Tuesday 16 May 2006

Could the Right Guy Make My Straight Friend Gay?

Straighten Out! is a new column that launches today. I hope you will check it out. It's co-authored by my colleague Jeff Simmermon and yours truly.

Jeff is straight. I'm gay. (I know -- shocker.) When I was out of work late last year with a broken arm, Jeff stepped in to keep AOL Gay and Lesbian going for me. He knew practically nothing of the gays, and would call me with some pretty off the wall questions sometimes as he navigated being an honorary gay man for a few weeks.

He did a hell of a job ... considering. 

Here's a little office gossip: When Jeff first came to AOL, but before he was assigned to specific editorial areas, he specifically asked not to be assigned to Gay & Lesbian because he felt that he didn't have the ability to speak to the audience. He was really concerned about it.

What ended up happening was cool. With his immersion therapy into the gay universe, we started to talk about issues of all kinds, and how our respective viewpoints were (or were not) influenced by being straight or gay.
This column is the result of those conversations.

You can be a part of it, too. Have something you always wanted to know about the other team but were afraid to ask? Now you can ask it. You can send in questions, and we'll tackle them for you.

There's a place to leave comments on the column, too. Tell us what you think. Tell us you love it. Tell us you hate it. Weigh in. Get all riled up and Bible-thumping on us -- whatever makes you happy.

Straighten Out! This Week: Could the Right Man Make You Gay?

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Anonymous said...

The idea that you could turn this man gay is ridiculous but I guess you say that. Pretty funny. If George Clooney couldn't turn him, I suppose nobody can.

Anonymous said...

well how do you know if you really are gay? what if you don't know yet?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but if your friend is a "dyed-in-the-wool" heterosexual - a.k.a. "straight" - no amount of "gayness" on his homosexual friends is ever going to make him gay.
That is, of course, unless he's not DEEP in the closet himself!

Anonymous said...

I think the right gay man/lesbian could help bring out the repressed gay or bi feelings in a person who had chosen to focus on their "straight" side. I think almost everyone is a little bit gay, but at the same time almost no one is secure enough in their sexuality to admit it. Just because you think it doesn't mean you act on it--and the same goes for gays or lesbians with fleeting thoughts of being straight.

I consider myself predominately straight but I've known plenty of gay and lesbian people over the years. My experience is that they are like anyone else--there are a few not-so-great people, but the vast majority are basically good people who just happen to prefer a different type of life partner than I do.

I'd also like to say that I really don't see what all the fuss is the with anti-gay marriage types. I have NEVER seen people get so worked up about something that will have absolutely ZERO effect on them or their lives. If they weren't constantly blabbing about the gay marriage 'controversy' on the news most straight people would be completely unaware that anything had changed or that there was even anything for them to be oh-so upset about in the first place.

Anonymous said...

my feelings on straight guing gay are that you really have the the tendicies to have feelings for for another guy but have suppressed them for so long as that is what society wants. When you meet someone that you have feelings for you hold back then finally you find out the feelings are true and don't really know how to handle it. Some go all out and forget about everyone else and pursue the "forbiden fruit" this is happening right now to my best friend, he seems to be pulling away from his wife and kids for a guy that is 25yrs younger than he. His mother said he has had these feellings for a long time but because society deems  you must marry and procreate that is what he did.  now he has three kids a wife and apparently a new found love or lust. He has a gay uncle that he doesn't even talk to, just tolarates him when they are at family functions.

Anonymous said...

If you're a girl who likes girls and guys, can you say you are bisexual , even if you've never had sex with either?