Tuesday 16 January 2007

'God's Gay Child'

This short but sweet letter to the editor is on Boston.com's list of most e-mailed articles. No one can say it like a mom can. 

January 15, 2007

LOVE AND let love.

God gave me a gift, a wonderful son who happens to be gay. God does not give inferior gifts. God does not make mistakes. This little boy that God gave to me is now a fine young man. But my son is treated like a second-class citizen by my church. Maybe my state constitution will treat him likewise. I pray that it will not.

If you had a gay loved one in your family you would be a better person. You would be sensitive to the discrimination gays endure. You would realize that they, too, are entitled to mutual love.

God will continue to send gay babies. We must take them into our hearts and our lives. That would please God.




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*Applause!!*  If only someone would sit up and listen!! In a world that still hangs people, it doesn't surprise me that we're still seen as 'scum' by so many!

Great entry,


Anonymous said...

she's right
huh... who was that other guy that discriminated ppl by the way they lived and their culture/beleifs? i think his name was hitler.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amen I would consider myself to be lucky if I were the guy to earn your sons LOVE. God bless you. I hope many more people take your wise,warm,and loving words to heart. The USA as a whole would be a better reflection of what our founding fathers had in mind. If only there were more people like you

Anonymous said...

I COULDN'T AGREE WITH THE LADY AND THE OTHER POSTS ON HERE MORE!!! As I myself said in another post on here some months ago, GOD CREATED US ALL!! We NEED to love one another and in the words of my favorite artist/singer Sting:
                                 "For all those born beneath an angry
                                  "Lest we forget how fragile we are."

P.S. Kenny-I love,love,love your journals. Please keep sending me these journals.GOD BLESS ALL!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

to christimade6: Thank you for your kind words. You made my day. :-)  -- Kenny/Kenneth

Anonymous said...

Back at ya Kenneth. You sound like a doll.

Anonymous said...

I too have a gay son and not a day goes by that I dont worry about how other people might treat him. I am so very confused about religions that judge people. Only God can judge a person. So very much hatred in this world. Like the other lady posted, if everyone had a gay or lesbian person in there famlies maybe they would not be so cruel.  I am so proud and blessed to have my son and let him know daily how much he is loved and respected. I feel like un-educated people are the ones that condemn the most and alot of times they profess to be christians. What kind of character do these people have???? Bonnie Norman Atlanta

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So wonderful to see  your comments.  I have a lesbian daughter.  She told me that she realized she was different when she was five years old.  I believe we have more gay and lesbian humans out there then what we will ever know.  They live in fear and are afraid to let anyone know their situation.  She has met a lady who is a wonderful human being.  If I would have to pick a partner for her, I couldn't have picked a better one.  I love HER like she is another daughter.  WE MUST NOT JUDGE ANYONE.  It is not our job - only our Lord's job.  We do not understand why all of this happens, but these gay and lespian people didn't ask to be born.  WE brought them into this world.

Anonymous said...

God does not send gay babies into the world. Man gives into the lust of the flesh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do you consider them Gods children. As we have been told time and time again right "out of the bible" He made Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Evan. It is a mortal sin to have sex with the same gender. Get out your bible and READ! Yes we are to love the sinner but hate the sin but acceptance of this sickness is the same as saying it is ok to be a queer. They are not gays, Look up gay in the dictionary. Gay is happy, cheerful etc. Queer is odd, wierd, unusual. I am not a people hater by no means but this world is going to hell because of all the "acceptance" we are doing. If you hate me I am so sorry and if you hate what I have written all I can say is wait until the day we meet our maker and see who gets "Left Behind."

Anonymous said...

I guess some people will never except it will they?They need to get over it. i have a gay stepbrother and I love him no matter what.I really hate when these people start with the bible lecture.I bet 75% are the biggest sinners on earth.

Anonymous said...

