Friday 29 December 2006

Nude Crepe Maker Photo Report

Planning a New Year's Eve party? Doing anything special?

A couple of weeks ago I told you about a posting on CraigsList asking for a nude crepe maker. It turned out that a friend of mine placed the ad in hopes of adding flair to her gay boyfriend's birthday party.

Well, leave it to her to actually find someone who a) can make crepes, b) is willing to do it naked, and c) actually looks good cooking crepes and wearing nothing but an apron and a smile.

She sent me this photo of the naked chef, along with the following report:

"The exotic crepe maker knew his way around the kitchen and was cooking up the batter on two burners and with both buns exposed. Since he was handling food, he kept on his apron and let the all nude crepe maker helper serve the guests with a playful, "Do you want a long, hot banana?" 
The guests were very happy with the good-natured crepe maker and the crepe server -- although a couple of them were utterly distracted and unable to come up with a single answer to the game played in honor of the birthday boy.  The birthday boy didn't care, he had his memories of the beefcake serving him cheesecake and candles."

There's always a way to take your party planning up just a notch to create a beautiful memory for your guests. Got a great story about a party you attended or planned? Let's hear it.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don;t know  where your at but, would u be interested in a party out in Branchburg NJ  E-mail me  @  I was thinking  Fedruary  18 -(    10-20 people)

    Please let me know costs