Thursday 18 January 2007

Make Isaiah Washington Go Gay

Gaining momentum across blogs all over the 'Net is a major campaign to tag Isaiah Washington "do not resuscitate." Will he survive it?

The hullabaloo about his calling 'Grey's Anatomy' castmate T.R. Knight a "faggot" on the set last fall was given new life this week after Washington claimed on Monday that he never referred to Knight using that word. That appears to be a flat-out lie.

Add to the mix that T.R. Knight finally spoke publicly about Washington's homophobic slur on 'The Ellen Degeneres Show' yesterday, and you've got yourself the kind of situation that gets gays online talking -- and using the power of the Internet to influence public opinion.

GLAAD is calling for a public apology, but lots of bloggers are calling for Washington's head on a plate. Namely, they want ABC execs to fire Washington for his conduct.

I'd be interested to know if you think he should be fired or not, but a comment left by a reader on my
blog post from yesterday about this subject is actually my favorite suggestion by far. In fact, I'd say it's brilliant:
"I think that the writers at Grey's should make Washington's character realize that he is gay and let him deal with some of these issues during the season.

It would be a great way for him to experience what someone like T R has to deal with and hopefully be a good lesson for those watching this very popular show."
-- Comment from maxnmaddie06



Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea.  If Washington isn't fired, this would be the next best thing.

Anonymous said...

Disagree with the whole premise, there is no proof that he said it. I wish GLAAD would also get into the Shirley Q. Liqour debate in West Hollywood, but, I doubt if they will, since its not what they do, deal with racism within the gay community. Nasty slurs and sterotypes are wrong, no matter who spews them.

Anonymous said...

I agree-GREAT IDEA! Then MAYBE he would realize the awful things that gays go through every day of their lives.  Maybe he would become more "sensitive" to the issue..I don't know BUT this person DOES have an excellent idea!!!! Kudos to him!!!!

Anonymous said... about a a racial slur  for you Isaiah Washington!!  You lieing, hippocrite!!

Anonymous said...

to Great guy:
Washington previously apologized for his anti-gay slur. Now he's backtracking. has this story this afternoon re: ABC finally saying something about it, by the way:

"We have a long standing policy to create and maintain respectful workplaces for all our employees. We dealt with the original situation in October, and thought the issue resolved. Therefore, we are greatly dismayed that Mr. Washington chose to use such inappropriate language at the Golden Globes, that he himself deemed 'unfortunate' in his previous public apology. We take this situation very seriously, and his actions are unacceptable and are being addressed."

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kenneth for the update with this Hollywood story with bad acting. While I think that Washington is a loud, lout, I also find it odd that some are demanding his firing, this is not going to teach him anything. I don't have a clue as to why he felt compelled to hurl the slur at this show or wherever it was. But, if he does indeed get canned, this issue will be around for sometime, as it will pit two groups against each other, since it involves two very hot topics with little room for debate, sexuality and race. I don't know what ABC's policy is for this sort of thing, but, I think a lawsuit is going to be up and running before the end of the week.

Anonymous said...

In theory this is a great idea, but there's something more at stake than just humilaiting him in public...there's a very fine TV show, that has very fine writing...would this really be true to the show and his charcter ??? when we've never seen any sign and or hint of it ?? It would be far more interesting to introduce a whole new charcter who's out, and proud..a hot shot surgeon that makes Burke, washington's charcter, face his own homophobia.....kudos to TR Shepard who has never let it show in his performance,,,infact it's fun to watch thses two actor's work together as they have a definate chemistry together.....what a shame Washington had to let his mouth overload his ass....

Anonymous said...

As gay people we need to take the high road on this.  Each and every one of us, gay/straight/any race/whatever is discriminated against in some form or another; to sit round carping about retribution is wasted time.
Why not use this incident as another door opener to acceptance of all people on the planet. I have certainly shot off my mouth b4 and I doubt there is any one out there who hasn't.  Lets use this as a learning tool.

Anonymous said...

i feel that they are taking this too far he tj is a fagot ,punk or even as we might say gay but what is the big deal he  is all on ellens show with that  mess like ellen got her life together  if i were isaiah i would not worry about saying i am sorry any more he said it it over what tj or t what ever his name is stop winning like a fagot
he should really be thanking isaiah for helping him come out instead of letting people pump his head up.

Anonymous said...

Having his character come to terms with being gay is a brilliant idea...a wonderful teaching opportunity and, more importantly, a wonderful learning opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I think they should fire him.  I can only imagine TR's angst working everyday along side of him.  Just imagine yourself working within a hostile work environment anywhere.  I watched the last episode of Greys and couldn't concentrate on the scene where George was sitting alongside what's his name.  Issah's fued is interfering with my enjoying the show.  Can you imagine having to work in that kind of environement?  