Sin is Sin no matter how you look at it. to lie is a lie to murder is a murder and lust is lust . God spoke for himself when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah which in fact they found the citys and when they found them men were stuck together. God is no respector of persons. God said what God said. When God Comes back we have to stand before him with all of our sins weather good or bad. So, we can keep on guessing what God thinks or read what he says. it is simple. Now, By all means my sister is Lesbian but, i tell her i love her with all my heart and she knows that but, i also let her know God HATES SIN first of all to have sexual relations with out marriage is against God any way. So if we juge all men then we must be judge by our own words. I dont judge my friends who are gay or family but, the bible already says it not me judgeing . I just know God is not to kosher about it. Like child rapist or murder oh we throw the book at them is this how God made them hmm! everyone has some problems without God. If your a  christian just know that one of the endtime signs is Homosexuality you cant get around it. The same with murder, hate , dishonor to parents etc. you cant escape it until Christ comes back we dont need physicology we need the Holy Ghost.

Anonymous said...

To wattsintexas re:

"He made Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Evan"--That is not an argument.  It is a bumper sticker.

"...all I can say is wait until the day we meet our maker and see who gets 'Left Behind.'"  God will not be consulting you on the salvation of others.  To make unverifiable threats on His behalf is a vacuous display of personal impotence

Anonymous said...

That's the most idiotic story I ever heard of.  How can a baby be sexually oriented.  A childs hormones don't kick in until puberty.  What a crock!

Anonymous said...

I agree it is too bad gays are treated as they are in respect to discrimination.  but it appears that they want ACCEPTANCE and not just tolerance.
there is a huge gulf between tolerance and acceptance.
I will tolerate your behavior but never see it as acceptable.  like a daughter who is a prostitute, You still love her but will never see her life style as ok or acceptable socially or morally .  .  .  .  even if it is legal.  God tolerates our sinful behavior and still loves us but does not see it as acceptable.  The more open the gay life becomes the more it is seen as normal and ok and this is what "they" want.  They want to have their life seen as normal and be socially acceptable.  It is not and should never be.

Anonymous said...

To sifudeloa7 re:

"God spoke for himself when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah which in fact they found the citys and when they found them men were stuck together." *No they didn't. Please provide a field report from a reputable, peer-reviewed archaeological publication.*

"The same with murder, hate , dishonor to parents etc. you cant escape it until Christ comes back." *If you can't distinguish between activities that harm and victimize and those that do not, then I would advise everyone to avoid being alone with you.*

Anonymous said...

Most people now a-days wouldn't even think that discriminating against blacks or women is right. Once gays earn their rights, people like our children and grandchildren won't even think about it. They will think how stupid we were that we didn't want gays to have the same rights as married couples. As a few of the posts have been saying, you do need to know someone gay and really respect them to know that they are exactly the same as me and everyone else. My aunt is a lesbian and she has been with her partner since before I was born. It never seemed odd to me that they were together. It was just commonplace. People need to see that LOVE IS LOVE no matter with who. There is nothing weird about loving someone of the same sex. Love is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The bible clearly clearly says that it is UNnatural and it is an abomination to God!!! But like alot of people now days they disregard the Bible and the Wishes of God! That is why one of the Highest rate of physilogical therapy is Gay people. It is Unnatural to have sex with the same sex! And its disgusting!! Unclean!! Yuck!!! And God is perfect, he never makes mistakes, so being a homosexual is your choice and its the wrong choice.. God has NOTHING to do with your decision. He is as far from it as he can be. People make choices everyday its up to you to make the right choices when you are faced with something. So when you feel those emotions to the same sex and you give into it, then that is YOUR choice Not God's. He hates homosexuality.. not the person because he can forgive you for your decision. It's your choice to make the RIGHT decision! Very clear that you need to read Ephesians 5:21-28 It says Husbands love your wife.. not Husbands love your husbands or visa versa. Read 2 Timothy chapter 3..


Anonymous said...

you sound delusional and morbid.  think about an angel who smiles but dosen't participate during the apocolypse.  let me guess, you put your son in the bathtub with his siblings and encouraged fruity behaviour?  he hates you all unconsciously.

Anonymous said...

