Monday 18 September 2006

Are Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl Award Worthy?

A big gay debate has been raging over the past week about whether or not Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl should be honored with a Visibility Award at the upcoming HRC National Dinner in Washington.

Longtime HRC supporter Randy Foster got the ball rolling with a Washington Blade guest editorial in which he explained why Bass/Lehmkuhl are not worthy of the honor. Foster starts off:

A FRIEND CALLED this week to ask, “Do we really have to go to the HRC Dinner? For Christ’s sake, they are honoring Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl!”

My first thought was it had to be a joke.

Foster lambasts Bass for publicly stating that the pop star has no interest in being a gay activist. About Lehmkuhl, the author says the 'Amazing Race' star is someone whose "greatest achievement since [his TV show] has been being photographed shirtless for countless gay publications."

Foster accuses HRC of honoring the pair not because they deserve it, but because their celebrity will help sell tickets and bring glamour to the organization's black-tie dinner, for which patrons (including Foster himself) pay $250 and up to attend.

HRC board member Mary Snider defended the organization's choice to honor the celebrity gay guys, writing in a letter to the editor that "HRC understands that there are many different ways to help fight ignorance and bigotry ... Lance and Reichen are just starting to speak out. We hope that they will do much more in the years ahead, using their unique status to raise awareness and open hearts and minds."

It's my opinion that one of the main problems in this particular instance is that a lot of people can't stand Lance and Reichen. If Denzel Washington had been dragged out of the closet (no, he's not gay), I rather doubt that HRC supporters would be complaining about him showing up for dinner and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Boy-band-Lance isn't taken very seriously because, well, he was in a boy band, and he had some crazy notion about buying a flight into space, and he's only out because he was outed. Reichen, for whatever reason, turns a lot of gay men off. Perhaps HRC's biggest mistake was not anticipating those sentiments.

In HRC's defense, though, Lance and Reichen are this year's biggest gay celebrity story, even if the details and characters of the story don't exactly thrill everyone in the GLBT community.

Further, if HRC limited its Visibility Awards to openly-gay celebrities who are also accomplished gay activists, I think it's safe to say they would have a basement full of crystal trophies and few people to whom they could award them.

So then, is any celebrity visibility, good visibility? One blogger and self-avowed Bitter Queen frames the debate this way:
"Indeed, how many times have I read editorials in the gay press insisting that pop stars and other celebrities have an obligation to come out of the closet precisely because their fame alone would give a boost to our cause and provide visible role models in the community?  And now that Mr. Bass has done so, Mr. Foster diminishes the importance of that event.  Talk about damned if you do, damned if you don't."

Not everyone who reads this is going to have a lot of sympathy for those who are upset because the wrong celebrities are polluting their black-tie dinner in Washington, but that aside, where do you come down on this story: Are Lance and Reichen good or bad for gay visibility, and do they deserve this award?

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Anonymous said...

Lance Bass -- internationally-known pop icon.
Randy Foster -- who?

Anonymous said...

Ooh Reichen....He makes me!


Anonymous said...

Are Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl Award Worthy?
No. No. No. No. NO!
Hundreds--maybe thousands--of men & women have worked hard on the issues.

Anonymous said...

leweslips1: So is that a "no," then?


Anonymous said...

Instead of always looking for acceptance and understanding from the straight world, the GLBT society needs to first learn to get along with each other and work on promoting less prejudice from within their own community. They can start by being less Catty!

Anonymous said...

look don t liten to any one  u  can t help u who  fall in love with  i have gay friends  and i work with gay peeps all i  get  along with them   i hang out in gays  clubs  every weekend  your friens  joyce ann  hargroves and i am still your  number 1 fan

Anonymous said...

but u are  so fine to be  gay  i will stand behide u no matter what

Anonymous said...

First off, I happen to whole heartedly agree with mlKing. There's no way that we as a gay community can overcome outside prejudice without doing what we can to eliminate our inside prejudice.

Second, Are Lance and Reichen good for gay visibility? I think you can go both ways on that; however, I think my general thought is that they're celebrities, and sometimes any 'publicity' is good publicity.

