Wednesday 1 November 2006

Homophobes Celebrate Shooting in the Castro

Is homophobic hatred alive and well in America? It seems it is.

I'm not talking about the shooting of 10 people last night during the Halloween celebration in the Castro. We don't know the sexual orientation of any of the victims. We don't know if the violence was gay-related at all, and in fact reports that the violence may have been gang-related.

But it happened in the Castro -- gay neighborhood U.S.A. -- so the 10 victims deserved it according to a host of gay-haters on the message board that accompanies the story on AOL today.


Anonymous said...

Oh Good grief.  On every single message board that I've ever read at AOL there are people that spout stupid posts about every population.  I mean that's nothing compared to the ones I've seen about Christians, Muslims, etc.  
People are people and since the beginning of time, they've enjoyed bashing someone else.  Gays aren't the victims, anymore then any other popuation.  
People that post things on that message board don't even deserve to be acknowledged.    

Anonymous said...

this is realllly pitiful and makes you feel ashamed to be part of this country. violence in any way is totally unacceptable,and  for the people rooting for this type of behavior deserve to have been shot. i dont understand why it's so tremendously hard for to people to mind their own business, and keep their prejudice remarks to themselves. my mother always taught her children that if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all so you know take it or leave it. it was a very great idea for aol to expose and embarrass these posters who feel the need to make fun of this incident ending in humans beings being shot down like animals. if it were up to me aol should start imposing stricter guidelines on these message boards, and permanently ban posters from participating and disposing their hatred,ignorance, and simply presenting such an embarrassment to aol all together. this needs to stop. and we wonder why we as a country are hated so much around the world, as americans we aren't setting a very good example here in our place we suppodedly love so much. man please hypocrites thats all i gotta say.

Anonymous said...

To kidspastor35:  Surely there are no circumstances under which we should try to justify or mitigate hate-speech against any population.  

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to justify it.  I'm saying that it happens all of the time, especially on AOL, and that people that spew that hate don't deserve to be acknowledged.   Most of it IS for the attention anyway, then they go away into their miserable little holes.  And that if every population went around complaining about every time, they had hate spewed at them, we'd have nothing but about 300 million whiners in this country.  Well... let's see... maybe I just summed it all up... LOL

Anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet that the gay-bashers spewing that stuff regard themselves as good Christians and vote Republican?  The GOP has become the party of hate and stupidity.  Shame on them all.

Anonymous said...

the death of anyone in never a thing to cheer about and i feel sorry for the ignorant ppl out there.. regardless these ppl were loved by someone. live and let live.

Anonymous said...

I agree with kidzpastor35, there are negative posts about everything and though I do believe that there is a certain level of homophobic present in the American society I won't venture to say that those posts prove or disprove it. Everyone, whether it be about race, religion, or sexual orientation can be attacked by the ignorant masses..gays are no exception. Especially when the homosexual lifestyle (whether it's chosen or not, that in itself is a debate) is one that makes the majority of Americans uneasy..that kind of response (especially in boards) should be expected (realistically) although I in no way condone it, I'm not surprised..

Anonymous said...

When I read the comments made by those ignorant people I was appalled. They sould tell the parents,friends and familys there happy that there kids and friends are no longer alive. It constantly amazes me how cruel, mean, and viscious that people can be towards other people. I am so sorry that those 10 lives were lost. Its so sad that anyone could be happy about that. I send my deepest appologies to the families and friends of those poor people who were out just trying to have some fun on what was one of the coolest holidays of the year.  My prayers are with them all.  And as hard as it is,try to understand that the world is full of losers who only know hate and are unable to feel true, deep love for anyone or anything in life. One day they will have there comments come back to them threefold and they will see how there hatetred feels when its at there own door steps.

Anonymous said...

What a sad day for the universe. No one deserves to die. No one. Judeochristianity will say it is because of the garden thing. other religons,philosphies I don't know. No one deserves to die. Let us pray. Jesus turn these hate filled hearts toward you and your all compassionate heart. Fill them with love and show them the way to truly be alive. We ask this in your name Jesus who live and reign with Yahweh the father and the Holy spirit, One god forever and ever. amen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have very strong feelings on this subject I guess it's about time I get them off my chest. There seems to be more and more men going Gay or turning to other men for love, many who were or are married. I believe we can blame women, the NOW organization and who ever else thought it was wonderful that women had all the power. I am all for equall rights for women, but women control the sex lives of society and no matter how many want to say there are plent of women who enjoy sex there are many , many more who with hold sex or use it to make a man beg. Men are turning to other men for companionship, and love, the things women want to with hold in a relationship.  To see gay men and women really bothers me, we are heade in the wrong direction, if we could find the happy medium where things in a relationship were actually equal, There may be less same sex couples . I divorced because my ex with held sex from me for various reasons. I would much rather be alone than to continually deal with a self serving ....sorry I don't have a word I can print.