To beccanbelleview4:

Why don't you get back to us after you read 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-14--if you have the temerity to do so. Just a hint:  put on asbestos pantyhose first <wink>.

Anonymous said...

With all respect to you deserve .....i think you should read the Bible to see if you are correct or not ........have you ever read Romans 1:24 -28 i believe the Bible is clear about it....dont take this comment personal i just tell what the bible say..God bless you

Anonymous said...

Have any of you who are quoting the bible for use against homosexuality taken into account that although the Bible may have been dictated by a perfect God, it was recorded and translated by imperfect people with their own views and opinions. Why don't we just put the quoting and damning and judging and persecuting aside and respect and love our fellow human beings for right now.  

Anonymous said...

To jguineaz: The passage you cite is a discussion of idolatrous worship which the Greek of the passage makes absolutely clear.  Greek has words called 'particles" that serve as linguistic sign posts.  Paul proceeds in CLEAR OUTLINE fashion in Romans 1: 18-32.  

I.  18, The wrath of God is revealed against the unrighteosness and godlessness of men.

     A.  19-20.  dioti--Subheading is signaled in Greek by dioti.  Because God has made himself known and manifest  to them
     B.  21-3  dioti---2nd parallel subheading signaled in Greek by dioti.  Because, knowing him, they did not glorify him and   were not thankful;  They made corruptible images (eikones).

       The following three subheadings are introduced by identical phrases that indicate they are parallel and elaborate the topic of idolatry in vv. 21-3

                1.  24-5.  dio paredoken autous o Theos en... God  gave them over to akatharsia
                2. 26-7. dia tauta paredoken autous o Theos- God gave them over to pathe atimias.
                3.  28-32  paredoken autous o Theos  God gave  them over to adokimon noun

The discussion at 1: 26-7 is clearly situated under the topic of idolatrous worship and is not a discussion of "homosexuality" per se, nor is it a topic unto itself. It is one of the three ways in which Paul characterizes idolatry by example.  He is typifiying orgiastic worship.  Most notably it does not deal with "homosexual relationships" in any way that we understand them today.

Anonymous said...

To my dear Bible-quoting gay haters: don't even try to take on Grelef. He's Worth Repeating's secret weapon and resident biblical scholar. This isn't his first time at the rodeo, people!

Anonymous said...

There are many people in our world who don't believe in the bible, so to use this as a basis for right and wrong only works on a personal level  as to what your belief  system is.  Thank God for his other religions, many of which don't use their beliefs to condemn people the way that supposed Christians do.  

The best thing I ever heard said was to a "christian" group.... quite worrying about what others are doing and start to work on your own shortcomings... you'll find you have a full-time job!  


Anonymous said...

This is the most ridiculous propaganda I've ever read! Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

You are right that your son should  be loved, just as much as the next person. Only, God didn't create Homosexuality- but he created man and woman. We all all "Gods Children." We all have sin and that includes those that are practicly homosexuality. God still made us, he still loves us, and he still knows all the plans he has for us, as well as what path we follow whether it be his or our own. Maybe what a lot of Christians should start doing is quietly and honestly pray to God that these people that   are "Gay" will have a personal encounter with Christ, and that that tormenting spirit will have to leave them. Many people who say they are Gay are really torn and tormented -by spiritual things -and they need healing.

Anonymous said...

wow, what a letter. i have to say i have conversations about this all of the with my family... my grandmothers a lutheran pastor.. and welll.. i guess shes not really open to anything like that. i completely agree with you God doesnt make mistakes, i wish churches were just more accepting.. unfortunatly since so many people are persecuted for their "sexual perference" its crazy, ive worked with so many people who just want to kill themselves because they are not accepted for WHO THEY ARE, the numbers are outstanding. my grandmother is very strict when it comes to gay and lesbian people... they're people too and anyone that looks down on them for [once again] WHO THEY ARE is just ignorant. 40years ago people were discrimated against for their skin color.. dont even get me started on that issue, my boyfriends black and im white and even i got problems for being with him, but we still remain strong and on valentines day it will be our 4 year anniversary. to anyone that puts you or your son down, just think they have nothing better to do in their lives... God doesnt make mistakes and he accepts everyone for who they are, regardless of our difference.

