Monday 22 January 2007

Listen Up! Sixteen-Year-Old Writer Warns of Horrible Gay Things Based on the Best Book in This World

The Washington Blade reported last week that
support for gay marriage is growing among young adults. According to a recent survey, about 47 percent of people ages 18-25 are in favor of same-sex marriage; only 30 percent of people 26 and older feel the same.

I was glad I read that story on Friday so that on Saturday I'd be less alarmed reading this opinion piece by a 16-year-old writer in the Journal Gazette/Times-Courier out of Mattoon/Charleston, Illinois.

Oh to be 16 and have a direct conduit to the word of God.

Letter: Same-Sex Marriages Are Morally Wrong

I am writing in about Americans debating whether or not to legalize same-sex marriages. I say no it should not and better not be legalized. Marriage is to be between a man and a woman only, according to the best book in this world, the Bible.

This country was founded on Godly principles and homosexuality is not Godly. Now you ask the question, do I or any of my fellow born-again and true Christians believe in change in Godly principles over time? No, we do not believe the Godly principles should be thrown out of this country, which they are in today’s era without a doubt. If the Bible says something is wrong, it’s 100% wrong no question asked.

Go ahead and vote for the same-sex marriages. You won't be glad you did when you start noticing more natural disasters or epidemics! Why do you think homosexuals get AIDS? It's judgement sent to them from God. God sends judgement to those who commit sin, and that's everyone, including myself.

I thank God for sending me judgement so I can be reminded from day to day that I am a sinner. For those who don’t know God sent Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans because that city is what I call “Sin City of the U.S.” Did you know the name Katrina means purifier?

I'm a 16-year-old Christian who is proud to speak up and let my voice be heard to the public. I know when things are wrong. Believe me, I know what I am talking about. I know same-sex marriage is wrong because God himself says marriage is to be only between a man and a woman. This leads to another issue, a husband is to stay with his wife and not with another woman. The same is for the wife, she is to stay with, her husband andjust her husband, no other man.

Here's the
original source; the comments posted there in response to Guyer's letters are surprisingly excellent.



Anonymous said...

My guess is that this sanctimonious little prick is about two years away from coming out.

Anonymous said...

From Grelef's lips to God's ears!

Anonymous said...

i feel that love is between two people in love wether if it is a man & woman are the  same sex i realy dont think GOD has any revinge as stated in someones opion about aids . aids is not just a gay problem so why go there  

Anonymous said...

Oh to be 45 and find it so easy to be snarky about the rants of a high school sophmore in a small town newspaper.  

Simplistic and dogmatic is part and parcel of being in high school and the kid illustrates the point well, but what does it say about old dudes that mock a kid for being foolish.  I wonder how well you would have faired paternalistic sarcasm.  I wonder how together you were at 16.  

The kid will learn soon enough that his insular world isn't the only one, whether the lesson learned will make him more accepting or more entrenched, only time will tell.  Perhaps some boomers should revist those lessons too.

Anonymous said...

Yes lets deny homosexuals there rights, and while were at it lets seperate all the minorites, after all two drinking fountains just mean shorter lines for everyone, and lets strip women of there rights and make them wear berkas. People like this give Americans a bad name, stop the cultural bleaching.

Anonymous said...

I like grelef's comment! Funny! I just don't get these people who refer to themselves as "Christian's and at the same time say something mean like what this kid says about AIDS. We are not to judge others and personally, I think people should do what makes them happy. No one can tell my heart what to feel or WHO it should feel a certain way about! Love is just that-LOVE. One should marry(if they so choose) someone who is in his/her heart. This is TRUE love and GOD wants us to be happy!

Anonymous said...

to Cooper: Being 16 can get the kid a pass as a know-it-all, but it doesn't excuse his being a hate-spewing so-called Christian who thinks his homophobic ranting is via a direct communique from God. Give me a break. I don't care if he's 16 or EEK! an "old" (don't you mean "ancient"?) 45 year old guy like me, I call hate out when I see it, especially when is full of pompous stupidity -- and it's printed in the newspaper. And I don't give a rat's ass where he lives. That's no excuse either.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Michael would explain AIDS to the millions of orphans in Africa ? "ThE BEST BOOK IN THE WORLD'' also indorses slavery, polygomy, death for working on the sabbath or taking hte Lord's name in vain......does he support these as well ? It's amazing to me how many "true Christians" don't follow the teaching of Christ......"love ye one another"
What a sad, fucked up little boy.

Anonymous said...

