I watched T.R. Knight this morning on 'The Ellen Degeneres Show' where he spoke for the first time on TV about fellow cast member Isaiah Washington calling him a faggot -- an event that prompted him to go public with the fact that yep, he's gay.
The 'Ellen' interview is interesting on a number of points. First, Knight -- whom Ellen dubbed "McYummy" -- was a charming and affable guest, but it was clear that he was a little emotional recounting the October surprise on the set of 'Grey's Anatomy' that ushered him into being an openly gay Hollywood actor.
As we all know, coming out is a process. You don't just tell some-one and it's over, you keep telling people, and in a sense that's what happened today on 'Ellen' -- only Knight was telling millions of people something about which he had remained mostly private until recently.
It wasn't easy for McYummy to do this, and the circumstances of having been on the receiving end of a colleague's homophobic slur seemed to make it all the more uneasy for him. You can tell by watching Knight talk that words have power, and for gays, "faggot" remains one of the most hurtful.
McYummy's appearance on the show also gave him a chance to call Isaiah Washington a liar, since the guy used a moment in the spotlight of the Golden Globes earlier this week to claim he never called Knight a faggot, (nevermind that he'd previously ackowledged to the media that he had done so), which prompted Knight's co-star Katherine Heigl to stand up for her gay BFF. Sending a message to Mr. Washington, she said: "I will use every ounce of energy I have to take you down if you hurt his feelings." Love her!
The other interesting thing is that Ellen chose to invite McYummy on to discuss the story. I say "interesting" because from all I can tell, Ellen doesn't "do gay" on 'The Ellen Degeneres Show' much at all. Some people find this refreshing (i.e., she's not all about being a lesbian), others see it as suspect and or disappointing (i.e, she leaves her gay self in her dressing room before she goes on the air).
It took guts for T.R. Knight to go on TV and talk being called a faggot. And it was nice to see one of TV's most famous gay women break out of her routine and do something gay on her show.
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washington is a crass, uncouth boob to say the least. i have never seen this show, nor ellen's show for that matter either, so, i don't have a take on that televison part, i just don't like the slur and the fact that no one has taken washington to task for it. but, that said, homophobia and racism continue to be major issues in this world and every time a bigot spews such vile, hateful words, they need to be called out on it, big time movie star or some tv actor, they don't get pass.
where's Rosie? she'll put this homophobe,Washington, in his place.
I think that the writers at Grey's should make Washington's character realize that he is gay and let him deal with some of these issues during the season. It would be a great way for him to experience what someone like T R has to deal with and hopefull be a good lesson for those watching this very popular show.
These Actors choose a occupation where everything they do in life ounce popularity fits them with the knowledge that everything they do in life is no longer PRIVATE. Alarge percentage of people don't want the public to know when they are trying to make it in the Entertainment world claiming that "When I make it it will not matter" But as one can see it does?
Homosexuality is not something Worn across the face or Body where everyone can see it unless one is Cross Dressing and if that is the case expect some moron to call it as they see it. But with the exception of a Vulgar termonoligy. When pretending to be of the opposite Gender of what one really is can cause all kinds of resentment.
Issues and Items that people can't hide can be exploited because there is no way to hide in plain sight.
looking at those pictures make me sick
I respected Isaiah Washington and his acting career before this point. I was very suprised to see such a highly respected figure in my community stoop so low. An apology is definetly needed and I hope he knows this will have a negative affect on his career.
Words, words, words, I am so sick of everyones, not just gays, hyper-sensitive feelings. I am a gay man, and I don't feel that I am in the closet, but I do feel that you don't have to ware your sexuality like a neon sign either. It's a word, suck it up and go on. Gays use the words faggot, and queere on a regular basis among eachother. I myself find the word queere offensive, but why make an issue out of it. Its just a word! Get a life!
Hellen's show has been a huge success because she has not shoved the gay issue at you in every other word. I am glad that she knows now that people love Hellen for Hellen, not because of her sexuality.
I have to agree with gatorcane7's comment, as a black woman i have been called so many things in my life its crazy but is that going to make be out for blood on anyone who may have called me that NO! washington made a mistake and apologized for it and is trying to make it better so why dont people get of the brothas nack and let him fix this mess hes made. as far as hi job that matter is between him and his bosses. And this childish comment about making his character gay GROW UP!!!! how will that solve anything you childish idiot! Lastly i have ligit question....when did thw word faggot get on the same level as the word nigger? Just some thoughts from a fed-up black girl.
This is so stupid. If you want to be gay and burn in hell then thats your problem. But don't push it on children and the rest of the world.
This is so stupid. If you want to be gay and burn in hell then thats your problem. But don't push it on children and the rest of the world.
Isiah Washington is a disgrace to African Americans. Where has he been? Has he lived in a cave somewhere prior to to his role on Grey's Anatomy. Is he so seaf to reality that he has forgotten the humiliation suffered by All African Americans and especially African American men who have been and still are referred to as series of derogatory terms. Remember( 2006 at the comedy club) " there's a niggar in the house" yelled out
on a set/stage. Since he considers himself a "real man"
he should do what real men do. Instead of trying to lie his way out, accept responsibility for his unacceptable behavior witth a public apology first and then get counseling ongoing, to find out why it is important to respect and accept the differences in others. I have not bothered tofind out much about Isiah Washington but I can guess that he has some issues regarding his own masculinity that have not been resolved.
As a former educator he reminds me of all the school yard bullies who only chose to intimidate chilren they thought no one cared about and when they found out that someone did care they always lied and tried to save face and often got away with no consequences because the intimidated child never stepped foward. Well, finally this cowardly bully has been
exposed. It's long overdue.
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