Anonymous said...

To thanks4thesun re: "Many people who say they are Gay are really torn and tormented -by spiritual things -and they need healing."

What evidence can you supply for such an undemonstrable and irresponsible fabrication?  On the contrary, many gay people are tormented by people like you--your post supplies the evidence. Perhaps you are the one whose soul needs healing.  God, did, indeed, create men and women--both the heterosexuals and the homosexuals. Your blind and sanctimonious refusal to acknowledge part of each group cannot be understood as reliable evidence on He himself regards the matter.

Anonymous said...

         OMG...  What are you ppl doing to this child and others.... How can one be born gay with the instinct to procreate.  Furthermore, God does not like sin... why do they call it queer, it is odd, un-natural.  This why children are not allowed to vote, drink, or make major decisions.  The gay fifedom prey on the young with brainwashing techniques not unlike that of muslims.  Also, there is more of a preudice against straight, normal ppl in the so-called gay community than there is visa-versa.  A world gone insane with BS retoric and twisted propaganda... You ppl should be ashameed of yourselfs and bow down to GOD;Not the the idol worshiping, free feeling do as you please religion of if it feels good do it.

Anonymous said...

I do not think it is wrong for two men or two women to share their lives. I belive it is wrong for them to have a sexual relationship.If they are so determined to have a relationship why can't they have the determination to live a abstanent one.
My 15 yr.old daughter uses GAY as a fashion statement .There is a teacher at her high school that is openly gay....Infact her partner is another teacher in the next grade. The more upset I was the cooler it looked to her. She asked another teacher at school for her opinion.  She said there was nothing wrong with it. The principle and the super intendent both told me these ladies had rights, RIGHTS???You have the right to send your child to school everyday for an education in Reading,English,history,and Math they/we CAN NOT say the word GOD nor can we answer any questions or give our opinion or beleif about religions of any kind. but we may talk about the sexual orientation of staff members including ones self. Am I the only one who sees a problem?? men walk down the street holding hands? I do not know why people want to live like what they see on TV Don't they relize that was someones joke. tv is not real it is made up!!!!!!!What happened to little house ?? If someone there was gay you really just never knew it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To dmr3demach7 re: "You ppl should be ashameed of yourselfs and bow down to GOD."

How do you rationalize being divorced when Christ forbids it?

Anonymous said...

If God "created" people as homosexuals, He wouldn't condemn homosexual activities.  It's not what they are, it's what they do, and, with the help and grace of God,  they can be forgiven of it and change their actions.  The promotion of the "created homosexual" myth is nothing more, and certainly nothing less than the contiuation of satan's attack against Christ.  Satan is the father of lies and lies are his best weapon and he has found a lot of instruments of deceit in homosexuals.  Notice I said God has condemned the homosexual activities.  He hasn't condemned the thoes guilty of that activity YET, but He has warned us that He will judge each of us for any sin that has not been atoned for by Jesus Christ.  The Bible has made it very clear how homosexual sins will be viewed on judgement day.   Now, go live your lives as you think best but before you continue to mislead others about homosexuality, consider this, God has said we would be better off to have a millstone tied around our neck and be thrown in to the sea than to deliberately cause others to sin.    

Anonymous said...

After reading so much of what the "Christians" have had to say ... all I can say is "THANK GOD I'M AN ATHIEST" it gives my mind more time to care about others and not condemn them!

Anonymous said...

To larrymariong: The use of the terminology "homosexual" and "heterosexual" is actually anachronistic  There is no word in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek that means "homosexual, heterosexual, homosexuality, or heterosexuality." The notion of "sexual orientation" as an aspect of identity is a product of modern psychoanalytic theory.  These words were coined 20 centuries after the writing of the New Testament to designate two different types of sexual "orientation"--a concept that was not even in play until the late 19th century.  It is surely significant that the first time the word "homosexual" was actually used in an English translation of the Bible (RSV in 1948) was after the concept of "sexual orientation" had entered the mainstream of social thought.

