Wednesday 6 September 2006

Rosie Is Riveting as 'L Word' of Daytime TV

Don't look now, but a self-described "big 200-pound lesbian" is about to become one of the gay and lesbian community's most powerful foot soldiers. A force to be reckoned with. And with access to millions of homes across the country five days a week.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Rosie is back.

'The View' isn't part of my regular TV line-up, but I did tune in yesterday morning to see how Rosie's first day with the gals went. It was -- how can I put this -- Sapphically awesome.

Rosie's return to network TV finds her finally owning her role as beacon of lesbian light. She is one of two of the most visible lesbians in America, Ellen being the other, but this go 'round Rosie is way more "out and proud" on the air than she was before, much more so than Ellen is.

Within the first few minutes of the show she talked about her wife Kelli, gay marriage, Billie Jean King and navigated numerous friendly questions and barbs from her co-hosts about various things lesbian.

There was a lot of discussion about her new hair. She has swapped her butch "crazy, crazy haircut that scared America to death" for a softer look. Rosie reveals that her short hair was "an error of epic proportions" that made her young son cry when he saw it.

According to reports, ditching her dyke-do was forced on Rosie as part of her contract with ABC. It is a sell-out of her true butchy self, but we must look past that because what Rosie says is far more powerful than how she looks -- and she knows it.

Rosie does what all GLBT people need to do: Talk matter of factly about who we are. She shares stories about her life. She references her no-longer-legal marriage to Kelli (who was in the audience), her happy brood of lively kids, her life as a working mother, her charitable work, her painting, her blog. In other words, this time we get all of her.

The new Rosie is here, she's queer and, if all goes well, she could help soccer moms everywhere get used to it.

More: Rosie Looks to Shake Up 'View'

Video: Rosie's First Day (Via Jossip)



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unlike siscilefu22, Bring it home Baby!!  Add another beautiful vibrant woman to the view. Rosie your Gay? I couldn't of picked a more divine set of women who can give us the scoop!  You women hang tight knowing you are shaping the views of women world wide.  You all have such accomplishes of your own wether you feel it or not just know it and own it.  If I was born in a diffrent time I would want it to be now. Are we done with it?  Ask sisy!!

Anonymous said...

Unlike siscilefu22, Bring it home Baby!!  Add another beautiful vibrant woman to the view. Rosie your Gay? I couldn't of picked a more divine set of women who can give us the scoop!  You women hang tight knowing you are shaping the views of women world wide.  You all have such accomplishes of your own wether you feel it or not just know it and own it.  If I was born in a diffrent time I would want it to be now. Are we done with it?  Ask sisy!!                 Rosie congrats to you and yours,  your friend Yvonne!  P.S. Can I fill in for you on your vacations!?   God bless.  

Anonymous said...

Rosie will screw up the whole program...Barbara Walters will survive, but the show will go bust because dear Rosie doesn't have a clue...she just talks about notthing.  I think she likes to hear herself because she doesn't listen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

All Hell just what we need Rosie back on to start Gabing and trying to brainwash us. Hey barb Its  not all right to Bash Mel Gibson for makeing a mistake, But  you think It's allright to have a big mouth like Rosie on the show who dosen't know what she Is talking about. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I loved Rosie's old show, and was a little 'put off' when she pushed her "Queen of Nice" persona aside and let the world see a tougher, angrier Rosie -- but I loved the video clip just now; I had forgotten just how fun and joyous and funny she can be.  She isn't 100% "Queen of Nice," but that is a part of her, too.  I hope she does well; I might TiVo a "View" now and then to check up on her ...

And I'm very glad that Star is gone, but Baba really needs to think about injecting a little color back into the line-up.  It's a whole lotta white just now -- which is okay; white people can be fun and entertaining -- but I think a little diversity is always better, and will mirror the audience of the program.  I wonder how many black woman who used to watch now don't since Star got f-- er, quit.

Anonymous said...

4 nasty looking old ladies

Anonymous said...

I have always like the view because It  was a show I could watch while having a cup of coffee, I thought you had a great show but not any more, I am not  going to listen to Rosie talk about her sex life with another woman, If that is what she want to do, she should get on some late night show and not a show that family with children watch. Barbara I thought you were smarter than that, you are a classy lady , I am not sure why you picked Rosie maybe you want to come out the closet about something. I know it doesn't matter to you who watch the show, but I know for me it time to find another morning show to watch.

Anonymous said...

Well i am not a Big fan of rosies for a few reasons and Iam Lesbian.. Just because your lesbian does not mean your like every single lesbian.  But i thought i would give Rosie the benefit of the doubt and give the show a chance.  I watched it the first week and I think she is giving the show the push that it needs.   I think her and Barb, and Joy will get along fine now the skinny blonde Needs a reality check.
Now I wrote to rosie a few times..Never got an answer.. wrote to the few never got an answer.  In fact i told them that instead of bringing on all these famous people why not bring on an average "AMERICAN" now and then.  I could help there ratings  its not about color its about real life.   WEll GOOD LUCK ROSIE I do wish y ou the best..