Anonymous said...

Although this was an horrendous event, followed by other horrendous events, I feel the situation is now reaching proportions of a weird twist toward a sick publicity stunt that will only bring viewers TO the television to watch the show.  It would not be beyond Hollywood to think up of such a plot.
I wonder why ABC did not act in a more precise action/solution and sanction all the participants afterwards to public silence and if they did not follow the quide lines in regards to the healing process WITHIN the show, they would loose their jobs. Now before you send me to the gallows for suggesting what might seem like a sweeping under the carpet solution allow my perception of what is the FIRST horrendous event.  That is the fact that Mr. Knight had to remain closeted to begin with! Whos decision was that? In Holloywood, it was certainly not only his idea and quite imagine it may have been a suggestion of his manager and quite the contractual directive of ABC.  Yeah, yeah, we all have to make a living, but at the risk of personal identity cloaking, is not ever, ever healthy. These actors that support charity to the public less fortunate would be more palatable if they had more charity toward each other.  It would be more of an example to follow.

Anonymous said...

Look the fact of the matter is this being a homosexual is still considered wrong especially in the African American Community. As a Black Christian man I was brought up being taught that being gay is wrong and that it is a form of  moral corruption. With that being said if someone made a comment about drug addicts (also seen as morally corrupt people in the eyes of society)there would be no such uproar. In my mind the difference between being gay and being addicted to drugs is the fact that one is illegal. A drug addict and a homosexual might say that they can't help it, its not hurting anybody, and that what they do in the privacy of their own home is their business.  More importantly this man is an American and is entitled to his opinion let him say what he wants. The same freedom of expression that protects an Americans right to be Gay protects Isaiah Washingtons right to voice his opinion. Too bad if people found his comments offensive; I find homosexuality offensive but i don't go complaining about it . The fact that this is happening is sick. As long as theGay community keeps pushing Americans to accept the lifestyle the less willing people are going to be. Live your life do what you do and leave everybody alone

Anonymous said...

I think the "make his character gay" idea originally came from John Mayer.

Anonymous said...

In response to the blog that says they should make washingtons character gay in the show i first say to GROW UP!!!! lets not all be stupid now. washington all ready made a stupid mistake for all of us. I t is true he should not have made any coment on his co-stars sexuality but this is being made into something its not if the man said he's sorry then leave it up to his employers to make the right decision. and i have a question for any one out ther who wants to answer....when did the word fagot get on the same level as the word nigger? just some thouts from a fed-up black girl.

Anonymous said...

So what if he said it it done get over it. People will always look for reasons to justify there life right wrong. If you don't want to be called a faggat! Don't run around claiming your Gay. If some one calls me the white straight guy, I don't start running around yelling this person must be a racial, hetrosexual hater. What I do hate is that the gay commuunity is trying to cram a choice of lifestyle down everyones throat who does not agree with thier Ideas!

Anonymous said...

I think Isaiah is wrestling with his insecurities about his own sexuality. Making him play a gay part is a wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

Great idea

Anonymous said...

This a lot of crap. The guy is gay.  Get some thick skin. He called him a faggot. So what. The straight men get called homophobes and I don't care. I never understood the gay mentality anyway.
What is the sensuality about a man and a man pounding away on each others rearends.
I really like the show up till now.
The producers of most shows on all networks keep thinking they have to bow down to the gay activists. What about the true straight public which is the majority of people. There are more and more shows that believe they just have to have their tokes lesbians and gays to calm the minority of the public because the scream the loudest.
If gays are so great , let them reproduce if that was the way it was meant to be.

Anonymous said...

Wow.  Fantastic idea!  Touche'

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with freedom of speech? So, what if he said it. Just keep living your lives whom wver you because we will all end it with or without the  God of this world so, if it is so upsetting please get over it and pray for our soldiers at war. Petty, Petty ,Petty. GET OVER IT IF IT WAS SAID, OUR COUNTRY IS IN TROUBLE WE NEED TO PRRAY FOR EVERYONE

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how people are ignoring the entire issue at hand.  It would have been one thing if Mr. Washington would have simply used the word "gay" instead of "faggot".  Faggot is a HATE word.  Folks, don't play this one down.  Imagine what would happen if Mr. Washington was called a "nigger" by a cast mate? It's HATE--no matter how much you try to down play it, and hate should not be ignored but dealt with.