The Bible is concerned with the appropriateness of specific activities in specific contexts.  There is nothing to suggest that ALL opposite sex activity is "good." It is only approved in specific context.  The prohibition of opposite sex prostitution, adultery, etc., however, is not an indication that "heterosexuality" per se, is condemned.  Same sex activity is only certainly referred to in a couple of contexts that comment on ritual purity and idolatry.  One cannot extrapolate from that that all manner and forms of same-sex activity are prohibited.

To even speak in terms of "homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" in antiquity is to borrow contemporary conceptual categories of thought that were not recognized in the ancient world--descriptions of sexual orientation.  If in discussions of biblical morality we cannot make an argument without resorting to these anachronistic terms, then we are not actually addressing biblical ideas.

Anonymous said...

I am so lucky that this letter reminds me of something that my own mother might write. As a lesbian, I can appreciate her unconditional love so much more because I know people who have lost the love of the woman who brought them into the world because of people like you. They were afraid to love their own flesh and blood and denied their own children. I am truly blessed to have my parents love me no matter what. They recognize that my relationship is just as valid, if not as recognized, as my brother's straight marriage.

I am a Christian lesbian. I believe that Jesus was the son of God. I accept Him as my savior. I believe He died for my sins. And I believe that the promise he made will hold true for me: "Whosoever believes in me, shall not perish, but will have everlasting life." Maybe I'm being silly, but my church never pointed the finger of sin at anyone, so I never learned to hate myself. I learned that Jesus loved me, He loved the little children, He loved the faithless, the frightened, the lepers, and the poor. I never saw a reason to argue with that and it saddens me that not everyone went to my church or met the Jesus I did. I am so sad that there is so much hate in the world and that so many of His "followers" seem to forget His message.

Jesus didn't seem to care one whit for rules and regulations. He cared for people. He was a rabble-rouser. He stirred stuff up. He snubbed the pharisees and the government in his day. He befriended whores, widows, and common men.

I think it is important to remember that the Bible is a great book, and it contains some amazing information, but it isn't the whole story. And if you miss the point of it, maybe you should re-read the Gospels again. "I am the way, the truth, and the light." Follow the light, you may be surprised what you see.

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION larrymariong: Before you attempt to (what I guess you consider to be) educating other people on the laws of the Bible,etc., why don't you consider EDUCATING YOURSELF?! LEARN HOW TO SPELL and GET REAL!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no one is born gay its a learned process

Anonymous said...

no one is born gay its a learned process

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is that so many people who are not gay and have not had to struggle with the realization that they are have the audacity to tell other people who do identify as being gay that they don't know how they are that way. Who are you to tell me that I was not born gay when my first inkling of anything romantic was toward another female or that someone else picked up a learned behavior of being homosexual by the time they were 5 and realized that someone was different? If you have never lived through it you have absolutely no right to judge or criticize it.

Anonymous said...

"no one is born gay its a learned process"

My reply to this.....pain is a learned process also, and it's comments like this that surely TEACH pain....emotional pain that hurts and scars DEEPLY.  Tsk, tsk to you and to those that think as you do.  

Wonder why there are so many divisions of religion?  Hmmm...could it be we all don't interpret the Bible the same so we have divided ourselves as Christians and Jews, Catholic and Baptist?  Ever REALLY thought about it that way?  Why do we all have to be divided?  A part of life, I know, but we don't have to cause others pain because we don't understand how they feel tho it may be different than yours.  <stopping now...lol>

Anonymous said...

