In addition to C.J., and another student who was routinely harrassed and terrorized on school grounds, the documentary stars a principal who was part of the problem, a school district that did nothing, and an amazing mom who cared.
Filmmaker (and my longtime pal) Joe Wilson has entered the 12-minute film in the 'Seeds of Tolerance' video competition. Please check it out and if you like it, vote for his movie. If it wins, you will be helping to get Joe and C.J.'s message of tolerance out to the world.
Click for Details, Watch Film:
One other quick fact:
The film features the awesome music of transgender singer/songwriter Namoli Brennet. I totally heart her folk / punk / pop music stylings and encourage you to explore her sound at
It's inspiring to watch how a camera converts CJ from a scared kid to an activist. I hope this wins the contest so that more kids can be empowered like this.
It is also interesting that the assistant principal becomes a total coward when C.J. confronts him with the camera rolling. A brilliant, nonviolent way to turn the tables, effect a change and publicize a cause.
I cried when I watched this. I'm not sure whether it was from watching a father talk about getting over 40 years of learned homophobia so that he could embrace his son. Or maybe it was the mom who spoke in a school board meeting, to stand up for her son.
I'm 37 years old, and it's been 20 years since I was in high school, but I can tell you that I went to the same school as these kids, just in a different time and place. I just wish I'd had a video camera, and parents (or a teacher, or counselor, or anyone) who would have stood up for me. Sure, I survived, but have saved me years of therapy.
These kids are heroes. More than anything else I've heard or seen this week, in the aftermath of the elections, this gives me hope.
Sorry, no vote for you. You are not encouraging fairness in this competition. You literally instruct people to register, watch your video and vote for you. How can you honestly expect people to vote for you without watching any of the other videos you're competing against? Are you being fair? Are you being honest? No, you are not.
I'm going to watch the other videos and vote for the one I like.
To this unrepenting sinner..........You are a sinner and will be judged according to you sin of unbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 1 clearly forbids sodomite behavior. Any one engaged in sodomite behavior spits in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. A sodomite's behavior is a symptom of judgment by God for their sin of unbelief in the Lord. You will perish in hell and your "movies" will not get you into heaven. Repent sinner and change you ways. You are a tempter like your "father the devil" by trying to get others to follow your unGodly lifestyle.
The Bible does not say that sexuality is immoral or a sin, the sin is in abusive or deceptive acts. It is well known that the accepted version of the Bible has a endless number of flaws in it regarding the translation, and the views on sex and the role of women in society are but two subjects that have been rewritten by the Catholics. The currently accepted version of the Bible is very different from the true translation, more of a religious themed "Grimm's Fairy Tales," than an accurate reading of the Hebrews who were building a civilized society based on an extensive set of laws, some original and some borrowed from the Greeks, Romans, Egytians, Indians and others. Although it is somewhat amusing that a religion based on the idea of forgiveness and acceptance is used for brutality, hatred and murder in the name of its redeemer. Bart D. Ehrman is a doctor of divinity at North Carolina and has written several books regarding the actual translation of Biblical texts and how flawed the accepted Bible really is, as well as my own book, "Strongs in the Lord," which explores flaws in religion and the Bible in religious parody.
To use the Bible to justify viciousness and cruelty shown in this film reminds me of the Islamic fanatics using their book of myths to justify mass murder and hate. Homophobia is one of the factors which led to the Republican debacle last week. Most Gays tend to vote against their own economic interests by supporting Democrats. As we have seen recently, there are still lots of closeted Gays out there (some of the worst public homophobes are really Gay) who needlessly support the Democrats, who want to over tax them for vast vote buying scams. I recently read that 10% of "Straight" men have most sex with other men. Add that to the 4% Gay population and the friends and families of Gays and the Republicans are doing great harm to their cause by winking at bigotry. So called religious conservative are not conservative at all; they want Big Government to enforce their bigoted doctrines on everyone else.
