US Weekly reports that Courtney Love has been asked to be a judge on 'American Idol,' and they stir up the rumor that 'Idol' producers may be planning to have her replace Paula Abdul.
I haven't written about Paula's alleged substance use, but it's getting harder to rationalize her freaky behavior as anything else. She is truly off the deep end, and her weird antics can no longer be ignored. Her comments are so off the wall, and her speech and body writhing are starting to make me squirm in my chair. I keep wondering if Ryan Seacrest is going to have rush in and hold her hair back while she thows up. 37 million people are hearing Paula's cries for help -- is anyone going to listen?
Maybe that's where Courtney Love comes in. Perhaps producers want Courtney Love to serve as a substance abuse counselor -- God knows she can speak from experience. She'd make a great 12-step sponsor for Paula.
Love is a bona fide musician and would probably make a good judge, too. She's lived, even if it wasn't always pretty, which lends her a substantive Earth Mother quality as long as you don't mind mothers who have a penchant for violence and who might do heroin while pregnant. But as my friend Rebecca says, "She's totally boned like, a ton of sweet people," so she can't be all bad.
Seriously, people seem to really love Courtney or really hate her. For that reason, she might be a good choice to be on 'Idol.' I don't feel strongly one way or the other, but will admit that she fascinates me -- and I'd love to see her take on Simon Cowell. She would so sweep the floor with him.
She loves the gays, is friends with many a gay man (which I guess would have included her deceased husband, Kurt Cobain, right?) and played a lesbian in the film 'Julie Johnson.' Last spring, she made a surprise singing appearance at a women's fundraising event for the Los Angeles GLBT community center, which one fan caught on video here.
So what's the word out there? Do you Courtney Love'r or hate her? Are Paula's days numbered? Let's hear it.
Popsugar Captures Some of Paula's Whacked Behavior of Late:
I dont care what Paula says she is fucked up and we all know it!!!
i have never seen paula antsy in her chair befor , maybe she is on somthing. she has always been a good judge on the american idol. so if she is ,then get her the help she needs. not sit there and ridacule her . no one should judge her for something that we all know most people has done. i have seen worse cases. and whats gives with courtneu love? she is who she is and has been where paula is right now. so give paula some help. and don't judge her.
I like Paula and think that the show would not be the same without her. I ignore all of the comments about her and like her very much and thing that she makes a complete team. Courtney was a drag. She did not know what to say. Paula is with it and is very entertaining. She is my girl.
Please do not get rid of Paula!
Paula is my favorite judge. I will stop watching if Courtney Love takes her place.
Courtney has been messed up for years.
well..if i wanted to watch some slurring blasted fool ramble on..I'd go to the local pub. Step up or step out.
Copurtney Love judging anybody with talent? I don't think so. That would be the biggest joke of all. I contend that if she weren't "infamous" and auditioned for American Idol she'd be given the royal boot and laughed off the set.
Is Paula a little off the deep end? Well, yeah! However, her behavior strikes me as more bi-polar or chronic pain treatment.
Some of the stuff that is prescribed for bi-polar disorder can send someone straight into the stratosphere.
Another opinion for her bizarre behavior would be a morphine pump. She's had serious injuries to her back, right? If you have ever known anyone who uses a pump to control severe chronic pain; they get really whacked out.
Just ideas.
If they did replace Paula with someone else I think I would quit watching. The banter between Paula and Simon is entertaining (in my opinion) and it would be impossible to find someone who could keep the "good judge - bad judge" balance going.
I think they should have both Courtney and Paula on together on Idol. That would be a show of shows!! It would be interesting to see who is the soberest. Somehow at this stage of the game I think Courtney would out shine Paula.
Paula is also my favorite judge. I believe they all compliment each other. Yes sometimes she seems whacked out but if she is on a painn releiving substance that can be explained, sitting for hours in a chair with back problems does not help. I don't think I would watch idol if they replaced her. Why not just have an extra and if she needs to be gone let them take over if her pain is severe. That way it would give her a break. I even like simmon although he can be very crude and downright rude.