Third, Do Lance and Reichen deserve the award. I think it should be a resounding no. Not only was Lance quoted as saying he wasn't willing to become an advocate for gay rights, but I second the sentiment on Reichen's habit of not doing anything for the gay community besides taking his shirt off.  Lance admitted that he knew he was gay long before he came out, but didn't because of the fear of hurting the success of his band. What is so admirable in waiting until no one is really paying anttention to and then coming out? The bigger, more admirable, and award worthy risk would have been to come out when you were still considered a celebrity and not a washed up boy bander.  Instead, he came out, in my opinion, to keep the tabloids from using the story against him once pictures surfaced of him in gay bars. In coming out, he had no more than anyone else has to lose at that point. Lance and Reichen deserve to be happy and live as normal a life as possible in our society, but do not deserve an award for simply admitting to something everyone already knew. To deserve any kind of award from a gay supporting orginization, especially one such as HRC, I belive you need to make a difference or an advancement in the way that our gay community is forced to live their lives. They haven't made a difference in the right's of gay people in this country, and until they do, they do not deserve any kind of award in my book.

Anonymous said...

#1            what the hell is   HRC ???????
#2            who the hell is   Reichen Lehmkuhl ????
#3             you can tell who the bottom is....
#4             they make a horrible couple....
#5             Lance Bass is suchhh a womannnnnn  ! ! !
#6             you can tell that  Reichen Lehmkuhl (whomever the hell he is)  is only
               with Miss Bass cause of who she is......              >>>  a has been!
#7            SPARE USSSSSSSSSSSSSS   ! ! ! ! !
                INSYCK CARRER??    
#9             THIS IS  HIS COME BACK......?  
#10            WHATTA A LOOSER  !  !!  !

Anonymous said...

You're kind of asking two different questions. Sure, the both of them are "good" for gay visibility, just because they're part of the ongoing cultural background noise. Do they deserve an award? Eh, not really. Maybe, three or four or five years from now, when Bass has had a chance to actually do something with his "visibility" he'll have done something to earn awards and respect. It certainly would be better than handing him an award because he showed up at a bar in P'town.

I agree, to some extent, with Bitter Queen that gay celebrities can find themselves in impossibly damnable situations given what's expected of them by gay activists and media. I didn't care for the columns that bashed Bass for not doing more, not coming out sooner, etc., etc. However, as someone who's been out for about 20 years, I also think that the ire directed at HRC is not unfounded -- believe me, when you've met kids who've come out at 15-years-old in D.C. high schools, you understand the difference between between being out vs. doing something about it. Bass has done the first, not the second. And I wouldn't call him award-worthy, yet.

Anonymous said...

they both are very nice looking guys and yes they deserve the awards, as for other saying no it is because they are mad they didn't get the awards.  so you two are a nice couple and wish you two all the best and good luck, baby!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ qqqqnn

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that gay people who suffer tremendous problems in society would have the gaul to attack anybody else in the community.  What is the necessity that dirves some people to poke and point fingers?  I would posit that those detractors are just jealous of the two - Lance because of his money and success and Reichen because of his dashing good looks.  The thing about being outed is ridiculous as well.  Lance could have chose to either ignore or deny as many have in the past.  He did not.  He stood up and proudly told the world that he is gay and embraced his sexuality.  What is so wrong with that and why shouldn't that be celebrated.  It just goes to show you that there will always be jerks who want to find something wrong with whatever people decide to do.  

Anonymous said...

Some say that gay is a choice.

Anonymous said...

I would not blame either of the two should they decide not to show up to the event.  What typical, idealogical,and  jealous bitterness.  Oh yes am sure they would just LOVE to participate in an event or any cause that they would have to endure some boos and mockery.  You know, sometimes it is just plain embarrassing to be gay.  Its a good thing that it is not the forefront of my existance, nor  define who I am.  It is more wholesome to be known by my first name and those traits that are more human, rather than politically or sexually trendy pontifical annecdotes slurred under whispers.  Don't choke please!

Magnanomous Bravisimo for the celebrity of the two that stand strong, not in their gayness but for the boldness of  their self worth to continue to walk tall in whom they are and what ever they decide to represent for the common good of humanity, not the rainbow.   Stop your whining under the attitude of "Whaaaat can they doooo for meeeee", ugh!  Worse than fingernails on a chalk board!

