Wednesday 24 May 2006

Kat & Taylor Neck and Neck? Nah, Probably Not

Plus, the Gayest Moments on 'American Idol' This Season (Bottom of Page)

I think Taylor's fate is sealed as the next 'American Idol.' Simon so much as said so on the show last night. Not that Simon's opinion is the end-all and be-all, but he isn't throwing stuff out like that for no reason. He's sending not-so-subliminal messages to text-messagers everywhere.

Meanwhile, our gay query of the week on AOL Gay & Lesbian also shows Taylor with a solid lead as of 7:00 PM, Wednesday, May 23:

Frankly, Mr. Hicks seems like an odd 'Idol.' I mean, he is an ODD and spastic guy, but he also seems like a weird choice to be the 'American Idol.' Then again, maybe it's a good sign that America wants some diversity by embracing a gray-haired, hoot-n-hollerin' fella who works the stage in a pose that always makes me think he really, really has to find a men's room.

Katharine doesn't have the pipes to be an 'Idol.' Or rather, I think she has them but still needs to train them. She does, however, have THE GREATEST jewelry of any 'Idol' contestant ever, which brings me to  this Week's Three Gayest Moments on 'American Idol.'

Gayest Moment #1: Katharine's Bling

I am totally convinced that Katharine, or 'Idol,' has a drag queen working backstage in the costume department. Her neck this week was weighed down with not only a couple strings of pearls, but a diamond/rhinestone necklace of the sort that only drag queens and real queens own. Although I thought it fell into the drag beauty school of "it's not done until it's overdone," I do admire that Katharine has the GUTS to walk out wearing all that.

Gayest Moment #2: For Crying Out Loud, Dad!

The McPhee Family
One of the few moments in which Kat's dad isn't bawling

What is the problem with Katharine's dad? The man cannot stop crying. What's gay-positive about this is that he's practically single-handedly showing ALL MEN what we gay men -- and straight guys who watch sports --  have always known, and that is that it's OK to cry. Thanks, Dad! It's sweet that he cares. On the other hand, would you please get a grip? When that dam breaks every time Kat opens her mouth, it starts to feel a little less special.

Gayest Moment #3: Taylor Is Trying to Be a Little Bit Rock-n-Roll, a Little Bit Metrosexual

And the problem with that is, it's not working. I'm sorry, but you can't even call that purple velvet jacket he wore last night "gay" for the simple reason that very few gay men would ever been seen dead in it. Taylor is either getting bad gay advice or no gay advice, and both of those scenarios are dangerous. I can only think of two gay people who could pull off that jacket, skater Rudy Galindo and Liberace, both of whom, of course, I adore.

ALSO: See a Recap of the Gayest Moments on 'American Idol' This Season!

This Week's Three, Er, Two Gayest Moments on 'American Idol'
The REAL Reason Chris Was Voted Off of 'Idol'
'American Idol': The Man Show
'American Idol': Paris Burned, Katharine Was Cold, Cupcakes Are Just Right
My Big Gay Prediction: 'Idol' Will Go Man-on-Man, & Elliot Will Win
This Week's Gayest 'American Idol' Moments (April 20)
The Gay Agenda: Get Mandisa Booted Off 'American Idol' (Check!)

Bonus Link, File as 'Kinda Pathetic': 'Idol' Reject Clark Peddles CD

Comments | Worth Repeating: Home | Gay Galleries, Video, Pen Pals, More



Anonymous said...

Taylor rules. But burgundy velour, what the hell is he thinking?

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hicks...American Idol. Kenneth Hill...Who?

Anonymous said...

"I'm sorry, but you can't even call that purple velvet jacket he wore last night "gay" for the simple reason that very few gay men would ever been seen dead in it. Taylor is either getting bad gay advice or no gay advice, and both of those scenarios are dangerous."

You are right--that jacket WAS hideous and the two gay guys you said could pull it off would definitely have the good taste not to wear anything that was 2 sizes too small for them.

That being said you do kind of have to admit that with a bit of a make over and healthy dose of Ritalin to calm him down and hold him still for a few minutes, Taylor is actually kind of a sexy guy. He could definitely use some assistance from the folks at Queer Eye for the straight guy. So could my husband! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love Taylor, but hated the jacket.  He is real, that is what works for him.  Katherine has great vocals, but her personality on stage is posed, not natural.  We will buy Taylor's CDs; we enjoy his crazy dancing and love the way he enjoys performing! I can't wait to see him in concert.  But Taylor...lose the purple jacket...that was BAD style what YOU feel good in!

Anonymous said...

I think Taylor is the hottest American Idol yet--besides having a great voice, he has charm and sex appeal.  Working in the fashion industry, I think it took a lot of guts to weat that velvet blazer, and I think Taylor pulled it off!!!  It was reminiscent of the 60's and with his great dance moves reminding me of Joe Cocker, I loved it even more.  My hat off to Taylor and the Soul Patrol!!