Anonymous said...

I think this is just what the show needed. A diverse group sharing thier feelings and opinions on everything. Good Luck Rosie and to the View.
Sincerely, Stac

Anonymous said...

About time Rosie is back! We need someone who isn't afraid to put it all out there and speak not only from what they know but from their heart.  Keep up the good job Rosie!! Speak for all of us that don't always get the chance!  Rosie will always have my vote!



Anonymous said...

Well, hmmm not quite sure what to think thus far, I truly am a fan of Rosie's an always will be no matter how angry she gets, or makes the worse decission to have the ugliest hair cut ever, yet she did fix that and the new do looks great. I was never an avaid watcher of the view cause Joy an Star made me ill, they always fought and Star acted like a spoiled princess, and it was something i just couldn't bare. Yet the show it self with all the gossip an interesting news they had were quite interesting. So now that Star is gone thank god, an Rosie's there i think i may tune in once in awhile. Please Rosie if you ever see this don't take offense to it, but  please don't turn the  VIEW into daytime lesibian TV k. I love ya but  we all would rather  you the person not Rosie the butch lesibo. Bring it on darlin you always be a star to me. Romenherenthere from Upstate NY

Anonymous said...

She is going to ruin the show.  She's just a big mouth, who doesn't know a damn thing she is talking about.  She will ruin the show.  Get rid of her Barbara.

Anonymous said...

Rosie is a funny woman I admit it. I think she is cool but she is very anti-American. Her comments about comparing radical Islam to radical Christianity is absurd. I do not see right wing christians blowing up schools and gay parties. I do not see christians cutting people's heads off. When are gay people going to realize is that Christianity is their hope to be saved. Imagine if this country had Sharia law everyone would be executed including Rosie. This just shows how fascist the American left is, Hitler also hated Christians. Rosie should be thankful her ass in not in Tehran with the peace loving islamofascists. We are lucky to be in this country and we are free. You morons on the Left should appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I for one love Rosie. I have always enjoyed her before her talk show n now.
I just wish people would leave her alone and let her live her life like we have to do. Pay attention more to whats going on in your own lives.
Rosie is good at heart. I'm sure Rosie wouldn't care if you were gay. If Rosie had been secretative about her gayness, then she would have been ridiculed again about , "She's a fake , Shes Gay and keeping it secret. Shes proud of who she is. I'm proud of her. Because shes not ashamed of who she is. Kelli loves her n Rosie loves Kelli and they both love their kids. I rather listen to a loud and boisterous person than one who speaks so low that , it makes you feel like a granny having to say HUH HUH HUH a million times. She knows how she feels about things and she says what she means about things. No beating around the bush.  !!! LOL LOL beating aROUND THE BUSH. Bush GET IT. i'M SURE SHE MIGHT WANT TO BEAT HIM. bUT ANYWAY. lIFE IS SHORT rOSIE  FOUND HAPPINESS . sHE DESERVES THAT. sOME PEOPLE GOES A LIFETIME AND never finds true happiness. Rosie Gayle Wilson from Delaware Loves you. You are Beautiful. Don't let people bring you down. You are to strong for that. OX OX Hugs

Anonymous said...

I agree, get rid of her, Barbara!

Anonymous said...

Well Rosie if you want to I'll pay the one way ticket to Afganistan and you can start your Gay and Muslim brothers show over there...

Anonymous said...

She is a pig

Anonymous said...

She is a fat pig,and not everyone wants to her about her store bought kids. I will not be watching the show anymore.

Anonymous said...

She is a cow ugly and bad for Tv, I tried to watch that cruise documentry she made where her and all her gay fans go on a ship and over & over tell each other its OK to live this way. She makes me want to puke my guts out. Her "kids" will be ashamed their entire lives of her and end up drug abusers or dead.

Anonymous said...

So far I've watched two episodes of "The View." I don't like her.  She's always hitting on the female guests and lambashing the others.  I don't think she's cute at all.  She's being a bitch for being out the closet.

Anonymous said...

The View was having its problems to begin with and now it should head down the slippery slope even faster. Rosie  has a big mouth and no thoughts to what comes out of it. Her comments about how to treat diaper rash were appalling and that should send a clear message to those in charge that she needs some mental health treatment and quickly. Nothing is worse than watching an obnoxious has been ,trying  to come across as intelligent,bright and witty.So long The View, your becoming another tasteless program.

Anonymous said...

Rosie is nothing like Ellen!  Ellen is a wonderfully delightful person to watch and to enjoy.  She, unlike Rosie, does not wear her lesbianism on her shoulder.  I am sick and tired of Rosie's MOUTH, her attitude, her rants, her raves, and her total lack of regards for others.  The View, because of Rosie, is on the way to the burial grounds of TV LAND.