Monday 19 June 2006

The Blog as Performance Art Can Be Way Gay

If you're in NYC tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 20, check out the Gay Pride month mounting of the WYSIWYG Talent Show. Organizers call the monthly event a "showcase for the oft-overlooked genius of bloggers in or visiting New York City."

How could you NOT love a show titled 'Way Gay ... Even Gayer Gay Gayness'?

As the Gayest Editor Ever, this brings a ton of very warm, very gay feelings to my heart, because if everything was way gayer, we'd all be better off.

Here's a list of the seven way talented talent show bloggers, and my own little favorite recent clip from each of their way gay blogs.

Ham & Cheese on Wry
Curly makes me smirk 'n' smile -- almost daily.

"Because I'm one of the gays and, you know, we all know each other, I can say without equivocation that no, Marcie [of the Peanuts comic strip fame] is not a sister. It chagrins me to do so since, clearly, the recruitment efforts of another lesbian (hello, Peppermint Patty) were less-than-successful. But fear not, fellow dykes, at last check, Patty had surrendered her decoder ring and the secret handshake was changed so that she is no longer in-the-know." See the Rest of her post: 'Debunking the Myth about Marcie's Sexuality'
Performance artist Greg Walloch is worried that people are saying he's not a real blogger because he doesn't post every day.
"May be it's because I have an actual life that I'm busy living? Seeing as my last post was way more than a month ago though,they may indeed be right to question my authenticity. In any case, here is a glimpse at recent real life events and all of the awesome folks I've had the privilege of workin' with."

And the guy *IS* super busy as he describes in great, but very interesting and way gay detail: 
'Blog MIA? Check Me Out In the Flesh!'

The Femme Files: Lipstick. Lube. Links.
Femme Files' one-line bio is "Queering femininity one post at a time." I love this send-up on the "types" she encounters at her "Queer Salsa" lessons:
"There are no men and women in Queer Salsa, but leaders and followers. If they were feeling a little more brave they would just call it tops and bottoms and acknowledge the switches among us.  Nonetheless, it’s really interesting to see who makes eye contact, who avoids my eyes completely, how people lead.  Here is a sample of the leaders who twirl me about the dance floor Thursday evenings:" 'Follow the Leader'

Manhattan Offender
I love Rod Townsend's posts and the ways in which he calls things out that he encounters in everyday life.
"The timing of the juggernaut that is Pride Month with the institution of Father's Day is really just coincidence, but to look at Sunday's Times you may get the impression from both advertising and editorial that it is more a matter of synergy.  In just the first section the advertisements from almost all of the major department store advertising looks as if the 'D-A-D' oriented text could easily be substituted for 'G-A-Y'." Check out his 'The Times Wishes You a Happy Father's Gay'

The Search for Love in Manhattan
Author Joel Derfner is an ironic, twisted man. Here's one of his ironies. You can check out his site for the twisted.
"Remember when I went to Seattle for auditions for a show of mine and ended up thinking that most of the men who auditioned for us were too gay?
Well, we cast a couple of them anyway.
And I have learned, after being in rehearsal for a week and a half, that they're straight.
Luckily, they're terrific performers, so everything is okay, except for the fact that I don't understand anything anymore." More at
The Search for Love in Manhattan

Milk Bubble Instrumental
Lyricist "dj:ayedn" writes soulful observations about his art, music and the world around him.
"I dont cry as often as I should. I'm not moved as often as I should be. I guess my goal can be to be so moved that I create something that would make someone cry. To be so entirely beautiful. So incredibly powerful.So definitively tight. That replay after replay it challenges the spirit to interpret the sound into feeling. And that feeling so full so beautiful so perfect and compromising." .:.:. :.:. You like my music because there’s love in my song .:.:.

Worth Repeating favorite Joe.My.God is a great, way gay writer and observer. I love how he keeps gay history alive, too, by talking about gay stuff that "kids these days" (my quotes) may not have had any exposure to, or lack the context to appreciate. The following was a fun follow-up post to his piece on the phrase to "read someone's beads" (see the link below if you don't know what I'm talking about). Joe's also brilliant at involving his readers, as he did in this post on favorite drag names. He got over 200 replies. I guess I'm not the only one who loves Joe.

"After I posted last week about Rita Beads, some of you wrote to me to tell me your own favorite drag names. We're due for a giggle here, so let's devote a post to that theme, yes? My own taste in drag names runs from the really infantile, like SuppositoriSpelling, to the inexplicably funny, like Peaches Christ. See? It's funny every time you say it. Peaches Christ! I'm not crazy about the old punny standbys like Virginia Hamm, Bertha Vanation, AnitaMann, etc, although for many that is their favorite form. I do have a soft spot for the hilariously grandiose names preferred by some of the black drag queens, names such as Monique de Bon Marche' or Veroniquevon Velioux. (I just made those up, but you know the kind I mean, right?) By the way... Peaches CHRIST!  Yup, still funny.  1. Rita Beads.  2. Peaches Christ 3. Suppositori Spelling"  See What People Posted for Joe.


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Anonymous said...

cumona gitit

Anonymous said...

i kinda like comona gitit

Anonymous said...

Dear people

Whether or not gay is a disorder, what does it matter?  62 year old grandma here .  The way I look at it, if you are a human, I love you.  

Straight lady.  I could care less if anyone wants to be gay.  Not panicking over it here.  

Its really not an issue unless a person is worried about their own sexuality.  

If it is  disorder, and have I have no clue,  people need years of thinking about it.  In the  meantime, they are human beings an deserve the right to love and happiness.

Come on people.  Live your own life and don't focus on those who are different.  