"If the Bible says something is wrong, it’s 100% wrong no question asked." well, correct me if i'm wrong, doesn't it say in the bible that you should love your neighbor as yourself? cause i could have sworn that i read that in there...oh that's right, the entire christian faith is based entirely on love. so here's an idea, stop being a discriminatory homophobe and go back to playing your xbox.
AIDS was not a punishment from god. especially not for people being gay. i'm guessing you never watch the news and are completly unaware that kids in Africa, among other places, are dying everyday from AIDS, and i wouldn't be suprised if 90% of them aren't gay.
and don't you dare say that hurricane katrina was sent by god to teach us a lesson. and god didn't name it 'katrina' so don't start babbling about how 'well since katrina means purifier' just stop.
i think it's ridiculous that you're using the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people to prove a point that has absolutly nothing to do with the actual issue. i personally find you to be a hatefilled person and i won't be suprised if i see you in hell because, yes, i just so happen to be bi.
have a nice day. =]

Anonymous said...

Wow...ugh, it's people like this that really have me worried about the fate of the country.  Okay, I am a 14 year old striaght girl, so my opinion probably won't be given much notice, but here it is anyway: Gays should have the right to marry.  They are just like anyone else in the world, except for their sexual orientation.  They are not demons sent be satan.  I don't even believe in satan.  Though the founding fathers of American may have been Christians, we still have the right to freedom of religion.  Just because the Bible (a biased book, in my opinion) says something is wrong, it's not always wrong.  The Bible was written over 2000 years ago, and it needs an update.
As for AIDS being a punishment from God...what about all the straight Christians who get the virus?  What about all the innocent African children who are infected?  Would your God kill millions of people to teach a small percentage of them a lesson?
And Hurricane Katrina being sent to punish New Orleans?!  Honestly, is that logical?  I'm sure there are good clean citizens who had their lives distroyed because of that hurricane.
Michael, go out and observe the world before you make your jugdments.

Anonymous said...

To Cooper: The kid's attitude reminds me of these lyrics from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "South Pacific:"

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

Anonymous said...

To lovexlearnxlaugh re: I'm sure there are good clean citizens who had their lives distroyed because of that hurricane."

Great post!  You'd think that an omnipotent God would have better aim, wouldn't you?

Anonymous said...

 How can anyone dispute the fallen evangelicals who either have sex outside their marriage...........or steal.........etc (James Baker of PTL and his own show)  Or the most recent....ol' Teddy Haggart the head of the ministy, who was thrown off his thrown because of gay sex over several years, with drugs, while being married to a wonderful woman....Being Gay is what God has's ONLY society that brings hell and damnation through  religion.    

   These men are not demons-only humans who have even spend their lives in the ministry , trying in their own way to pray for change in their private thoughts and actions and marry and have children,  and pray and pray for change...and
God says:  NO.   " I made you what you are, it's not choice,".... if it were....they would all be happily married and not stray.    And don't say, God is testing us !
Get real.... Why would God play games like that to decent people?  Come on.

Anonymous said...

God's word is suppose to be about loving others and treating people the way you would want to be treated. would you want to be constantly made fun of for being who you are? marriage is about love, not race or gender.

Anonymous said...

This has to be the most stupid, uneducated person I have ever had the misfortunate to hear from. This person needs to be completely reeducated, i mean Dear Flying spaghetti monster, what the hell is wrong with people, gay people cause nautuarla disasters. That's like saying saying monkies control the wheather. Get a clue idiot.

Anonymous said...

I feel sad for this boy because his world is very black and white, with no direct guidance from the HOly Spirit.  AIDS is not a judgement from God, it is a natural consequence of our own making as are all STDs.   Mankind has consequences of our own making all of the time.  We will soon be reaping the natural consequences of the environment that we have destroyed.  (We really already are)   The Katrina disaster was so incredibly sad, but it surely was bound to happen, as you build a city in a bowl and are no more diligent then most of mankind, the bowl will fill up.  
I don't think that same sex marriage is acceptable, but I may be for civil unions for everyone who is living together outside of marriage that wants to have some economical breaks.  
Maybe marriage should be done away with through government.  The heterosexuals have made a mockery of it anyway.  
But you know, as I read the comments, many of them were laced with much hate, and yet that is something that you felt that this young man was spewing.  
I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, I believe it must be interpreted as any other work of literature, in context.   I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I'm not ashamed to admit to the plank in my own eye, before I could remove my brothers speck in his eye.  I find it interesting that for people so interested in spreading love, there was so much name-calling and hatred spewed right back at the author of the letter. So sad on both sides. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way,  one of my life dreams is to start a home in the Africa for the orphans of the AIDS epidemic.  
I hope that someday I will get to do that.  

Anonymous said...