Please save Paula and let her continue being Judge
elnora from Washington
so they want to go from a woman that is flakey... to a woman that acts worse than anna nicole smith. how can someone be a good judge of music, be the same person that made an ass out of herself and was completely rude to madonna?? if everyone hates the fact that paula may or may not be drunk, why then choose someone who has been in and out of rehab from day 1? she acts just as bad. thats not an improvement, thats the execs having a controverseal middle judge because they dont realize how little the judges impact how people feel about the contestants.
Idol executives cant all be IDIOTS!!! Take the Number 1 show in America at the moment - put the Druggie Courtney Love on - Bring the Show to Number "0"??? Courtney apparently was on one of her drug binges when she made that stupid statement.....................TRUST ME IDOL EXECUTIVES ARE NOT THAT STUPID................MONEY, MONEY, MONEY IS TOO IMPORTANT TO THEM.......I for one Would NEVER watch it with the scum of Courtney.............
Paula Abdul is AWESOME!!! She has always been kind of strange. Just because she acts a little loopy sometimes does not mean she is hooked on painkillers or booze. Maybe she is just a little off. I love Paula on the show. The show has a good thing going, it would be stupid to change it now. And at least we only think Paula is on something, I'm sure that there would be no doubt that Courtney would be.
And you think Paula has a problem. Courtney Love is a nobody and should stay there. Instead of making fun of Paula why doesn't someone help her. How about Randy stepping up?
I think if they do replace Paula with Courtney, it would be a bad decision. Not that it would make a difference to me either way, since I don't like the show. Courtney Love has always been a washed up flake. In all of the interviews I have seen her do, she has been ditzy and indecisive. I think the reason why they want her as a judge, is because she is rude and outspoken and she would fit in perfectly with Simon. I think maybe that is what Simon and the producers want since Simon and Paula clash so badly. Diversity is a good thing when it comes to judges. If they get rid of Paula, there will be no diversity. Courtney is the complete opposite of Paula. Maybe more people would watch the show if they didn't tear people's feelings and dreams apart with their words!
Whatever Paula's problem may or may not be...Courtney is NOT THE ANSWER!! She's a disaster & is in no way appropriate for the American Idol show!!
if they replace paula i will not watch idol any more...we all know simon and randy cannot function and be themselves without the guidance of paula....bad decision
The facts are Paula cannot get through a days work sober, that is a real problem. She needs help! Like, on any job, she is entitled to time off for medical treatment and needs to get it. She doesn't need to be permanently replaced just helped! She cannot keep 'showing her ass" on National TV!
Someone said Paula is "fucked up"?
So, let me ask you....Courtney Love isn't? Watch the news buddy.
Oh, she would be such a GREAT example to put before the KIDS, yeah, right.
Replacing Paula with Courtney would be a major mistake. She is one of the reasons I enjoy the show so much . . .
lets be truthful here , I think all three judges needs to be replaced I've been watching the new season and they act like they are bored and don't want to be there so maybe it's time for three new judges .
I see Coutney went to the same plastic surgeon as that Wildenstein woman (cat lady).
Why can't these people leave themselves alone?
Courtney Love has always made me think of some nasty STD. She is just nasty looking. Her band "Hole" was appropriately named.
Definitely keep Paula, definitely keep Simon, consider replacing Randy... or at least let someone else critique the singers first. I'm so tired of Randy's lame comments it really takes away from the show. He's trying to be a Simon and it just does not work!
By the way, LaKisha Jones has what I call the COLD CHILLS factor... that means when a singer is the BEST, I get cold chills. Well, like I get EVERYTIME I listen to Fantasia, LaKisha gave me those same cold chills. I'm a 54 year old, Cauc grandmother! I love Fantasia and now LaKisha. Thanks for discovering these two amazing talents!
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