Monday 6 November 2006

Haggard, the Movie Star, Slams Gays

In a stroke of genius timing, Ted Haggard is starring in the movie 'Jesus Camp,' in select theaters now.

He doesn't have much nice to say about the gays:
"We don't have to debate about what we should think about homosexual activity. It's written in the Bible."

It's also written on bathroom walls. For a good time, call ... ($50 in, $100 out).

I love it when art imitates hypocrisy.

See Video Clips and Commentary
Official Site: 'Jesus Camp'


Anonymous said...

I hear it is a rehash of "Never on Sunday."  That WAS Greek wasn't it....?

Anonymous said...

I know this is a long excerpt, but it comes from Jesus Camp website.  This guy has been a hypocrite all his life.  I guess GW wouldn't know someone gay....even if they came up and.....hugged him:  (EXCERPTS)

"Pastor Haggard is the only person in Jesus Camp who has a problem with how he was portrayed, and with the film as a whole. All the others in the movie feel it is accurate and fair... The subjects in the film very much identify themselves as part of the Evangelical family and are hurt and stung by Pastor Haggard's wholesale and somewhat venomous rejection of them and the film. While they do identify themselves as Charismatics and Pentecostals,... For Pastor Haggard to marginalize and dismiss them by labeling them a “sub-group” seems unfair, mean spirited and unproductive.

As a religious leader, why wouldn’t Pastor Haggard take this film as an opportunity to discuss differences and similarities amongst Evangelicals..? Why miss an opportunity to address any misunderstandings secular Americans may have about the aims of the more politically involved arm of the Evangelical movement, of which Pastor Haggard is very active...

We taped at New Life Church for an entire day. Pastor Haggard played with the camera and made jokes through both sermons.... His interview was also filmed modestly, sitting on the alter after his sermon....   In fact, we were very careful not to include other material from his sermons that were more inflammatory in nature and could perhaps be interpreted as divisive.

Perhaps Pastor Ted regrets how he comes off in the film and is expressing it by criticizing us, Becky, and the children in the film. What he calls “negative” and not “normative” we see as simply true and accurate. As for us, we will continue to share “Jesus Camp,” with people from all backgrounds and beliefs and learn from the profound discussions that result from this film."

Anonymous said...


Is he not the person who was just caught with a male escort?

What a fucking idiot.

Someone needs to hit that guy in his face.

Anonymous said...

Y'know, my glee over the whole Haggard affair is waning.

I saw "Jesus Camp" a few months ago here in DC, and thought it was odd that there was only one mention of homosexuality in the entire film.  Before seeing that documentary, I didn't have a very clear idea who Ted Haggard was; other figures such as James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, and Pat Robertson were much more figural in my mind.  I did recall that the only words spoken about gay people (i.e., me) in the film were spoken by Haggard, from the pulpit.

When I read those same words now, it just makes me sad.  I believe that this is a man who hates himself far more than I or anyone else could hate him from the outside.  People call him a hypocrite, and I guess that's true insofar as his public words didn't match his private behavior -- but I don't believe that he's thinks 'gay is okay' and was saying different to score some cash for his mega-church.  I'm beginning to believe that he really does believe that homosexuality is as sick and twisted as he says it is.  Unlike the out 'n' proud gay folk in my life, he thinks he's morally corrupt and hell-bound.

It's a sad story, the more I think about it.  Some friends and I were talking last night about what will become of him.  Some felt that he'd "do a McGreevey" and end up on the cover of the Advocate a few years from now with a boyfriend all done up in L.L. Bean; others saw him as the new face of Exodus International in a few years.  My only contribution to the conversation was, "I guess it all depends on who lays out the welcome mat for him."  Given the appalled silence that followed, I'm betting on Exodus International.  And it'll still make me sad.

Anonymous said...

Ted Haggard and his family is suffering very much now, for that I am very sorry. But the reality is that Ted Haggard is experiencing the biblical concept of "reaping what you sow".
He is out fight the gay movement along with the gay christian movement as well. He was so anti with no true heart to understand the people whom he was sending away from the God who loves them with his message of judgment.

I feel sad to say but I believe - He is reaping what he has sown against people whom Jesus loves and accepts in his arms. So this is the way Ted Haggard has chosen to be corrected by God. Because God does not go public until the person totally ignores his messages internally.

This should be a lesson to others that God will not allow people to fight his children before he will stop it.


Anonymous said...

Can't you just hear Ted taking it up the butt screaming
                 OH GOD> OH GOD
                  LORD HAVE NO MERCY
                   OH GOD>GOD
I beat it brought a whole new meaning to Ted.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to get into this because almost all homosexuals believe (and say) that the christian "right" and the members of the churches hate them and it is untrue.  They personally are not hated for anything...but the sins they commit are hated, just as the sins of murderers and others, but not the person himself or herself.  I feel sorry for Haggard in his ultra stupidity and hope he regains his family from this...his job is gone.  I have many homosexual friends because I am in the motion pic business and family entertainment and homosexuals are there in huge numbers, as they are in theatre, which I am also in.  I do not care what one does privately but the homosexual community has decided that it must impose itself and its meager rules on the "outside" which they claim has suppressed and condemned them...sorry, it isn't true.  Continue on, ladies and gentlemen, breaking down the norms of society as along as you can...judgment for all is on its way and it has nothing to do with homosexuals has to do with love of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Grelef -- You're so good at this, it would warm my heart to have a Grelef-special-reply to jstremaine2004's comment:

"It is hard to get into this because almost all homosexuals believe (and say) that the christian "right" and the members of the churches hate them and it is untrue.  They personally are not hated for anything...but the sins they commit are hated, just as the sins of murderers and others, but not the person himself or herself ... Continue on, ladies and gentlemen, breaking down the norms of society as along as you can...judgment for all is on its way and it has nothing to do with homosexuals has to do with love of Christ."

xo Kenneth

Anonymous said...

To jstremaine2004:  If you cannot distinguish between behavior that harms ("murder") and behavior that does not (consenting adult relationships) then people would be wise to avoid your friendship.  I will also take "a pass" on your witness as long as you don't distinguish between the type of love Christ prescribed ("the Golden Rule") and the lust for judgment hotly undertaken by evangelists such as Haggard (it is only a matter of time until the rest of them, too, are exposed).  If your homosexuals "friends" are trying to force you into a same-sex marriage, you should definitely call the police and get a restraining order.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Gelef. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!