Wednesday 22 November 2006

My Gay Gratitude List

Here are some random thoughts about the people and things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. Feel free to share yours in the comments.
-- My husband, he makes me laugh everyday and, after 18 years, still hugs and kisses me every time I walk in the door. (That sounds like a little thing; it's not)

-- My family, my friends, for their unconditional love, general smart-assery and for making me laugh at myself

-- People who read Worth Repeating, you don't even know how much I appreciate that you take the time to stop by and read what's here; and thanks, too, to my colleagues for allowing me to write a big gay blog on AOL

-- My docs and physical therapists for pulling, stretching and manipulating me back together after breaking my arm LAST Thanksgiving

-- People who work to promote peace and justice

-- The mid-term elections and the balance it brings back to our government

-- Neil Patrick Harris, Lance, T.R. Knight, Michelle Rodriguez and all the celebs who have come out this year, even if it wasn't always on their timetable

-- The New Jersey Supreme Court for saying that gay relationships are equal to straight ones

-- 'Brothers and Sisters' on ABC, for treating its gay characters like normal people which is a rarity on network TV (see 'The Class')

-- Mike Jones, for his bravery in exposing hypocrisy in fundamentalist Christianity, and Lane Hudson, for exposing hypocrisy and cover-up on Capitol Hill

-- My comfort stuff: coffee, cashmere, my iPod, the Duplex Diner, and good moisturizers

-- Wentworth Miller, Chris Meloni and Patrick Dempsey, for giving me a rich fantasy life

-- And, of course, Borat for showing how loving and tolerant Americans are, and for introducing the lime-colored body-thong for men, which is super hot

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I probably won't be posting again until Monday. Off to a cabin in the woods with friends, an annual tradition that involves lots of cooking, musical theater on DVD, Cosmos, group facials and fireside girl talk. I hope your holiday is spent in a similarly loving environment.



Anonymous said...

Quoting Kenneth:  "-- My docs and physical therapists for pulling, stretching and manipulating me back together after breaking my arm LAST Thanksgiving."

Me:  Do you think you should try to reign in (tone down) the gesticulating while you cook?  Happy thanksgiving Ken and everyone else!  This blog has become my New Favorite Thing In The Whole World To Do.

Anonymous said...

As one of the very lucky FOK's (friend's of Kenny) who get to spend Thanksgiving with him and who did NOT push him during our annual turkey road race (which I was totally winning when he took the dramatic fall) I am genuinely thankful for the time and effort you put in to making this blog both fun to read and relevant.  You are a treasure to your many friends and fans.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of guys in a cabin in the woods doing group about a double-entendre. Yeah I'd be thankful for that too! lol

Anonymous said...

sounds like a perfect way to spend the weekend! i am thankful for this odd life i've fallen into, for it has made me look a myself in many different ways. marglo

Anonymous said...

I am grateful to a new site which has given a voice to the often ignored..

Anonymous said...

"Off to a cabin in the woods with friends, an annual tradition that involves lots of cooking, musical theater on DVD, Cosmos, group facials and fireside girl talk."

We're SO jealous. Hope you're having a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend, darling.


Anonymous said...

I just found this site. How wonderful we have a place to speak!
Yes, I also love my wife of 23 years!! I hope our marriage in Massachuettes will soon be recognized in Mississippi at Camp Sister Spirit that my wife and I co-founded. (google)
Thanks for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I grateful for the women I have known...They were good at heart, and very loving.I thank God for the love of my life..We are not together through my own doing, but I pray each day that she is safe, and happy...