the 37 million people who tuned in to 'American Idol' this week really want to
watch the judges humiliate, taunt, insult and otherwise make fun of contestants
who don't fit into whatever junior-high standards of cool and pretty 'Idol'
seems to be guided by?
I swear I feel like I'm watching
Randy, Paula and Simon demonstrating what they learned studying the psychological
abuse manuals from Abu
Ghraib -- or at
least repeated viewings of 'Mean Girls.' 'American
Idol' is about musical talent and seeing people work hard to make their dreams
come true. It's not a beauty pageant, and it's not supposed to be a contest to
see how many low blows judges can deliver to people whose biggest crimes are not
"fitting in."
The "awkward" people who cannot sing
should get screened out early with the rest of the bad singers, not be turned
into a freak show for everyone's heartless amusement. I don't watch 'Idol' to
see small-minded sadism on TV -- I save President Bush's press conferences for
that (20,000 more troops, please).If
you're overweight, not an Abercrombie model, or if you otherwise fall into one
of the 'Idol' freak categories, you're fodder for the judges' mean-spirited
insults, which they hurl directly at contestants' faces -- or worse and far more
pitiful, behind their backs after they leave the audition (keep the cameras
rolling, guys).
These season opener "worst-of" 'Idol'
auditions have sunk to a new low. Simon told one young man he looked like a
"bush baby" (see: macaca, the word that sank former Senator George Allen's re-election in
November). Simon guffawed at a woman's arms, which he felt were freakishly fat.
And Paula and Randy act like idiots who want to be liked by the cool/cruel bully
at school, so now they're playing along, too.
Someone I
talked to over dinner at the
diner last night said the
judges' behavior on this season's 'American Idol' was like watching the varsity
team make fun of how kids in the Special Olympics play sports. I totally agree,
except I think the varsity team is probably nicer.
What will
it take for 'American Idol' to stop the madness -- some pimple-faced kid
committing suicide because Randy, Paula and Simon got an entire TV nation to laugh at him/her? It would be good if we could show some outrage before it
comes to that.
I had always missed the first couple of shows in seasons past, but caught them this year. Disgusting. I will be sure to skip them next time.
I too think that Randy is being especially cruel this year.
Kenneth -
Interesting take...I am not a rabid fan of the show it is totally background noise while I am writing so I see the snippets I see, I do not sit and watch with rapt attention.
You have brought up a good point.
I don't watch American Idol; never have. Scenes, even in fictional movies, where people sing badly are excruciating for me. MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING just about killed me. The couple of times I've seen passing bits of AI, I've been seriously underwhelmed; there are better singers that I've worked with in community theatre. I just don't think that these folks are the best that America has to offer, and when they over reach their talents, it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I always heard that only Simon was mean, but one is enough to steer me away. There's enough meanness in reality; I don't need more in reality TV.
I most recently start viewing American Idol and I must say, it's a far cry from being a professional scouting hunt. You know these people who come on the show really think that they, can make a different in their lives, and to get torn apart by people who "supposely" understand humanity and have consideration for others. I wanted my grandson to apply for an audition...Iwith American Idol.... no longer do I ask "when are you going to enter the contest!." These judges should rethink their actions..what goes around comes around. I think it's time to bring on "new judges who takes the game, seriously. This type of judgement can "hurt a life time."
Comment from;
Alot of people DO watch American Idol---just to see the silly tryouts. Some of those people NEED to be told--like..what the HELL are you doing???
WHO told these people they could sing??
The parents are outside the door telling these people they are good singers..and Simon doesnt know what hes talking about.
Well its obvious that he does.
He is entertaining
If you put yourself out there like that--thats what happens.
Simon hasnt changed--He is who he is. We all knew that from the beginning--even the contestants.
I agree that some things are better left unsaid--but we do need to look at the other side here.
Not an AI fan either. The one time I did watch for about 15 min., was unimpressive. You can hear singing just as good at any karaoke bar. i don't get what the big deal is. I have heard that the judges have been excessively harsh this year. The whole process sounds excessively cruel just for the sake of humiliation on national TV. Unfortunately, the only way it's going to stop is if half the country stops watching, which at this point seems unlikely. What does that say about people? As for the judges... Paula Abdul is hardly an avalanche of talent, and as the old saying goes, those who can't do, are AI judges.
Half of AI's viewers only watch the show the first few weeks because they love seeing the people who cant sing. They love seeing those people make asses of themselves. Personally I think the first few weeks are hilarious and I love it. I love watching people get on their and make fools of themselves. Many people agree with me so let the show be. Quit criticizing it and just let show be. Its hilarious dont wreck the fun quit writing stupid articles like this one.
I read one of the comments about someone putting themselves out there to be humiliated and that being life. I must tell you that after reading that I was angry. I hate American Idol. All my life i've been told that i've an amazing voice and i should try out. Well let me tell you something. They wouldn't let me on the show simply because i am "overweight" And I'll tell you that I look a helluva lot better than half the damn models that are out there. The judges need to stop being so rude and coarse. It's not "life" If you're going to be humiliated. what that is is heartlessness. And those who find AI entertaining need to be slapped. Simon needs slapped, and if someone finds him entertaining for degrading people for their looks, and critisizing them for not fitting a norm that we should live by, they should be backhanded one too.
haha if ppl familys would tell there damn kids that they can not sing then they would not be made fun of on national tv so i think simon and randy and paula should keep telling these ppl the truth so then they know so it doesnt keep happing in there life
and one more thing the guy under me and all the other over weight ppl out there stop fucking eating fast food work out run do shit besides sit ur fat ass down and eating fast food and junk food everday then u want be so fucking fat
Hey. You know there are wars out there and diseases andso many other fucking more important things.
If a kid kills himself because he wasnt allowed on american idol than the fucking retard didnt deserve to live anyway.
Some people can be so fucking retarded bro. The person who wrote this article, fat people, people who cant sing to save their fucking lives, people who actually read this fucking article and commented on it [excluding me of course]
I'll tell you what. Go kill yourself.
Fucking idiots.
hmm....sounds like someone's mommy didn't hug him enough when he was little....
most of these comments are right on ..... im a music lover and i have to say ive barely heard of Randy .... Paulas music sucked ..... and where the fuck did Simon come from because ive never heard of him until this show came on ..... when you have has beens and never heard ofs judging and picking through conestants you can tell the music industry is in huge trouble
I agree with what you say. Those people, even if they don't really have any talent, deserve to be treated better. I was appalled at the way the judges were making faces and fun of the contestents while they were singing. It was rude and childish as far as I'm concerned. They at least had the courage to get up in front of the thousands of viewers of American Idol and attempt to do a good job. It's ok to give positive criticism, but the negative criticism that come from the judges is horrible.
oh butch up... the primary reason why people love to watch Idol is to see how far Randy, Paula, and Simon will go... If people don't expect that type of criticism when they audition, they have absolutely NO business trying out for the show... 99% of these tone-deaf buffoons who show up at those auditions do it for their 10 seconds of fame... so get over it!
I don't think they are critical enough. Most of the contestants have serious ego problems and don't believe they suck. Also, the overweight person who said they can sing and is better then's called american IDOL....people do not idolize fat folks.
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