:
Apparently, Mike Jones didn't know that his customer, Haggard, was a big shot in the conservative church industry until a few months ago. (New: The Advocate interviews Mike Jones.)
After he found out in Spring 06, he saw Haggard 2-3 more times, and struggled about what to do in light of the fact that Haggard was actively preaching against gay marriage.
Subsequently, he decided to expose the pastor's hypocrisy.
The tenor of my post this morning was somewhat informed by an assumption that Jones knew who Haggard was during the three year period of their relationship, which, in my view, would have made Jones a party to the lie and hypocrisy.
Knowing now that this wasn't the case, I agree with comments left on this blog and elsewhere today that we owe Mike Jones a debt of gratitude for having the courage to come forward.
I still think you can buy way hotter escorts, but that's just me being shallow. I never said I wasn't shallow.
I think all gays are ugly in GOD'S sight he loves them but he does not like the lifestyle and if they don't stop and repent they will stand [ alone] before the LORD ans explain why they could not give this perverted life up to live with the LORD for eternity.
I think the escort dude is foxy. Don't be all critical because he's not wearing a leather harness or whatever. I know that's what you like.
To gaillu: That is JUST what Pastor Ted has been saying!
You'll find this interesting reading: "Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?"
It's hard to post when one is this delirious with Schadenfreude. I'm going to bet that the Church coffers wouldn't cover a Falcon model-Mensa scholar.
The whole things makes me sad. It is heartbreaking for his family. THere are many who believe one thing , but are tempted to do another and succumb. I would dare to say 99.9 percent of Americans would say they believe that lying is wrong, but I"ll bet 90 percent lie at one time or another, when it suits them.
Actually, I have a personal friend that struggles with same-sex attraction, and doesn't want it. He was molested by his older brother, etc. We don't know this man's situation. Granted if he had this struggle, it would have been better to have been less visible in opposition to same-sex marriage, etc.
I feel especially sorry for his kids. They feel the real brunt of it, and his wife.
I don't think his escort was ugly. Not as good looking as grelef, but not ugly. :)
To kidzpasto35: LOL!!! <air kisses>. Fortunately that is not how I'm trying to make my living!
I don't think Mike Jones is ugly and I don't think he should be villified. I think he should be canonized.
It took a lot of strength to make these statements and allegations, especially in the face the negative personal publicity, much of it from his own snarky gay "community", i.e.: people like you.
Couldn't you figure out another clever way to spin this?
To markane01: You think we should *canonize* a guy who for three years made money by having sex with a man whose livelihood included vilifying gay people -- and getting the 30 million people who belong to his cadre of member churches to do the same?
That *would* take some clever spinning.
Ok , now he's saying he bought meth and threw it away? And no sex, but a massage from a gay escort? I'm sorry, I'm not buying it. He'd be much better off if he just came clean.
That's what irritates me is that he won't be honest. I don't condemn him for being against same-sex marriage, or for believing homosexuality is no acceptable, or for having same-sex attraction himself, many of us believe things that we often succumb to or don't live up to even our own belief systems, but honesty is important. He should have come clean and resigned the first time it ever happened.
Well...he may never have snorted meth....but I just inhaled a bite of a Big Mac that is now lodged somewhere up beyond my hypothalamus.
Hey, guys and gals, anyone with any knowledge at all knows that being gay is not a's how you are born. Shame on Christianity for punishing people for what they can't help instead of loving them and helping them. It isn't anyone's business what two grown people who consent do in their bedroom.
I know Mike Jones. I know that he is a personal trainer, a very nice person, definitely not into meth or any other unhealthful substance, has muscles for days, a great sense of humor, and he's smart and politically aware and concerned about the gay community. Personally I think he's hot, and if "Art" was willing to pay $200 a pop to get laid by him it would seem at least one other person (and I use that term loosely) agrees about the hotness. And who is the one with the less pin-sharp mind? Hmmm... let's see... you pay a bodybuilder for sex for 3 years even though you lead thousands at a church just down the road and head up a national organization... don't think anyone is going to find out... then when they do you deny it even though you have left your voice on a recording trying to score crystal... then you change your story and expect people to believe you were referred to a gay masseur by your "hotel"... shall I go on? My prediction for Act II: Haggard makes a Foley-esque exit into rehab and Jones gets his 15 minutes of fame as a gay hero. That H on his chest? HONESTY-MAN.
Kenneth -- first of all, Jones isn't "ugly" -- he's not Brad Pitt, but c'mon ... not even Brad Pitt is Brad Pitt, not really. Secondly, he knew Haggard as "Art" for years, and after finding out who he *really* was, needed time to register the shock, make a decision about what to do, and most importantly gather some evidence before coming forward with the story. If he didn't have rock-solid proof of his allegations, he might as well have just plastered a target sign to his chest and taken a long walk in the Colorado hunting preserve.