On the other hand, maybe it would be advantageous for them to attend.  I am sure the strength of each one of them would be enough to wilt the loudness of your

Anonymous said...

I believe, that Reichen is using Lance for the benefit of his up coming book & need to clear the air, secondary to his affiliation w/ the two of them.  My opinion, is that the young Lance is being used & he will look like the fool in the end.  This to me, only creates negative & unnecessary publicity to what one would think we are attempting to accomplish...Their situation is only going to result in another  embarrassment to the gay community, as so many other gay celebrity situations have resulted in the past.

And I believe, there is truth, in that Lance most likely is NOT willing to truly prove to be an advocate for us.  As far as Reichen, I believe, he is truly all for himself & the financial success of his book...He is also using Lance for the publicity & hopeful better success with same.

Just my overall gut feeling.

Anonymous said...

I believe, that Reichen is using Lance for the benefit of his up coming book & need to clear the air, secondary to his affiliation w/ the two of them.  My opinion, is that the young Lance is being used & he will look like the fool in the end.  This to me, only creates negative & unnecessary publicity to what one would think we are attempting to accomplish...Their situation is only going to result in another  embarrassment to the gay community, as so many other gay celebrity situations have resulted in the past.

And I believe, there is truth, in that Lance most likely is NOT willing to truly prove to be an advocate for us.  As far as Reichen, I believe, he is truly all for himself & the financial success of his book...He is also using Lance for the publicity & hopeful better success with same.

Just my overall gut feeling.

Anonymous said...

In 1952 Americans were shocked by the news that George Jorgensen, a twentysix-year-old private in the U.S. Army Service Command at Fort Dix, New Jersey, had an operation to change his sex. Jorgensen was unhappy as a man and wanted to change his body to that of a woman. He went to Denmark for the surgery to make the transformation.                    <<<<<<            

                    now she is worthy of this award  ! ! !      THANK YOU  !

Anonymous said...

Honestly, the GLBT community has to learn to accept the fact that alot of people, celebrity or not, don't feel comfortable with putting their orientation out in the forefront of their lives.  Clearly, celebrities, whether gay or not, have enough trouble trying to keep the dog-like media off their backs.  But even regular people who are same-sex oriented feel that waving a flag or joining a cause is too much for them, and the truth is that if the GLBT community is going to survive as an important part of the world cultre, we have to be able to deal with that accordingly.  

Anonymous said...

Personally, coming from a conservative, religious family, I could relate to Lance Bass's testimonial about what it's like to be gay in such a similar environment.  How he discussed his family's response to the news hit close to home.  I also don't feel the need to place my sexual orientation out on the front porch, even though I won't deny it if I'm asked.  So I can relate to that too. I'm pretty mainstream though so don't usually get asked.  When I'm dating someone, or involved with someone, I let people make their assumptions.

The one thing I must say about Bass though is his choice of b/f is rather cliche.  I mean, do goodlooking gay guys EVER go out with average looking guys.  I see a lot of truly goodlooking straight guys with very average women, but never see that in the gay community.  I think we have a lot to learn from our straight bros.

What I would personally find more newsworthy (or award worthy) is to see a couple that has a great looking guy and an average looking guy.  That I would find very noteworthy and well worth an award.  Gay guys seem to get way too caught up in looks over substance.

Anonymous said...

Reichen has been a spokesman for the rights of gays and lesbians in the military since he left the Air Force.  He has been responsible for raising lots of money for the Mlitary Defense League, which helps with the legal fees for those kicked out of the military for being gay.

He has changed the image of a gay man, along with his partner Chip Arndt, by winning the challenging reality show, The Amazing Race.

He is proud to be gay.  His calendars are bought by males and females alike.  He is proud of his beautiful body, and why shouldn't he be.  No one has faulted many of the hollywood women for being involved in similiar calendars.  One of his careers IS as a male model.

As for his relationship with Lance Bass. They are two gay men who met and fell in love.  Lance decided to come out of the closet to be free to be himself. Those who mock them are small minded and have bigotted views.

Are they award worthy?  YES, YES, they are showing the world it is OK to live your life honestly, and be gay even if you are in the public eye.  Even if critics of living openly as a gay man in love, like Perez Hilton and Page Six reporters put them down for doing so.