Tuesday 21 November 2006

He Said, He Said: Cipel Calls McGreevey a Liar

Exlusive Video Interview on WCBS-TV

Former New Jersey governor James McGreevey claims that he had a two-year relationship with Golan Cipel, the man he says threatened him with extortion which lead to the governor coming out as gay and resigning from office.

Golan Cipel begs to differ with James McGreevey. On his Web site (which is handsomely designed and well written, by the way), Cipel says "nearly everything in [McGreevey's] book that pertains to me and my relationship with him is a complete fabrication."

Now Cipel, who says that he's straight, has given his first television interview since the scandal broke. He says that he and McGreevey never had a relationship, but that the governor sexually harrassed him. Revisiting McGreevey's former home, Cipel tells a WCBS-TV reporter:

"And I just remember holding back here and saying what's going on. Again he pushed me on the chest back into the bedroom. I was in shock and I fell. And there was just this crazy look in his eyes. Didn't care. Tried to struggle with me. Tried to kiss me. I just remember holding my head and saying, 'No. Stop.' Fighting with him. And I moved to the other side of the bed here. And he was there where you stand. And I wanted to get out. But he's close to the door. I just remember wanting to ask him so many questions, but wanting to leave as fast as possible. And he said don't ever repeat this to anybody. Then I asked him, 'Why did you think I was gay?" And he said, 'Everybody's a little bit gay.'"

McGreevey released a written statement in response to Cipel's interview:
"I stand behind the truth and accuracy of the entirety of the book. The book is an honest and painful story of the dangers of leading a divided life. The principal lesson is the need to be honest with one's family and friends, but most importantly with one's self. My relationship with Mr. Cipel lasted for a number of months. It was entirely consensual and I wish that he only finds peace in his life."

It's hard to know what went on behind closed doors when two parties have conflicting accounts. If I had to go by my gut? I believe Cipel. I think the power of the closet did a number on McGreevey. We know he lied to his wife and to his constituents, giving me no real reason to believe him now. Cipel comes off way more authentic, if you ask me.

Click to See Video



Anonymous said...

Editor, I am not sure i can agree with you on this one. Cipel has had what...almost two years to come out and give his side of the story to counter McGreevey's alleged story when he first left office. the book only gives more details as to the original story. Why didn't Cipel come forward then and deny it? He's probably got his own book in the works and is trying to get publicity for it. And i'm sorry..but look at that face...he's as gay as the day is long. Hey even bares a striking resemblance to a Falcon Porn star. McGreevey already lost his spot in office and his social standing with his own story. Even if Cipel's account was real, it's not like it would do any more damage if McGreevey gave us the same story.

Anonymous said...

First of all, why did Cipel accept this 6 figure job when he knew that he wasn't qualified?
Secondly, why did he choose to live so close to Jim McGreevey?
Third, at his age, why has he married or has a girlfriend who can come forward to support him?
But please do NOT get me wrong. I am NOT saying that Jim McGreevey is an upright, noble and honest person. Jim McGreevey is going after the sex and Cipel is going after the money. When Cipel was forced to resign, he wanted to pursue the sexual harassment lawsuit TWO years later? Furthermore, he even extorted money from Jim McGreevey to remain silence. To me, Jim McGreevey is a horny gay man and Cipel is another greedy and scrupulous confused slut!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to know whom to admire less.

Anonymous said...

Cipel might not be gay, but I believe he's nothing more than an opportunist who'd allow someone who could advance his career -- especially a closet case like McGreevey -- to suck his dick once in a while.

I wanted to give Cipel the benefit of the doubt. After all, McGreevey's slimey tactics and corruption were well known in New Jersey during his administration. To say he's been duplicitous throughout his life would be charitable.

However, Cipel lost me when he began his re-enactment of the harassment incident, saying that McGreevey told him that he needed to follow him upstairs to get something "work related." Was he expecting to do some heavy lifting? What did he think he was going to retrieve upstairs? What was the context of this meeting and the conversation they were having? If McGreevey used the term "work related," what was he telegraphing to Cipel? Was there such a sexual tension between the two that Cipel was picking up on it, and McGreevey was allaying his fears of being pounced upon by telling him that going upstairs was "work related?" If he was uncomfortable with this tension, then why did he work for McGreevey as long as he did?

Cipel's drama queen moment on the stair landing might have proved McGreevey's alleged statement that "everyone's a little gay."

Gay or not, Cipel is probably a very good match for McGreevey, at least as far as character goes.

Anonymous said...

Watched the show on Larry King....Don't know what he is after now, the "blackmail" did not work and McGreever was forced to resign.  

I personally believe Cipal has no acredability and is the liar in this case.  
Is there a book coming out by Cipel now?.....probably.

Don L.   Boca Raton, Fl.