Thursday 13 April 2006

Andrew Sullivan: Gay'zd and Confused

It seems Andrew Sullivan's a little confused again. The big gay pundit/blogger/opinionator has "inned" Aaron Hicklin, the new editor of OUT magazine.

What on earth is "inned," you ask? It's only the newest part of gay lingo. "Inning" is what happens when people publicly identify gays as straight, as Sullivan did by mistake in publicly praising the publishers of OUT, saying "seriously, I think it's great that a straight guy is now heading up a gay magazine."

He apologized just as publicly and now everything is fine. Given that Sullivan is a proudly gay Republican, we can forgive a little confusion on his part.

But this is great, isn't it? It used to be people were afraid to be outed; now gays are upset to be inned. That's progress.



Anonymous said...

People make mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Sully's a Republican?  News to me.  He's always said that he isn't registered with any party.  Plus, he's been acting less and less conservative every day.

Anonymous said...

Poor Andrew.  He should be forgiven by one and all.  I myself wouldn't mind exploring his briefs and see what cums up!