Tuesday 23 January 2007

Most Homophobic Music Video Ever -- EVER!

With lyrics that scream out "God hates a fag," you might be offended when you watch this video which my pal Stephen sent me this morning (and he found the treasure on the screamingly gay Queerty).

I wasn't offended when I watched it -- mainly because I was on the floor laughing 'til I cried at the sheer ridiculousness of seeing something so hateful delivered with utmost earnestness as a Christian rock ballad.

The piece was penned and is sung by Donnie Davies who -- guess what -- is a reformed homo turned Christian preacher. He testifies on his Web site
that through the song and his new ministry, Love God's Way, he's "trying to let people know that there is an escape from being Gay." He says, "By letting people know that 'God hates a Fag' I am doing Gods work, I'm preaching."

I don't know if there's an escape from being gay (actually I do, and there's not), but I do hope there's an escape from this song.

Donnie Davies also applauds the fact that Oscar Wilde (whom Davies claims was a "reformed homosexual" -- huh?) was thrown in jail in for his sins. Davies says: "While I'm not advocating jailing all Homosexuals, I do think it would benefit them greatly. It would be for their own good. When a person is forced to think they will generally be able to see their problems and solve them by themselves."

Amazingly, former homo Donnie Davies has 94 friends on his MySpace page
, most of whom are Christian bands, too. I wonder if they know what their friend is up to?

I still think there's a possibility that Donnie Davies is the long-lost brother that America's best Christian, Betty Bowers
, always wanted, in other words a made-up character meant to shed light on the hateful ways of anti-gay Christians. (Sorry if that blows Betty's cover for anyone; I realize it's like saying there's no Santa.)

So have a listen, then leave a comment and/or vote in the poll below: Is Donnie Davies really a self-hating vitriol-spewing homophobe with a guitar, or is this someone's idea of a joke?

'The Bible Says' by Donnie Davies

POLL RESULTS (Voting has closed):

PS: Since Donnie Davies loves him some Oscar Wilde (who did indeed go on to have tons of sex with men after his imprisonment for sodomy, by the way), perhaps he'll enjoy this quote from Oscar himself which seems fitting for the occasion:

"I have never come across anyone in whom the moral sense was dominant who was not heartless, cruel, vindictive, log-stupid, and entirely lacking in the smallest sense of humanity."



Anonymous said...

This guy obviously had to renounce his fag-otry because no respectable gay man would EVER have sex with him.  Sure, that's below the belt, but COME ON.

Anonymous said...

I'm terribly worried that he is going to wear out his knees enjoying a delicious and humiliating grovel in his pew during "a service."

Anonymous said...

that is the funniest video i have ever seen

Anonymous said...

Let's see, first I'm worried about that pink shirt he's wearing. Doesn't that scream FAG?  Secondly, I've been to MANY churches and they all say God hates noone.  And lastly, I wonder how someone lives with himself with so much hate in his life. It's got to be feeling like so much work. Kind of like hiding a lie your whole life. I dunno, maybe I'm just a "fag" <although I'm lesbian> that God "hates." So, does God hate lesbians like He supposedly "hates fags?"

Anonymous said...

I'm not even giving it my time of day.....let's make a song about his moustache...it's clearly much more evil then gays will ever be!!!


Anonymous said...

this can be balanced out by visting the website for trans gender rock icon Jayne(formerly Wayne) County at www.jaynecounty.com ,and supporting this legendary, ground breaking artiste!

Anonymous said...

The YouTube video is gone but I found on Donnie's MySpace page and posted it on my site - check it out:  http://ethansays.com

It's sad that there are people in the world who believe that God could hate anyone.  It makes you wonder what God they're praying to.

Anonymous said...

LOL  Just you guys wait.  Years from now the "reformed" preacher will be found shacked up in some sleazy motel with a male whore.  It is we that will have the last laugh.  *8)

Anonymous said...

God hates fags,  how christian like.  I don't understand if they are so comfortable with their conformed lifestyles, why not live it and be happy.  Maybe this is just another  way for him to stay connected to the gay lifestyle.  God be with you, Donnie.  Thanks for the song it made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Is that blond hunk he's holding hands with his ex-gay ex-lover?  

This really has GOT to be a joke.

Anonymous said...

My comment is very simple being a gay man born and raised in church all of my life I can honstley say that Donnie needs prayer for himself. GOD hates no one for we all are images created  from GOD, he loves everyone. The BIBLE tells us that we must work out our own plan of salvation. I believe that if you fill in your heart something is wrong and or a sin then it is, after all GOD lives in your heart.If anything he should be singing about GOD'S love not hate because GOD is not about hate but about love.

Anonymous said...

Just like everyone in the Borat film, I'm afraid to tell you that you've been had. This is a brilliantly funny and elaborate hoax. The sadness is, of course, that so many people around the world believe that a Christian could come up with this kind of thing in all seriousness. That, I suspect, is the point.

Whatever happens, look closer at this and you'll figure out there there is no way, none at all, that this is anything other than a huge, fantastic, and beautifully offensive gag. (www.beforeiforget.co.uk)

Anonymous said...

LOL. I love everyone's comments on this so far. Yes it does seem incredibly homophobic and very hateful. Clearly, however, this is an outlandish prank. Anyone who actualy wrote a REAL song about "god hating fags" wouldn't say it so blatantly. The pink shirt, the 70's gay porno moustache, the campy rendition, the bad editing and photography...complete joke. This, lady's and gentlement, is what is reffered to as satire. It's like Steven Colbert making fun of the right wing by adamantly pretending to be a part of it. This video didn't offend me at all. Just like Editor, I couldn't stop laughing.

As for the whole "ex-gay" movement...i read this poem in a book of Gay Haiku:
Met a cute ex-gay
Last night. As i suspected,
He looked better nude.

Anonymous said...

It really saddens me the way this so called "Christian" has stated that "God hates fags"...it is so wrong in every way.he  sounds more like the devil preaching........because God does not hate anyone who is gay. im Christian and i do not hate anyone who is gay  and i have lots of  friends that are gay. I've been a Christian for 2 years and I've known my friends since way before. And I still love them  ,even more than before, ....Even though I know Homosexuality is a sin.  He does not hate the sinner. He loves all human beings. But he does hate the sins committed by us.  and not only the homosexuality sin! he abhores all sins and yet he gave us a chance for forgiveness through the Sacrafice of Jesus christ. God loves you and will accept you nomatter who you are as long as you reppent of all your sins and ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus christ who died on the cross for our sins, so that we may be forgiven.