Why it is YOUR business what the 15 year old girl down the street does with her fetus is beyond me. Worry about the big stuff like some terrorist with a nuke crossing our undefended borders! Illegal aliens have killed over 15,000 Americans since 9-11. "Don't ask don't tell" has led to MORE persecution of Gays in the military but most still support the Dems.(many desperately needed Arabic language translators have been expelled for being Gay) Unfortunately for the Republicans, women vote, fetuses don't; patients vote, surplus fertility clinic zygotes don't. Religious fanaticism and its bastard offspring homophobia belong in the dark ages.
It saddens me to see that the first comment posted here is from a homophobe who's trying to pass judgement on the creator of this documentary by stating that he's "going to hell" for telling his story.
Guess what ... he's already been to hell and it's here on Earth. It's called high school, as depicted in this video. Sadly, many of us have already lived through it, so idle threats about "Final Judgement" can't compare to the torment that gay youth have already endured.
This has NOTHING to do with turning people towards homosexuality. It has EVERYTHING to do with a very smart young man who is just trying to make things better for the kids who might follow in his footsteps through high school. He's not asking for an endorsement. He's asking for tolerance to be taught where it counts, in school. Making the world a better place for your fellow man? That sounds like god-like behavior to me.
Thank you for creating this tasteful and well-crafted documentary of your perspective on gay life at school in rural USA. I hope you win. In my mind, you already have.
To tm6nrb6: We must have seen different films. The one I viewed showed a teenage boy who was being terrorized and tortured by nominally good people who behave in a sociopathic manner. Sodomite is not, and never has been, a synonym for a homosexual. Romans 1 is about idolotry and addressed to nominal Christians in Rome who behave in essentially unchristian ways. Sound familiar? You must have forgotten to read the first verse of Romans 2 which continues the thought of Romans 1:
'Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemest thyself; for thou that judgest does the same things." Romans2:1.
Now calm down. I'm terribly worried that you are going to blow an aneurysm in your brain and spray blood out your eyes, nose and ears.
To cyberpalagain: The editor of the blog is not the creator of the video. The editor invites you to view the clip and to vote for it "IF YOU LIKE IT." I see nothing unfair about bringing it (and for that matter the other films in the competition) to our awareness. Phrasing it as a condition "("if you like for it") is certainly not an imperative.
he got balls to stand oout agaisnt this everybody is created equel i nearly died from a gay bashing about 18 yrs ago and the police wouldn't even press charges because of the issue this is the 21st century adn its amazing that bigitry still goes on its supposed to be the land of the free
What a brave young man. I remember what it was like being tortured in school. It make you hate going to school. I remember being pushed, shoved, punched and verbally abused by other students but I was too afraid to say anything. Who could I tell I was gay in catholic school? I wish I had the courage this man does and I'll bet his parents are damn proud of him, as he is of them, I know I would. I am also from Pennsylvania and really glad I am out of there! All the best...
To Grelef: This is what greets you when you click on the picture:
<blockquote>Please help WE BELONG to win the Seeds of Tolerance video competition on Current TV. Start by clicking on the picture above to go to the competition website, then register to vote by 1) Clicking register to Vote. 2) Clicking the circle "No, I want to register with Current TV". 3) Typing your email address, a Username, and a Password. 4) Clicking "I agree to the site terms and privacy policy". 5) Clicking "Register with Current TV".
Then watch and VOTE for WE BELONG!
It's the video in the bottom right corner. To learn more about the film and how your vote will help, read the links below. Thank you!!!</blockquote>
That most clearly IS an imperative to vote for their video, without consideration for the other videos that have also been submitted.
I am not for people harassing homosexuals. They are people too but I do not subscribe to their way of life. I love them as people but do not like their agenda of making people tolerate their lifestyle..
I LOVE all people but do not have to subscribe to their way of thinking....
To lionhearted32219: In a similar way, I'm sure you can appreciate that not everyone will subscribe to an agenda of terrorizing and demoralizing high-school teenagers in a way that prevents them from getting an education. Who is the menace and who is the victim here?
