Tuesday 2 May 2006

New Blog, New Book, by the Author of 'Running With Scissors'

Augusten Burroughs, the bitingly entertaining writer, has turned his talents toward the Internet with the launch of a new blog. Based on his debut, I could be worried, but I'm not.

His first two posts are about a cave he'd like to live in and his defecating dog, respectively. Burroughs is a gifted enough writer that he could turn either of these into a New Yorker-worthy essay, but they're not quite at first-draft material in this format.

Jet planes do not jump straight into the air. They've got to taxi onto the runway first, and I'm glad to give one of my favorite authors some room to take-off.  Burroughs has made the jump from high-school dropout to advertising coypwriting and onto the best-seller lists -- so I'm confident he'll get this format, too. It's just going to take a little time. But once he gets it, we'll know it.

Burroughs also has a new book coming out today, 'Possible Side Effects.' You can dowload a chapter for free on his gorgeous Website, Augusten.com.

It looks like this new book could be another winner. It's passages like this one that whet my appetite:

"Aren't you precious?" the flight attendant said.
I smiled because I loved the name, precious. It reminded me of precious stones like rubies and emeralds and diamonds. And even semiprecious stones, like onyx, which was the black stone men wore, and the ugliest of all.

Very Burroughs. I can't wait to read it, and I can't wait until his blog moves from semiprecious to precious.

Links of Note Today:

· 'The View' to Rosie O'Donnell: Femme It Up (Feministing.com)
· Dynasty Reunion: Cat Fights and Caviar (Tonight!) (AOL TV)
· Leonardo DiCaprio: A Straight Man's Fantasy in Frosting (Queerty)
· Worst Dance Songs of All Time (Joe.My.God.)
· Military News: Bi-Curious Now Eligible to Serve


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, he stopped blogging.