You know.. I find it sick.. the percent of all the people who find "gays" to be wrong. I can tell you one thing. From the day I could remember, I found girls attractive.. U can't say pyschology will fix everything, not everyone is made the same, everyone is totally different, in so many ways.. Sure there are some gays that have been abused, and there's been some that have not been sexually abused. And who cares what you or we think? It's none of your business. If the person is in love an totally happy. Don't take that one great thing away from them in this world, Our world is fucked up as it is.. and we add on to it, take a minute and look at ur reflection, you're not  perfect, and you're no god. So who are you to judge? -Shara- if u feel the need to contact me please do write to arahsneyef@hotmail.com. I could go on for days.

Anonymous said...

You are right! God does not make mistakes! Humans do! Being gay is not of GOD, it of the sins that the world has brought on itself. I am sick and tired of gay people trying to blame their poor decision to live this lifestyle on heredity, I was born like this, and other sick and poor excuses that homosexuals and lesbiens make. I have no problem with you choosing your lifestyle. I do have a problem with homosexuals and their supporters crediting GOD for their chioce! GOD did not make homosexual babies, it is a lifestyle that people choose. Homosexuality is an abomination before GOD!  I would strongly suggest that you talk to your son and tell him that his lifestyle is an abomination before GOD! He must change his lifestyle or else he is in danger! To correct you, GOD will continue to send babies, but the sexual lifestyle that they choose is entirely up to them and their surroundings! Please help your son's problem. Do give up and accept it! You are putting your son in danger of hell! If you and your son will call on the name of GOD, he will set your son free from this gay lifestyle! Please PRAY this homosexual demon out of your child!

Anonymous said...

This goes to the first person who commented. You know I've been to church many times and the only church I ever grew up in was an Assembly of God church. I was trying to find out who I was ever since 9th grade and always had doubts whether I was a lesbian or not. Instead of me looking at my boyfriend I'd catch my self looking at girls. Now I found a girl I love to be with and I am in love her. Its people like you that make people like me stop going to church. Everyone who says Its against God and Its not right... makes us not want to go to church and sit in sanctuary where you feel like everyone stares at you. IF you let gays be gays and stopped saying stuff to the effect of pray that homosexual demon out... then maybe just maybe more gays and lesbians will go to church. We already get tortured everyday of our lives especially in High School, so let us be. Im not gonna say God made me this way but I will say it wasnt a descion I had to make to be this way. I love my girlfriend and as it stands right now no one not even GOD is going to make me break up with her to be with a guy... I guess according to everyone who thinks being gay is "an abomination to GOD" im going to HELL!!!

Anonymous said...

Just STOP,STOP,STOP!!!! EVERYONE STOP.  God judges us all. Remember God is love. Did you HEAR ME...LOVE!!!  I am a woman that is completely in love with a woman.  So before you start telling me about who is going to hell, who isn't and how you hate gays and lesbians....think long and hard.  I am going to hell for loving? Oh yeah and you're going to heaven for hating!!! People get a grip, we have bigger issues we need to focus on!

Anonymous said...

To babyxlracker;
  That is the best comment I've read in a long time!!!  THAT'S SO RIGHT!
If you haven't lived through it, then, you have absolutely no right to judge.
 Way to go and peace out!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just hate it when homophobes say that it's a choice to be gay? It is not a choice, it is the way we are made. "Homosexual demon", oh that's a laugh. Quick, call the priest for an exorcism! I swear, homophobes have no respect at all. It's people like you, ramcoach2005, that make us gay people afraid to step foot out into the real world because of what people might think of us. And as for Dorothy Donohue, bless you for accepting your son.

Anonymous said...

Ok well first off I am a college student, so i am around everything, hetero and homosexuals on a daily bases, But more importantly I am a Faithful Christian. No, I do not believe it is right, to hate, discriminate against or isolate homosexuals. in my eyes Everyone is a SINNER. WE WERE ALL BORN INTO SIN. However, i dont believe people were born gay. The reality is if Jesus was still around he would not say, "No my child, i dont love you, because your gay." But he would say if you do not repent, be baptized and change your lifestyle, you will  ot inherit the my kingdom. And thats the truth. But if you dont believe me read this yourself:
1)Lev. 18:22, "You shall NOT lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an ABOMINATION."

2)Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a DETESTBLE act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them.