I love it when oppressed people, especially young gay males, speak up for themselves in a strong, clear, convincing way. CJ is a role model for lots of people gay or nay.
OK so now that you have my emotions - understand that CJ is right ! There is no doubt that homosexual students and homosexuals are discriminated against - and this is simply wrong.
Imagine a world where anyone that does not have green eyes is discriminated against - the world would be in an uproar. Homosexuals do not choose to be homosexual. In fact, i think most would prefer NOT to be for the vey reason's CJ points out.
And on the other hand - celebrating your homosexuality may be offensive to those that are not. Everyone is offended by something these days.
Bottom line - there are many good people out there. Who cares if they prefer to be with men or women or whatever ?
And while i'm supporting gay rights - get this - there are many leagal venues to address issues that gay couples should address - like health care proxies and powers of attorney. So i am against gay marriages - as unnecessary.
Someone please explain to me why anyone would want to join an institution that fails 50% of the time.
Just accept each other - you don't have to agree. It works.
Either way - no 17 year old kid should be treated as CJ was.
Quoted from lionhearted: "I love them as people but do not like their agenda of making people tolerate their lifestyle."
What do homosexuals make you do to tolerate their "lifestyle"--force you to look in their bedroom windows? If not, is it what they do in public that you do not wish to tolerate--like going to work, checking books out of the library or eating out in restaurants? Or do you object to their asking to be treated courteously as human beings? Does it offend you that they seek equality under the law as US citizens in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution? Do tell!
I have passed this link along to every gay/lesbian organization imaginable. Sorry this happened to you. Too bad I didn't go to school with you, I would have stood up for you.
All the best,
guys only have one problem. twisted sexual thinking. need to get some counselling. my basic premise is that if you were born with a penis youre a man and with breasts and a vagina you are a woman. notihng to hard with that one is there.
God did not create homosexuality or Gay people. So homosexuals need to ask themselves why and what they truly are. Who are they serving in life? What is their purpose? Especially the young, they are under the influence of older homosexuals and they are a generation confused and mislead by a society that accepts them. I agree with the person who said they have a twisted sexual problem because that is the truth. The plug goes into the outlet and boom you have electricity. The baby and the reproductive system in humans and all of God's creatures proves how life is supposed to be. Why homosexuals cant see that they disgrace God's plan for the world and their own lives. I may never know but it is very sad and I feel for them, they are missing out on a better way, a better life.
Everybody should stop worrying about homosexual, and gay people and worry about their own lives. Is it any of your business, they don't hurt anyone, they are human beings just like we are. They just happen to be attracted to the same sex, so what, big deal, it's their business. If they are happy why is it a problem for society, if they want to get married, why is that a problem for society. Life isn't suppose to be picture perfect, we all are different in many ways, it's no big deal.
I found your film very well done. I have read the 22 messages before me and as always the views swing from one end of the line to the other. First, to those that stated C.J. is trying to sway people to his style of life, at no time did he ask you to believe in his sexuality, at no time did he ask you to say it is right or wrong. He is simply asking you to live your life and allow him to live his life. As it should be for every person. God is very clear that YOU, WE, are not to judge it is His place alone to judge. YOU, WE, are to LOVE one another as Christ loved the church. You don't have to believe in one's life style to show him/her compassion, humanity, and simple respect as another person. You don't even have to assosicate with anyone you don't want to. But you have NO RIGHT to defile, disgrace, pick on, humiliate, push, shove, strike, tease, harrasse or any other negative conotation another person! Walk away if you don't like it. C.J. was not parading around, hitting on guys, grabing thier junk or whatever, he was just trying to get an education! And until you have walked in his shoes, you don't get to say he is sick, or something is wrong with him. What goes on with him, me or any other person struggling through this life - is between GOD and that person. You have not intelligence in this area and you have no authority. All authority belongs to Him who was born, died and rose for my sins, for your sins. Love and grace that is the true testiment of a believer! God bless you C.J. great work! (sorry if there are any miss-spelled words, lost without my spell check). Best wishes with your film - Robert (WA State).
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