In 'Another Gay Movie,' writer/director Todd Stephens ('Age of Seventeen') takes the teen movie spoof formula, wraps it in a boa, gives it a major dose of swish and sticks a butt plug where the sun don't shine to deliver a raunchy, juvenile, oversexed, gay gross-out frolic for the 'Kyle XY' generation.
Four young gay virgins who are graduating from high school make a pact to get laid by the end of summer, before they are scattered to new lives as college freshmen. Turns out that's easier said than done as the foursome awkwardly bumble their way through a series of embarrassing and humiliating experiences in a desperate attempt to have someone, anyone, pop their cherries.
The plethora of gag jokes -- some of which may literally make you gag -- riff on movies like 'American Pie', 'Porkies' and 'Not Another Teen Movie.' Actually, "riff" isn't quite right. It's more like the jokes flip those movies on their backs, ankles behind ears, have their way with them and turn them gay. WAY GAY.
Nothing is sacred: Enemas, S&M, penis pumps, glory holes, oversized anal sex toys, and gerbils are all fodder for the movie's potty humor. Fresh vegetables are sexually violated.
One boy's parents arrive home to find him in flagrante delicto with a quiche. Mom, played by Lypsinka, delivers one of the funnier lines of the film when she says, "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the crumbs."
The casting of D-listers like Richard Hatch ('Survivor'), James Getzlaff ('Boy Meets Boy') and porn star Matthew Rush fit right in to the bad-taste formula, although the full-frontal close-up of the Hatch family jewels is frankly more than I would have ever cared to see of the now-convict. WAY MORE.
Does the fact that 'Another Gay Movie' stoops so low mean gay cinema has arrived? In some ways, yes. Why? Because this movie sets out to prove that not every gay film needs to have a message. Sometimes it's OK to think like you're 13 and laugh at someone who throws up on the person they're having sex with.
Except for naming the kids' school San Torum High, you couldn't find a political statement in this film if you beat it with a leather strap. Since we live in a time when you can't turn around without your purse hitting an anti-gay ballot initiative, it's sort of refreshing to go to a gay movie that leaves reality behind and makes fun of everything, including itself.
Also refreshing is that the sexuality of the four leads is presented as a non-issue. None of them is "wrestling" with being gay -- and their parents don't care either.
Is this a great movie? No. It falls flat in more than a few spots. I know, too, that some in our community dismiss the movie as politically incorrect, bad for gays, or just plain stupid. But as I sat in the Gateway Cinema in Fort Lauderdale in a theater full of mostly gay men, I heard a lot of people laughing at the awkwardness of sex, of being a teen and the ridiculousness of more than a few things about gay life that, well, could use a little ridicule.
'Another Gay Movie' doesn't seem the least bit concerned with what other people think about it. That may be its greatest strength.
Another Gay Movie Clips, Info
Watch Video Clip: Movie Trailer
Watch Video Clip: Quiche on the Counter
Watch Video Clip: Mom Has No Clue -- Yet
Watch Video Clip: Todd Stephens & Michael Carbonaro: Unscripted
Info: Get Showtimes, See Photos, More
More: 'Another Gay Movie' Official Site
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I saw it. It was really bad, but really funny.
Wow, this is a bit hard core, and uses a ton of gay stereotypes that I don't believe are true, but... will I see it?? Prob, yes!! But, I do think its going to give gay-bashers more amo to hammer gays on, amo thats not really quite true, their just... stereotypes!! Anyways, don't know if this movie is the best thing, but w/e
Santorum isn't meant as the politician. it's a reference to the mix of spaliva and fecal matter produced after engaging in anal sex.
the world is going down. I believe they need Jesus.
when dose it come out
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