Also Grelef,
I liked the words to the song, but was disappointed in your calling the boy a name.  Somehow, I thought you were above that.   Of course, God has been teaching me lately to not put people on pedestials as there is only one way to go when you are placed on one.  LOL  :)
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

To kidzpastor:  Good.  I don't want to be on a pedestal.  I'm a human being who gets worn down by hate speech like anyone else and I've been exposed to a lot of it this week. I think reacting with offense is sometimes the most succinct way to let others know that they have offended.  My barbed remark will not seriously impact *HIS* civil rights is he is not gay and he is going to hear worse if he wants to continue a campaign of dehumanizing others in public.  I personally would like to see you intercede for the humanity of the gay people who are being reviled in his letter. If you think that his was an acceptable form of public discourse, then that tells me volumns about you.

Anonymous said...

umm yeah...i beileive homosexuality is wrogn and all but you dont persecute them you witness to them and show them how it is wrong....also..aids was started when some guy did a monkey

so really its just the aftermath of that guys punishment

also just because god loves you doesnt mean your gonna go to have to have jesus..and not sin...which homosexuality is..a sin

i mean not trying to get flamed but yeah...thats how it is plain and simple if your gay and christian good for you but your not really a christian without following what the bible cant substitute it with other stuff.

i used to be gay know..i kinda dont wanna be in agonizing pain for eternity

Anonymous said...

Grlef, (always can't spell that)
I'm sorry you've had a bad week, and I can appreciate that.  I was just surpised to see you name-calling.  I think you missed my point, two wrongs don't make a right.  Did I say that I thought he was accurate in his statements?  No, I didn't.  
I can say that I have personally, taken issue with people who have spoken about homosexuals in disrespectful terms.
I recognize you are human, thus my point about God teaching me not to expect so much of people.  I have had a habit of expecting way too much of way too many people.  I also expect a lot of myself, thus facillitating much discouragement at times.  (as I too fail)
Anyway, I won't ramble on.  Sorry it's been a stressful week, and I genuinely hope it gets better.

Anonymous said...

im sorry...but i totaly disagree with you.
I am a Christian..and go to church and believe in God..and read the Holy Bible...
but i also believe that same sex marriages should be legalized..because if they love each other enough to go through the teasing and the laughing..and still hold out 'til the end..then why does it matter...People of the same sex dating is just like people of different sex dating...It just looks different to this world and nobody is able to accept that fact...They go out on dates..they love eachother..they open the door for one another...

I am a straight 13 year old and i believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized. They should have all the rights that anyone else has...they are normal people like you or me..and just because they are gay or lesbian should not change that fact

Anonymous said...

 I may only be 13..but i hope that you hear(read) what i have to say..because i am not giving up for what i believe should not be wrong..because one day all of this will make sense..and the world will have gay marriage as a part of their life!!

 Not all homosexuals get aids..tahnk you very much..i mean look at the world and look at how many people are straight and have aids...and hurricane Katrina was a natrual disaster..not a sign from god telling everyone to be straight...we should all have the same rights..and if we do believe in god and do go to church and are homosexual..then why should they be treated differently from anyone else around you? And you never know..u could be stting next to someone on the subway..and they could have some disease that is contaigus and may not know it....and what if you caught it? then you would die right?? but if you were sitting next to someone that was homosexual..then you would live on 'til the next day and you would still be the same you...o and back to the Katrina thing...who the heck said that Katrina meant purifier?? yeah, well anyways..WHO CARES!! that don't mean one need to get all of your facts srtaight...and i think that one will realize that this type of marriage will not kill you...and then it will be to late..too late to go back and change ALL of this..and change all of these people who may disagree with you...and to change atleast 30%'s of this worlds mind on gay mariage will take a whole lot from just one kid!!!

Anonymous said...

Gay Marriage morrally Wrong??
Gay marrige  Should be LEGALIZED

Anonymous said...

AMEN brother!!!!!! Finally someone who isn't afraid to say what is right and wrong with this world today.  I'm only 40, but when I was a kid, I'd never ever heard of a homosexual....and that wasn't that long ago.  Most people know that there was never as much violence, crime and other horrors when that was true.  Homosexuals are an abomination in the sight of God.  I pray to God that more people will stand up and refuse to submit to such blatent wrong doing in the world today.  Also, I think that you are wrong when you say that homosexuals are not hurting me individually, because all wrongs in the world effect everyone, just like he said.  I fully agree that all "natural" disasters are the work of most terms if you think about it the disasters are called "ACTS OF GOD".  Something every person in the world should consider...and would God act this way if we were a holier nation the way we should be.   One nation under God, not under homosexuals.