Thursday 14 December 2006

A YouTube Community Choir? YouBetcha

The YouTube Community Choir sings a sweet, funny and slightly frightening rendition of  'The Twelve Days of Christmas' led by a super gay elf. And by the way, there are only 12 days until Christmas.


Anonymous said...

ANNOYING HOLIDAY TRIVIA ALERT:  The 12 days of Christams are actually the twelve days between Christmas and the Epiphany (Jan. 6), when most of the world parties and gives each other presents.

"It's just one of the things I know." -- Henry, the cute-nerd accountant on Ugly Betty.

Anonymous said...

Note to Red7Eric re: "ANNOYING HOLIDAY TRIVIA ALERT:  The 12 days of Christams are actually the twelve days between Christmas and the Epiphany (Jan. 6), when most of the world parties and gives each other presents."

Annoying Spelling Alert: You misspelled Christmas. :-)

Seriously, thanks for the Christmas trivia. Having been raised in a household that was 100% secular, religious history and facts are not my strong suit. It is such a handicap that it landed me my worst grade in college ever for a 'Bible as Literature' class. I got a "D," and was a mostly-A-with-smatterings-of-B student. And the worst part about getting the "D" was that I was dating the professor. No joke.

Anonymous said...

Another piece of trivia. The fourth day's gift is actually colley birds, not calling birds. Colley birds was an archaic term for blackbirds.