Wednesday 9 August 2006

Major-League Gayness, and Best National Anthem Ever

My pals and I attended a super fun gay night of baseball last evening: Night Out at the Nationals. We joined more than 1,600 other gay, lesbian, bi and trans people who were there, too. (Pictured L to R: Al, me and Jeff, looking sporty in the stands of RFK Stadium.)

Team DC organized the OUT-ing and did a fab job. Go Team DC!

AOL Gay and Lesbian and Out@aol (AOL's GLBT employee group) were sponsors of the event along with other very worthy organizations.

There's nothing more all-American than a night at the old ballgame. And because we gay people are part of America, it was more than a little awesome to see same-sex couples holding hands at the major leagues, and groups of gay friends dishing the dirt -- and the dugout.

One hot, very straight, college-age beer vendor loved the attention he got from this new group of adoring fans. Did he mind? No. As he slung his ice chest around, he was heard to say he didn't care at all. He seemed to think it was all pretty cool. See, the youngin's these days really don't give a foul ball about what people are. It gives me hope.

The most moving part of the night was seeing the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington sing the National Anthem. Did I mention this was at a major league baseball game?

I shot some quick and very uncut video of the chorus. The first ten seconds are really shaky. Once I handed my beer off to my friend, I was able to get a little steadier with both hands. The visual isn't over-the-top great, but the sound is decent and the Gay Men's Chorus is literally world-class. Take a listen.


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Anonymous said...

Wow, they're GOOD!!

For the ENTIRE duration of that video, I was transfixed to my screen as I heard that BEAUTFUL anthem sung by those guys!
I almost put my hand to my heart and pretended to be American! lmao!
I love that anthem so much, it's MUCH better than ours! lol! I even downloaded Shania Twain singing it..haha!

It's great that you all had a blast at the game, and I'm glad the hot guy took it all in jest. The future is bright indeed! <<Ooh, that sounded posh for me! lol!

Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...

Very talented  indeed!!!  Most  definately  among  the  best  I  have  heard!  Also,  one  quick  comment  about  the  photo.....All 3  very  attractive  men...looks  like  u  all had  a great  time!

Anonymous said...

they sound great! The video is cool!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for that - it was quite a thrill to be singing the national anthem as a member of GMCW, and while I was a teensy bit nervous about the crowd response, I heard nary a "boo."
Thanks for sharing it!

PS: I can't see any video, only hear the audio...

Anonymous said...

Dude, come to our next concert, you'll like us (it is our holiday concert, btw, we are "off" for the summer).  FYI, that was only about a third of the chorus, they only would allow 70 folks on the field.  Glad you liked us though.

Anonymous said...

Hi RussInDC: I never miss your concerts. You guys are great. :-)


Anonymous said...