Friday 9 June 2006

Macy's Marks Down Gay Pride -- Way Down

It's almost hard to believe that a MACY's in Boston would be so stupid as to start Gay Pride month with a kick-ass window display, only to later strip it down because a small group of conservatives got their fruit-of-the-looms in a wad over it.

The right-wing nut-jobs complained that the display included "male mannequins with enlarged breasts, and one was wearing a skirt. It was really disgusting."

Um, it's called working out? And I think that's a towel wrapped around the guy's waist; shin-length skirts are so 2005.

The Boston Pride Committee has said that Macy's apologized to them for the incident and has "given their assurance that Macy's will continue to support LBGT Pride Events in Boston and will take appropriate actions."

Sorry, but that doesn't really cut it. And I can't believe Boston Pride is being that nice about it.

I also don't think Auntie Mame would like this one bit. Like she said when Macy's fired her: "
Don't forget the skates for the little nippers. Get 'em at Gimbel's!"

Get More Macy's Window-Scoop:
· Towleroad Round-Up
· 'Gay Mannequins Take Sex Hormones' (Boston Herald)
· 'Crisis Pros Offer Advice' (Boston Herald)


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Anonymous said...

Please people get a life. There are more important things that matter  

Anonymous said...

Is this a joke? AOL ,"Gaypartiede" Jim Crow,  separate but equal? Black? latino voices? Hmmm? so much for diversity. Sophisistic propaganda, new at 9! Man, this nutty world is desroying itself. And we are subjected to this trivial, narcissitic drek. The fool apon the stage, strutting and fretting, signifiying nadda.

Anonymous said...

I love to hear different opinions, it's beautiful.  I have an axe to grind here, honestly. I have been an activist and have attended  rallies or protests. Freedom of speech!  But I had a couple of eye-opening experiences. Both in Denver. One,  AIM protesting the annual Columbus day parade. Russell Means, Dennis Banks and Ward Churchill were there, and our  spirits were running high.  But then well, I realized what a bunch of " Robespierres" they really were .These scoundrels threatened violence against peaceful and lawful people that were no threat to them. The poor Italians and the Columbus day parade people. They were exercising their constitutional rights!   Then I heard Means say " we are on there high moral ground!  I felt like the rug was pulled from under my feet. Dazed. A few years earlier, in the late 80's, the Nazi-klan (can't remember which) and ML. King birthday celebrants were in a few feet of one another on the state capitol. The cops had to protect the NAZIS from the violent MLK marcher's hate! King advocated peaceful resistance. But that  didn't seem too important  to the haters and violent creeps. I have learned an important lesson then. So when I hear about " Activists" reacting to  proposed laws, I wince.

Anonymous said...

I love to hear different opinions, it's beautiful.  I have an axe to grind here, honestly. I have been an activist and have attended  rallies or protests. Freedom of speech!  But I had a couple of eye-opening experiences. Both in Denver. One,  AIM protesting the annual Columbus day parade. Russell Means, Dennis Banks and Ward Churchill were there, and our  spirits were running high.  But then well, I realized what a bunch of " Robespierres" they really were .These scoundrels threatened violence against peaceful and lawful people that were no threat to them. The poor Italians and the Columbus day parade people. They were exercising their constitutional rights!   Then I heard Means say " we are on there high moral ground!  I felt like the rug was pulled from under my feet. Dazed. A few years earlier, in the late 80's, the Nazi-klan (can't remember which) and ML. King birthday celebrants were in a few feet of one another on the state capitol. The cops had to protect the NAZIS from the violent MLK marcher's hate! King advocated peaceful resistance. But that  didn't seem too important  to the haters and violent creeps. I have learned an important lesson then. So when I hear about " Activists" reacting to  proposed laws, I wince.

Anonymous said...

What is there to be proud about being a queer?
It's okay with me though everyone has a right to be whatever they want.

Anonymous said...

sick = sick = SICK AND PUTRIDLY REVOLTING!!!!!  No wonder the RAG HEADS hate our collective guts!!  ME TOO!!!  This "Culture" deserves what's coming!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if you celebrate gay pride, then it's called "tolerance," but if you celebrate straight pride, then, you're called "intolerant," well I for one am PROUD to be "intolerant," 70% of them have STDs anyway