Pictured: Mama-drama instigator Angela's mother (left) in a design by Jeffrey,
and Vincent's sister wearing Robert Best, who was the worst.
You should never call any friend's mother a bitch -- unless you mean it in a loving way.
But that's what someone did on this week's 'Project Runway.' (Not in a loving way.) It may have been the best episode of the season so far.
The challenge for Episode 7 was to design a look for the everyday woman. The catch? The everyday women were the mothers -- and a couple sisters -- of the contestants. And guess what? They, like most everyday women, are hardly candidates for size 2 couture.
For the most part, the designers failed miserably. Only three of the eight designs were any good, the rest looked like donated Lane Bryant outfits in the sale bin at the Salvation Army. And that isn't even really a joke.
The weekly challenges are meant to distinguish the very talented from the less-so, and this week was a true test of versatility. Turns out, this cast needs some versatility training.
Uli, on the other hand, made a quite pretty and appropriate pant outfit with a flowing top for Kayne's mother, who is lovely but a bit more plus-size than the other two. For that reason, I think Uli should have won.
It was fascinating to see how the moms matched up personality-wise with their children. If you really want to know someone, get to know their mother, right? Laura especially seems like she's a chip off the ol' block. Michael Kors, too, whose mother was a guest judge.
As with all family get togethers, there was quite a bit of drama going on, including one incredible train wreck involving Angela's mother and Jeffrey. During a mid-design check-in, Angela's mom tells Jeffrey that she thinks his design is too matronly for her, and from there a display of tears, anger and disrespect gave the evening the sort of bumpy ride that Bette Davis would have loved.
Jeffrey, who was mean to Mom and disrespectful and called her a bitch, wasn't a very good boy to say the least. It's unanimous among everyone I've talked to since the show: People pretty much hate him for it.
I already hated him. However -- and I'm probably going to get hate mail for saying this -- he's not entirely at fault in this mama-drama. Angela's mom, who at first blush seems nice (which is in and of itself kind of surprising considering she's Angela's mom) could have been a little more giving in her exchange with Jeffrey and, in fact, was a little out of line. He's the designer. This is his future he's sewing, not hers. As a guest on the show, she should have kept her opinions to herself and walked the runway graciously in whatever was designed for her.
Should Jeffrey have called her a bitch? No. Did she kind of deserve it? No.
Was the dress hideous? Yes. Did she kind of deserve it? Yes.
Then there's Robert. Robert, Robert, Robert. We had such high hopes for this WeHo boy with the big biceps who has that job at Mattel that legions of gay men would kill for. But really, is it any surprise that the man who designs fab outfits for Barbie, the archenemy of all plus-size and everyday women, would fail wholly and utterly when faced with designing something fashion-forward for Vincent's lovely (but let's face it, large-ish) sister? He himself confessed on the air, "I don't understand proportion on this kind of body."
I am sad to see Robert go, mostly because I will miss the girl talk he shared with best-girlfriend-Kayne. Now there are only two gay boys left on the show, and the other one is way less obvious (but you know who it is, right?). By the way, what was with Jeffrey's crybaby angst at Robert's goodbye moment?
Robert spills his guts about getting kicked off in his exit interview with Entertainment Weekly -- a good read if only to hear what he has to say about Laura's sex life.
Finally, 'Project Runway' is the cover story in this week's EW. Find out why this show is such a hit, what makes it work, and why Tim Gunn is quickly becoming the most beloved gay man in America.
Click to Read: 'Sew Addictive'
Whatever, man. All I know is I don't trust anyone with a neck tattoo. We call them "everlasting job-stoppers" with good reason...
Kenny. Kenny, Kenny, Kenny. No way did Angela's mom deserve the "Jeffrey Treatment!" The dress itself was enough humiliation for any woman....
The whole point of the challenge was to design someting for every day women. All the other designers listened, at least a little, to the model's wishes and sugestions. I think he is just a loser. I haven't been able to stand him since day one. We need Laura to shut him down again.
And I 1000% agree Uli should have won. Vincent only had to worry about the actual design, she had to worry about the size and everything else. Personally, I think Vincent's was ugly and plain.
This was the most difficult one to watch.
But no doubt about it: Jeffrey should've been thrown off just for stupidity in how he reacted to Angela's mother; but just as much for the hideously layered eggplant beanbag that he "designed."
Yes, he was egged on a bit by that horrid mother (and I do not believe for one second that the producers did not set that pairing up somehow). But he was stupid to take the low road after he found out what she said; it was ugly and cruel.
