Tuesday 19 September 2006

Military Men Wed in Spain

The Towleroad blog has some nice coverage of two Spanish Air Force privates who were the first two same-sex members of Spain's military to be legally wed, complete with a ceremony performed by the mayor of Seville.

Andy Towle writes, "So here we have a country where gays are allowed to serve openly in the military and have full marriage rights. May it be a model for the world to follow."

Check out his write-up and collection of photos from the event.


Anonymous said...

If thats what make you happy;then, you have the right to do what you chose to do. I know that a lot of problems come along with this kind of union , so just be ready to deal with it and i guess, do what makes you happy

Anonymous said...

There is another country that may be a model as well as Spain, look north to Canada.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't be more happy for these two military privates!! :-)

Yet, in light of what the CPA lady from Macon, GA posted to this blog, I have to say, as a 39 year old gay man that lives an hour's drive South of Macon, GA in my hometown of Cordele, GA.... and as a gay man that after being single for the past four(4), years and having gotten engaged to a wonderful guy 8 years my senior on September 7th - I proposed on top of the famous Lighthouse located in the Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head Island, SC fyi --- I have to say, that not all gay men will encounter resistance for their relationship or their desires to be happy.

Our happiness is largely owned by each of us... the individual and when in a relationship that same happiness is now magnified and owned by the two people that have come together as one voice, one mind, and one spirit in a committed union of their love.

As an ordained & licensed minister with 3 different churches - all of which, aren't part of the organized predominant faiths - but of which, do affirm that GOD created all of us with a heart, a mind, and a soul to which needs love, and someone to share the journey of life together with a mate - those things are our birthrights.

I salute the country of SPAIN for their bold movement!

Our Humanity IS where the most-accurate expression of the Creator can be found... so ask yourselves upon this last point....... When you judge gay people for wanting a legal sanction of their love for their own kind - Is this the Universal Love of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Siddhartha Budda, or Lord Krishna speaking? - Or, is it your FEAR?

Only YOU can answer this question.

"Cherish your visions & your dreams, as they're the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."- Napoleon Hill.

) ) ) Mitakuye Oyasin! ( ( (

In love & light I remain,
a humble servant to the Great Spirit,
Rev. Nathan Tyson
Universal L

Anonymous said...

¡Bravo a EspaƱa!   A traditionally conservative, predominantly Catholic country has become an example for the world to look to for gay marriage and military service, along with a handful of other European nations.  When will the United States learn from the rest of the world?  When are we US citizens going to demand our government make good on it's promise for equal rights for all people?  When will we join the rest of the major industrialized nations into the 21st century?