You may be familiar with Norman (above, left), the adorable Brittany spaniel who moos. Why does he moo? He was born that way.
Norman is the star of the Born Different campaign,
a $900,000 marketing effort designed to kickstart dialogue about gays
among the good people of what many have come to regard as the axis of
anti-gay evil: Colorado Springs, Colorado. The campaign is funded by
the Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado/The Gill Foundation.
Born Different seeks to answer the question about whether or not we gays are "born gay." Several rather adorable videos
were produced showing Norman just being himself, wanting and needing
love in his life, a dog like every other dog -- save for the fact that
he talks like a cow. And I mean that in a loving way.
surprisingly, right-wingers in "the Springs" practically started
molting when they saw Norman's gay-positive message. Bad dog! Focus on the Family
(FOF), the right-wing activist organization headed by James Dobson and
headquartered in Colororado Springs, was no more willing to let moo-ing
dogs moo than to let sleeping dogs lie gay people be gay. That's where Sherman comes in. Sherman is the star of their counter-campaign, No-Moo-Lies. Sherman (above right) barks. Why does he bark? Because heeeee's normal.
is barking up the wrong tree on his Web site, however. He professes to
know about all things gay, opining that people choose to be gay, or
that, at the very least, gays can choose to become straight. He claims
to know some gay penguins who chose to become straight penguins.
is against gay marriage and domestic partnerships. His owners warn: "If
he could talk, he'd tell you to keep your eyes and ears open between
now and November to make sure you hear the truth about what marriage
should mean in Colorado. Sure, making a dog sound like a cow is cute,
but messing with marriage, the building block of all societies, is not.
Indeed, it would be a dog-gone shame."
Sherman, who knows not to bite the hand that feeds him, obeys his masters' commands to refer site visitors to Love Won Out,
an ex-gay program of FOF. And what does Love Won Out believe? That
"homosexuality is preventable and treatable" and that through its
program, you will "be reminded of the power of God’s love and His
desire to transform the life of a struggling homosexual to find freedom
in Jesus Christ."
To which I say, Christ! Get over it. You
cannot change someone's sexual orientation. Fortunately for us, most
thinking people today know this.
Frankly, I think we need a Save
Sherman campaign. Sherman sets off my doggie-gaydar big time. You can
tell that dog is gay, but is depressed as hell (just look at him)
because his handlers keep trying to tell him he can choose to be something he's not.
... Please call PETA before James Dobson has the chance to tell
children everywhere that Sherman was "sent away to live on a farm"
where there is lots of room for him to play.
Click to See Norman Moo & More

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I can't even make a dog analog that is worthy of this situation. I find it sad that in 2006 a message of tolerance is met with such an uninspired and pathetic response from FOF. Glad you let us know.
I am an eighteen year old female who is quite famliiar with Focus on the Fmaily. I am also someone who struggles with same sex attraction (I say same sex attraction becuase to me, the word lesbian implies a lifestyle, not just sexual orientation). I've been over FOTF's website over and over, and it is one of the only places (as a Christian with same sex attractions) that I have ever felt comfortable and LOVED. I do believe that God can change my heart, and that if it is His will, one day this wil not be something I struggle with every day. Focus on the Family has the right idea. I get bashed by gay activists for not 'accepting who I am', and I get bashed by a lot of 'right wing activists' for being gay and 'choosing' my feelings. Neither group is right. For a group of people who is determined to help people be themselves, gay activists certainly don't seem very open to someone finding comfort in places like Focus on the Family. FOTF- Thank you for being a light for me.
please people enough is enough.stop trying to play god.God created man in his own image,and god was not gay.He created adam and his parther was eve,a woman.There is no other,s wrong i don,t care how you look at it and people will be punish for this act.
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