Tuesday 30 January 2007

Writer Advises Gays Against Rushing to Embrace Hillary Clinton

In her column today, writer Deb Price touches on the gay good, bad and ugly of Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions: 'Gays Should Be Cautious Before Swooning for Clinton.'
"As a senator, she voted against amending the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage. And this October, she told gay leaders, 'I believe in full equality of benefits, nothing left out.'

She'd leave out the right to marry, though, just like other top candidates. Plus, she supports the obnoxious law signed by her husband that denies legally wed gay couples federal benefits. Yet if New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer wins marriage for gay couples, she's said she won't object."

Her basic point: Hillary doesn't necessarily have a lock on the GLBT vote, as many people assume she does.

Former White House appointee and lesbian sage Ginnie Apuzzo lobs out the money quote in Price's article, however: "It's early in the night and I'm not ready to go home with anybody yet."


Anonymous said...

Not only for gays...Hillary would be a bad thing to propose. In view of the Middle East situation , and the way that women are treated by arabs ans servile and subservient...It would be bad. If they treat their wives and children that way I think that it would be only natural for them to ignore and repudiate our government and its officials accordingly. Enough of failed presidencies. Think Folks ...THINK !!!

Anonymous said...

Sword Swallower:

I have NO intention of allowing the sexism of others influence my choice for President -- and I say the same to people who like and appreciate Hillary but claim to know that she is utterly unelectable: why let the opposition choose your candidate for you?

It bothers me that she isn't MORE supportive of gay rights; that's something I'd change if I could.  As a gay man, it's an issue that's obviously important to me.  At the same time, it's not the ONLY issue, and given the state of the nation and the world, she looks to be the best candidate currently running.

AND ... I've got lots of time to change my mind about that, and will be paying attention between now and the primaries.

Cheers, all.
EP in DC

Anonymous said...

on a vote for a new President,

i'll cross that bridge when i come to it

for now i choose to demand impeachment

of the President and Vice President, from all members

of Congress and the Senate
