Guest Blog Post by Rebecca
I've been having a bit of an issue with the amount of product placement that's crept its way into my beloved 'L Word' this season. I'm tired of seeing Jenny plunking away on her prominently displayed iMac. Sure, Curve Magazine sponsored the real-life party for the show in San Fran and also interviewed Jenny in the world of the show (and it's no secret that Worth Repeating editor Kenneth Hill LOVES Curve magazine, but still). But, during this fake foray into Jenny's inner-psyche, the name "Curve" was dropped, oh, 50 million times. What publication was this for again, Ilene? Oh, wait, was that a PC I just saw drama-fest 2K7 typing on? Oh, phew, it was a Mac, just checking.
I was a little hesitant about the "actual" website that launched. Inspired by (duh) Alice's web of lesbian hookups on the show, this site will provide an outlet for "lesbians, dykes, queer girls, gay women, high femmes, butches, drag kings, bois, transwomen and transmen." It will allow for friendships and upkeep of the who-slept-with-whom in a particular circle and beyond. I think this is a superb idea, and I forgive Producer Chaiken for inserting a cringe-worthy homage to that heinously awkward Yaz birth control commercial into her show to explain it. just launched its first, original and web-only series, 'Girl Trash,' (it had its debut at Sundance). These nuggets of "pulp-fiction style Lesbian noir" are directed by Angela Robinson of 'DEBS.' And, oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, Margaret Cho stars in it. If even gay men can’t deal with the drama (and vaginas) of 'The L Word,' they’ll surely tune into 'Girl Trash' for this reason alone. And though I am, indeed, a heterosexual female, I will own one of Cho’s jokes as my mantra as I login to the site: “Am I gay? Am I straight? Then I realized – I'm just slutty. Where’s my parade?"
1 comment:
last sunday i watched lword i thought it was good
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