Tuesday 12 December 2006

Another Gay Man Hides Behind God's Skirt

Ted Haggard has a friend in Rev. Paul Barnes who tearfully resigned his post this week as head of Grace Chapel, an evangelical church, citing the fact that he too is a huge homo.

Barnes said that he became a Christian at age 17 and thought doing so would help him stop being gay. It didn't. He says he was wracked with confused feelings as an adolescent, but family pressure forced him to suppress who he was, which eventually manifested itself as self-loathing and guilt.

So he became a minister.

Why do these guys do that? And do you think these tragic coming out stories will help stop today's youth from following in their footsteps?

See story: Pastor Resigns Over Homosexuality
Related: Gay and Evangelical, Seeking Paths of Acceptance (New York Times)


Anonymous said...

Why do they do this?  Suppress who they are in hopes of changing?
Internalized shame, and not accepting who they "really" are.
Which in my opinion is the fault of organized religion in general, and their centuries of  preaching about the sins of being gay.
In my opinion, it's  time for these organizations to be held accountable, and stop preaching such nonesense, which is bigotry and hatred masked in self-rightous arrogance!
The fact is  that there will always be a percentage of people who are homosexual, it's not a sin, it's not anything accept a part of life!
And, yes I do think these stories will help some people struggling with coming out.  But more importantly the preachings of the churches need revising.
Stop preaching all this intolorance and hate. It's always been interesting to me how these "scriptures" have been twisted and taken out of context to fit whatever fear mongering agenda they are pushing at the moment.
How about teaching what Jesus really was about, love and tolerance of everyone?  What a concept is that?
How about worrying about doing what is right in your own lives, taking responsibility starting there, instead of pointing the self-rightous finger every where else, except where it really belongs.

The fact that these high ranking relgious folk are coming out, and sharing their truths, only speaks to me of the great hypocrisy within the structure of the church.  A glaring time for change and hopefully a new more evolved way to be in the world, for all!

Anonymous said...

Why do they do this?  Suppress who they are in hopes of changing?
Internalized shame, and not accepting who they "really" are.
Which in my opinion is the fault of organized religion in general, and their centuries of  preaching about the sins of being gay.
In my opinion, it's  time for these organizations to be held accountable, and stop preaching such none-sense, which is bigotry and hatred masked in self-rightous arrogance!
The fact is  that there will always be a percentage of people who are homosexual, it's not a sin, it's not anything except a part of life!
And, yes I do think these stories will help some people struggling with coming out.  But more importantly the preachings of the churches need revising.
Stop preaching all this intolorance and hate. It's always been interesting to me how these "scriptures" have been twisted and taken out of context to fit whatever fear mongering agenda they are pushing at the moment.
How about teaching what Jesus really was about, love and tolerance of everyone?  What a concept is that?
How about worrying about doing what is right in your own lives, taking responsibility starting there, instead of pointing the self-rightous finger every where else, except where it really belongs.

The fact that these high ranking relgious folk are coming out, and sharing their truths, only speaks to me of the great hypocrisy within the structure of the church.  A glaring time for change and hopefully a new more evolved way to be in the world, for all!

Anonymous said...

To be honest I feel bad for the guy! I feel bad that he feels lost, alone, and without someone to support him. I am a christian that does believe that displaying gay behavior is a sin. Yes, I believe that being gay is a learned behavior. As babies we are all born a blank slate to be taught what our parents, society, and our envirnoment has to teach us. I also believe even though it is a sin you still deserve to be loved, supported, and for others to have compassion for you as a human being. I sin everyday and thank goodness I still have my family and friends who love me. We can't blame "organized religion" for saying it is a sin. The BIBLE says clearly that being gay is a sin. He was right that becoming a minister will not stop him from sinning. We are all human and I do believe that you must want to change in order for you be able to change your behavior. I hope I stated myself in a positive way and I hope that it would provoke some thought into what I said. See you Later.

Anonymous said...

Pastors fear not gaining more members and the budget not growing.
Therefore there is a tempation to use homosexuality to reinforce the prejudices of our past culture and to assure the support of smug people unable to open up their love for others.
The church defines right by defining wrong. Actually there is no one righteous and the attempt to be self righteous hinders one being Christ righteous.
The church needs to preach Christ and Him crucified.
God still speaks. I our times for people to breed when the planet has so many people dying of hunger is immoral. Now is a time when God will give His Spirit to all flesh and will sanction different forms of relationship, for instance when there was the opposite situation and mutiple spouses was sanctioned by God in Scripture.
There needs to be more humility in teaching and preaching the Word.
For instance, James Dobson needs to admit that he is just as culpable of homosexuality himself as anyone else. He told Larry King that some things need to be condemned. I know from meeting James Dobson back in 1981 that he is capable of his own temptations.
He has built an empire mainly by reinforcing fear and using homosexuals as his anti cause.