Monday 11 December 2006

Queer of the Year Readers Poll

Query: "Which queer person most advanced the state of the gay rights movement in 2006?"

My blogger buddy Joe.My.God. has taken up the task of asking for nominations for the Queer of the Year.

I haven't nominated anyone yet. I've held back on sending in any of the names I've jotted down thus far because they make me feel either too shallow or too bitchy.

I have confidence, however, that the perfect queer will come to me before the deadline this Friday, December 15, and I will be submitting my nominee before then.

Once the names are in, Joe has assembled a group of gay smarties who are going to pore over the names and come up with a short list of finalists, then we all vote starting December 18. The Queer of the Year will be announced Wednesday, January 3.

Want to nominate someone? Just click over to Joe's blog.

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