Anonymous said...

How did "Gay" have anything to do with the American Idol???

Stick with the issues at hand!

There was a talent competition and nothing Gay came from it or was directed in any way to being Gay!

Not everything can be associated with being Gay no matter how much you are trying to make it that way!

Kat doesn't dress like anyone Gay dressed her in any way...and Taylor is definitely a Man's Man...meaning he likes women!

And I am very sure he is not looking to make any changes to acting or pretending to be Gay!

So Stop the Gay association to anything to be associated to the American Idol winners...Except the poor talentless soul who fantasizes about his Clay Aiken Idol! I am very happy he got his chance to be so mesmerized by a true American Idol!!

Anonymous said...

Well first of all I really think that Taylor can sing really good, I mean if he wants to act gay then he can or maybe if even wants to look gay he can!!!! NO its not right but I mean DANG you don't have to judge him for it, its not you so you really don't need to worry about it!!!!!!!!
And I also think that Katherine wasnt the best thing in the world of singing but atleast she did make this far, I mean how many other would have made it this far!!! your not the one to practice all that time so why should you be worried about it!!!!
I also think that Chris Daughtrey did a VERY AWESOME job!!!!!!!!!!!
AND i just wanna give ya'll alot of credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone did a good job, Everyone tried thats all that really matters,  and to try harder next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chris Dougherty was my favorite. SEXY and what a basketmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

who the hell wrote this shit. you have a pair of fuck up less then balls.
you are a twisted piece of shit. how dare you say the nasty things like you did.
you one  sorry fuck, your a dumb quare  that doesn't  need to be heard

Anonymous said...

Ok, if you all watched Jay Leno the other night Taylor was on he admitted he saw the Jacket in the store when he first got to Hollywood. He didnt want to buy it right away he said he would wait and if he made it to the finals he would buy it. Well he made it and he bought it. The jacket he pulled off. First off, dont forget he ws in Hollywood....HOLLYWOOD! So now we know why he wore it cause a store on Rodeo Drive actually was selling it. I would doubt if he starts a fashion trend. Hell, if he did I would be first in line to get one!!! Soul Patrol baby...WOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

i dont understand why people are getting so heated over this little was just something to chuckle the ignorant people lol

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hicks (Tay Tay - the soul patrol)  is far from acting Gay,  I love his MANLY, sexy performances, if anyone thinks his performances are Gay, then they are NUTS.  He has sex appeal - charisma - great voice. And Yes I loved his purple jacket,  he is so much like Elvis, remember Elvis's style was critized but he stayed true to himself, as does Taylor.  I predict he will be as Great as Elvis. TAYLOR YOU MADE US ALL PROUD.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that "TAYLOR" won the competition. He was my favorite from the very begining. He has a lot of soul, charisma, great moves, and a wonderful voice. I know that he will go very far.  I predict that he will be another "ELVIS".  but with a lot more to offer. If anyone has a copy of the last two shows, I would appreciate getting a copy of them. My machine did not copy. I have all up till then. Please e-mail to set something up. Take good care and "TAYLOR" continue to sing from your heart and soul. You will continue to out perform all others and I predict will be the next "BEST MALE VOCAL ARTIST". Keep up the "SOUL PATROL"  and best to you "TAYLOR". Carol Ann Ady

Anonymous said...

First, congrat's TAYLOR, I think the jacket was a hit......It worked perfect with the grey haired absolutly SEXIEST man on stage......Chris has nothing on you.  Kat great job you have what it takes, and a family that stand's behind you.  I will be first in line to buy the single, then his first full CD when it comes out.......If I wasnt married, I would try to get me some of that SOUL he has.  MMMMMAAAAANNNNN what killer eyes he has.

Anonymous said...

Why are they considered "gayest moments"? We all have moments, good and bad which in my opinion has nothing do with "gay". Anyway, Taylor Hicks won beacuse America loved him, and I feel he earned his way to the top. Katherine McPhee was not in second place because America did not love her as well! They both are very talented in two different degrees in the music industry. Elliott Yamin is also very talented and I'm proud he made it to the top three. I love Taylor's new single, "Do I Make You Proud". He did a great job on his recorded version, however I felt he did not top his high note strongly, but he did pull it off going into his soulful ending making it a hit that it will be...      

Anonymous said...

Who starts all this baloney, anyway?  AOL?  Glad I'm going to be getting rid of them.  I'm due for a change.  Always pitting somebody against somebody else.  Can't people just rejoice in someone else's good fortune and leave them alone?  How stupid is it to ask, "Did Katherine deserve to win?"  Yes, she deserved to win, as a lot of them did!!!!!  But, because I liked Taylor best, I'm glad he won.  If you say, yes she deserved to win, then does that mean that Taylor did not deserve to win?  And if you say no she did not deserve to win, does that mean that she was not good enough to win?  AOL, please stop always asking such STUPID questions!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I myself loved Taylor Hicks, he was the best one on the show.
