Tuesday 31 October 2006

A Supernatural Hook-Up

One of my Myspace page pals is a writer by the name of Rick R. Reed. As the "Stephen King of gay horror," he's published several books in the genre, which I urge you to check out on Rick's Web site. I can't wait for his new book, 'IM,' (tag line: "Instant Message or Instant Murder?") Scare me!

True confession: I have a crush on Rick's brain.

A couple of days ago, Rick posted a haunting real-life account of a supernatural sexual encounter he had at one end of the St. Boniface cemetery in Chicago.  On this Halloween, it seems only too appropriate to share.

I was at the Eagle on that October night. The air outside was warm, due to a late influx of Indian summer. The clouds hung low, trapping the warm, moist air near the earth. Inside the Eagle, the air was hot, due to the masses of male bodies clumped together, in various stages of inebriation and lust. However, even with all these men, men, men, everywhere I looked, there was, alas, not one for me. Sure, there was a redhead (appropriately named Woody) who wanted to make the beast with two backs, but I wasn't in the mood for an audience and he wasn't in the mood to go elsewhere. So, after plying myself with alcohol and despair, I headed out into the night, which was eerily lit by a full moon, cauled by the afore-mentioned clouds ...

... But on that night, I got more than I bargained for.

What happened? You must click to find out.

Also spooky today:

Top 10 Lesbian Vampire Flicks (After Ellen.com)

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