To my mind, Jones is a hero -- how he ended up tricking is a story I don't know, but based on what he's just done and the considerable risk to his health and safety he's making on our behalf, I think he deserves more than a bit of name-calling from those of us who've obviously had an easier road.
Rederic -- As I said in my update, I agree that Jones is to be commended for exposing Haggard.
The picture of the hooker is a bad one, I've seen others where he does not look that bad for a 49 year old hooker, although who would pay for a 49 year old hooker to begin with. But, its hard to belive that he had never heard of this man with issues since he is big time with the anti-gay marriage issue in Colorado, but, maybe he is a busy guy with his business.
I wonder how this Haggard guy thought he would not get caught? Why didn't he just do like most of the married "gay" men, run an ad and get a quick hookup since any sex site is about 50% "married, but curious." And, all he got was a massage? Where? Above the waist? Good he was "outed" and made to look like the hypocrite he is, like the majoirty of these so called Christians and GOP repugnants. The push these men and women deep into the clost of self hatred and the only ones to suffer are the spouses and children and the decent glbt citzens here who get second class treatment under the law.
GrtGuy410: That is a recent photo of Jones (from last week) and that is what he looks like now. Yes, I've seen some great photos of him too -- but they're at least 10 years old.
I was too harsh to say Mike is ugly. He's not, it's just that one thinks of hookers are being super stunning -- look at the hooker ads of any-gay-rag-USA -- and while Mike still may have a nice body, your traditional hooker is younger and prettier than he is.
Of course, beauty is objective. I'm sure that for some people, he looks hot now, and for others, not so much.
And just to bring it all back to the main issue at hand, again, I admire him for outing Christian hypocrisy.
well Ithink that men and women that are gay should date each other and stop spreading AIDS aroundkeep it among yourselves.that is why so many people have it .just be truthfullwith your self and others denial can kill a lot of people
even heto's need to be need tobe truthfull because the truth is GOD DOES NOT MAKE mistakes he made man and woman ,wich mean he meant for man and woman to become as one. so when u try to put GOD n something he did not will you will always comeout wrong .your are either right or wrong in GOD sight. ITdoes not matter what man thinks only GOD .and what does the bible says?
Thet say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I behold Jones as nice looking, rugged, street-savvy, though not neccesarily a pretty boi or a hottie. Just a Blue collar guy next door type, and whos to say he doesn't have nice hands, feet, tighs, buttocks, penis, nipples, and the like. Maybe he kisses good. Torchsong trilogy line " its feast or famine when the lights go out". Or something like that.
I think Mr. Jones was terrible for the way he handled this. He obviously is just
wanted some momentary fame. Well he has it. I am not reffering to the
minister, I am reffering to ALL the family members of his, and parishoners
that have been hurt by his rise to so called fame. He should be ashamed of
himself. As a member of the gay community it is appaling the way he went
about this. Every person in the world has some beauty about them. I wonder
where his inner beauty is.
LOL. Yep, you're shallow and mean as hell too. It's my understanding that the gay escort failed a lie detector test when asked about his relationship with the pastor. I smell a book and tv deal. Don't you.
whoever has the first rock throw it it was wrong maybe he was just trying to figure things out for his self a massage by a gay guy isnt wrong is it??? I get a massage twice a month dont know if the person giving me a massage is gay or not
Is anyone a Betty Bowers fan? She has some choice words on the matter:
"But Mr. Haggard shows no more knack for honesty than he does for picking discreet prostitutes. As an evangelical preacher, he is clearly too used to getting up in front of people who believe anything he says to lie convincingly to those still fettered by thought. ...
For example, Haggard claims he visited the man he previously had never met simply to get a "massage." The chaste, innocent purpose of this endeavor must explain why he used a pseudonym. (As Marge Davis asked, "Well what is it that they are massaging is what I want to know!").
Haggard is also claiming that he purchased a "first time customers only" introductory sample of crystal meth (meth dealers are notorious for their promotions). But threw it away. This must be our GOP version of the implausibility of "not inhaling," but, in typical Republican fashion, seems rather more blatantly wasteful. Did he not think of the consequences of this lie? Why, poor Nicole Richie is probably combing the side of every road out of Denver for that tiny baggie as I type this."
For the more salacious content see:
i don't think jones is ugly. come on, he looks fairly hot for age 49. we should all be so ugly. i think it took courage for him to do what he did. god knows the man is probably getting death threats from the wacky religioius zealots. i wouldn't want to be in his shoes and i suspect few of you would either.
OPRAH IS GAY, DID YOU SEE HER STARING AT CHRISI ALLEY's crotch on her show where Chrisi lost 75 pounds and appeared in a bathing suit ? She has to come out, she owes us.
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