Wednesday 6 September 2006

Katherine Harris Wins Race; God's Taste in Rulers Questioned

U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris (of hanging chad fame) won the GOP primary in Florida yesterday in the race for a U.S. Senate seat in November. 

Is God to blame for this?

Last week, the congresswoman told the Florida Baptist Witness that the separation of church and state "is a lie we have been told ... That is so wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers." 

Apparently, God is not aware that even the Republican party didn't want her to enter this race.

According to Harris, a secular government is "not what our founding fathers intended and that’s certainly isn't what God intended."

On the question of basic civil rights for gays and lesbians, she told the Witness that "Civil rights have to do with individual rights and I don't think they apply to the gay issues. I have not supported gay marriage and I do not support any civil rights actions with regard to homosexuality."

God help us.



Anonymous said...

The way her mouth is set really makes me think she is hiding a secondary set of jaws in there. Sort of like the creatures in the 'Alien' movies. And her eyes totally say "I'm starving. Turn those cameras off so I can have another infant for my snack." Not that I am petty.

Anonymous said...

Most voted for her because of her work to keep GORE out of the white house.  Fla hated Al big time and loved the way she re
counted over and over for the guy but still came up with a big L for him.

She is a very smart woman.

Anonymous said...

Saying God picks our rulers says one thing'what the hell is God smoking for one, why the hell did nixon get office..What a moronic statement

Anonymous said...

Way to Go katherine Harris.  It is about time that someone stands up to the Liberals and says what is on her mind rather than what is "politically correct".

Anonymous said...

.She's right you know. But anyone that has read scripture would know this. All leaders of the world including Nixon and even Hitler have been appointed by God. Now, for the ones that fall, like the aforementioned, this is what happens when we dont pray for our leaders. satan steps in and with the help of the lust of the flesh and the secular world, some of our greatest leaders past and present, fall.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh thilly me I mithspelled "could" - but MZ. Harris cude make a "normal guy" go a little goofy (ifyouknowwhatImean - rolf.)~Dawg~

Anonymous said...

Is to blame for Katherine Harris?  My money is on plastic surgery and pharmaceuticals.  And Florida.  Florida is like the great common sense void where nothing seems to happen without drastic screweduppedness.

As far as her views on Gays?  Can you say Hello Anita Bryant!?  I don't even wonder about her intelligence.  Secular Government Not What the Founding Fathers intended?  The following is from the Cornell Schooll of Law Constitution website at

"Two clauses in the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion. The establishment clause prohibits the government from passing legislation to establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. It enforces the "separation of church and state. Some governmental activity related to religion has been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. For example, providing bus transportation for parochial school students and the enforcement of "blue laws" is not prohibited. The free exercise clause prohibits the government, in most instances, from interfering with a persons practice of their religion."

It sounds to me as though the Founding Fathers wanted to guarantee a Secular Government.

Anonymous said...

For God's sake, Katherine Harris, easy on the makeup!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Patrick Swayze?

Anonymous said...

what wretched barren planet did this hag descend from, it's not enough that she was part of presidential thievery unparralelled in history with regard to what happen in Florida but now she spouts off blowing smoke up the ass of conservatived and religious fanatics because they are the only ones who haven't had any sex since lincoln was president and care what she has to say, why don't they go after the mormon pedophiles in utah, or talk about mark foley, something relative, it's really kills me when people attempt to tell two adult people what they should do and who they should be, what about what's happening in africa and our own country with regard to hiv, just like katrina - these are "black problems", people like katherine harris need to pushed in a pit of king cobras and then have a drag queen serve martinis as we all watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing more I'd like to see than have Katherine Whoris tarred, feathered and maimed.