Thursday 12 October 2006

'Project Runway' Airs Its Dirty Laundry

The Rundown on Episode 13
Part One of the Two-Part Season Finale

I tuned in to see fashion last night on 'Project Runway,' but hardly got a peek. It was all drama and no dresses. The whole show was mostly about dirty laundry. Old, smelly, nasty, dirty laundry.  (What? You LIKE that?)

The cheating accusation Laura hurled at Jeffrey was old news: Did Jeffrey get all Kathy Lee Gifford on us and turn his cavernous design studio into a sweatshop where other people helped do the sewing in his collection? We don't know.

The resolution of the alleged seamstress scandal is being saved for the finale-finale. The acutely edited previews for next week showed Tim saying "Unfortunately...." (cut-scene), followed by Jeffrey breaking down crying. But are they tears of shame or tears of joy? It could go either way.

I must say I expected more from last night. I feel a little cheated, not unlike the time I was invited to some hot guy's house to "see his underwear" and when I get there, he shows me his hamper and asks if I could run a load of wash. Me! Doing his dirty laundry. (OK, I actually only dreamed that. Interpret away.)

Still, it was a fun show. I don't know if 'Runway' edited its way into my heart and made everyone seem loveable, or if these four people just seem like my old friends now, but all of the sudden I'm fond of them all -- even Jeffrey. I loved seeing Tim visit them in their home environments. Did anyone else notice (and love) that Tim kissed both Michael and Jeffrey when he greeted them? Tim is changing America.

The contestants' homes seemed to suit them perfectly and reflect who they are at this moment in their lives. Note to Laura: GREAT loft, but um, who is your heterosexual decorator? Your husband? No way a gay man did that room. It needs help, gurl!  Get rid of the playroom color scheme, and for God's sake, ditch the bean bag chairs! Who are you -- someone who wears jeans?

Laura dominated last night's show -- some might say the whole season. She is such a strong force; I'm trying to think of jobs for her if she doesn't win. Secretary of State? Superintendent of the super-suffering D.C. school system? Head of the page and intern program in Congress? Any job that requires a lot of good ass kicking would be perfect for her.

Laura could almost have her own talk show, or write for a comeback of 'Dynasty.' She has the best lines of anyone on 'Runway':

"I'm not just good at sewing, I'm good at packing."

"I don't think it's necessarily daunting to produce a whole line. I've produced a whole line of kids."

"You know what, I'm walking home." [And she did -- so 'Sex and the City'!]

"I really want to win, if for no other reason just so Jeffrey doesn't win."

About the sewing scandal: "I really have no problem with Jeffrey. I believe it's his designs. You just don't pull craftsmanship like that out of your ass." 

In terms of who's going to win, I am at a total loss. I thought I knew, but I almost think ANYONE could win this thing based on where things stand.

Laura is so consistent and her stuff is gorgeous, even if she designs for Park Avenue ladies with big bucks. So what? 50-year-olds are people too, you know.

Uli could emerge as an underdog with her Miami-meets-safari collection. (Sounds weird, but it could work.)

Michael has been my favorite to win, but it seems like he's been hit with self-doubt that has knocked him a little off course.

And Jeffrey -- if he doesn't get kicked off and I don't think he will -- has won a lot of support and fans because he's so original.

I hate to say it, but I *AM* on pins and needles.


Can you "make it work" and prove yourself a 'Runway' master?


Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I too have grown very fond of the contestants.  You are always right on point!  BTW:  How dirty is your own laundry?

Anonymous said...

I felt the show led viewers on as to what will be happening,tears of joy or shame for Jeffery, I don't know.  I hope Laura wins even with the Ann Landers lip curl, but i'm sure it was easier for Jeffery to get things done that it was for Laura,but I do not like him.

Anonymous said...

Soory Guys....there is no way Michael is going to pull it off...and gets down to the same thing that kept Daniel V. from winning last year, youth and life expierence.....I hate to say it but it really does. I think it's between Jeffery(should he make it through "the scandal") and Laura. Hands down one of those two....they both have a clear vision of what they want to creat, something both Ulie and Michael lack.

Anonymous said...

Whoever Tim Gunn wants to win is who I want to win.

Anonymous said...

I honestly hope Michael wins. He really deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! We may not like him! But, there is no lying! JEFFREY IS TALENTED!! He is on the line and way over it! All the others we have seen them: there outfits before! Nothing new! Old things coming back! BORING!! Jeffrey is never boring he has great talent! This isn't a personality contest! It's a TALENT CONTEST!! If he doesn't win! Heck! I think after last years "WINNER!" (who should have never won!) It's fixed!! PLease! PRW ! pick a real talent this year! Like you did the first year!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to even try to guess who will win Project Runway this season.  Each and every one of them is just BAD in their own right.  Micheal is so street and crowd oriented that his clothing will fit in anywhere and can easily match a mood.  Jeffrey(whose attitude I can't stand) is also super out there.  He is the one to make someone sho nuff stand out in crowd but still not look outlandish.  Uli is sheer sexy with her flowing garments that seem to say," take me away Calgon" and I love the natural flow her clothing has.  Laura...what can I say but sit up straight and be mindful of your surroundings!  Her clothing has so much class without he sass-yet you'll look like royalty in them.  I am so anxious for the finale and I can only say that they are all my favorites!!!  Hi micheal!!!  love ya!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was leaning towards Michael until I saw this episode. Something has shaken his confidence and I hope he regains it soon. I simply do not want Jeffrey to win because he has a very nasty attitude. I can't understand how he can be so loving and tender towards his son but seem to have so little patience with the rest of the world. All season I was hoping he would just go and have a drink already if that would bring some humanity and decency into him. But this is a reality show, and even though they played up his so called hatred of Angela for all it was worth, i still maintain that maybe he actually wanted to jump her bones. I did not appreciate the way he cut down everyone's designs and skills. His outfits looked like hookerwear to me, period.
Some people don't like Laura, and neither did I at first, but I do now. There was something about seeing her in her own surroundings that made her seem softer and less of a bitch. I think she had cause to talk to Tim about Jeffrey's work. Uli is nice, but it would not kill her to diversify her style just a bit. Ok, we know you can make nice, flowy, printed dresses. What else can you do?
Whoever wins, their lives have already be changed and I am certain they all will find their own measure of success from being on the show. I am wondering what happened to last year's winner..