And that monstrosity that he made for her was the nastiest thing on stage. Not interesting; not beautiful; certainly not artful; not even plain. Just a wretched, ill-fitting, pathetic mess, which made her look like something from a far-away planet on Star Wars. After the planet was vanquished.
Personal style? Hah! I'd rather see no style.
Uli should definitely have won. She made a plus-sized gal look great--something no one else really did.
And barbie-man's outfit may have been plain, but it wasn't objectionable. He was worth keeping, at very least for his great lines--and for his great bod. He was a little vanilla; a little we-ho trashy; but great fun--such a sense of sweet humor.
Jeffrey's just disgusting, and now worse: hateful.
This challenge was supposed to be about designing for the everyday woman and I got the impression that the mothers and sisters were supposed to be treated as clients. Therefore, the designers were supposed to listen to their client's likes and dislikes and create an outfit accordingly.
The way Jeffrey was treating Angela's mom was totally out of order. Every suggestion she made was totally dismissed from color to cut, and the result was absolutely horrifying! He definietely should have been "aufed" because he failed this challenge miserably on so many different levels. It would not have been the end of the world if they let Robert stay one more week, although I do agree that his designs are very boring.
Uli definitely should have won this challenge because she flawlessly executed a beautiful plus-size outfit. I'm a size 20 and I want that blouse!!! But...
MICHAEL KNIGHT IS NUMERO UNO!!! Don't get it twisted!
You're not alone, Ken. I'm a big fan of Dave White's weekly recaps, which can be found at the Advocate website. He and I are both in agreement with you: Jeffrey is a jerk, AND ... Angela's mom was not an innocent party in this whole drama. It takes two to tango, and she was ready to boogie.
And I'm sorry -- the dress was awful, but it didn't make her look any more "matronly" than she did when we first met her.
Finally: Yes, you were supposed to receive input from your "client." BUT, you were also to remain true to your aesthetic. Jeffrey did that -- with hideous results, but he did it. Robert took his client's lead all the way, and ended up being kicked off the show. Of all the designs featured on the "everyday woman" broadcast, only one really pulled it off, in my opinion: Uli's design was 100% Uli, and it looked 100% fantastic on Kayne's mom. She totally shoulda won.
I tend to agree that Jeffrey should not have called Angela's mom a bitch but keep in mind she was no angel either---nothin like keepin the spice alive to keep the show rollin.
There was no need for Angela's comment on Jeffrey's dress, the judges said enough.
Uli definitely should have won over Vincent, Kayne's mom enjoyed herself walking down the runway.
Vincent showed good taste this time around, wonder if it turned him on like his paper dress from the week before?
Michael's mom didn't look so 'amped' as Michael put it as she walked which may have helped Kayne earn some points.
Robert should have listened to his comment about the zebra print and "Don't pick on Robert" to put on his dress---it would scored him so points but I can see he has no imagination, does he really design Barbie clothes?
I like Laura, though her outfits are very similar each week, she doesn't take any ---- from anybody and gives it right back. Its probably the hormones kickin' in ---- 5+ kids !!!!!!!!!!!!
Micheal's outfit was definitely the most innovative being that it was a reversible dress. Robert's sister rocked it on the runway but the only sad thing about we never got to her speak except when she introduced herself.
I have watched this show at least 8 times in the past week just to see if I missed
something. I didn't.
Yes, Jeffrey shouldn't have called Angela's mother a bitch but she was and he
called it as he saw it.
If you know his backstory, you know what he has had to overcome in the last
few years to get to this point and I believe that it's this past that makes him
speak before thinking.
Angela's mom, like the other family members, wants her daughter to win and
was trying to undermine Jeffrey. She also was aware of the tension between
him and Angela. All of the rest of the mothers and the sisters should the
designers respect regardless of how they truly felt about what was made for
The name Angela means angel but she is no angel and neither is her mom.
Jeffrey needs to bite his tongue and stay away from her. He has more talent
then she will ever have and has a chance to get to fashion week.
I hope he puts this unfortunate incident behind him and keeps doing what he
does best which is designing great looking fashion.
This has nothing to do with the bitchfest but an observation.
I have come to determine that Laura is this season's Wendy Pepper.
Her clothes are just as boring and she grates on you the way Wendy did.
Angela needs to take her florets and go.
The three designers who should go to fashion week are Uli, Michael and Keane
although I wouldn't mind seeing either Vincent or Jeffrey get chosen.
These are the five most talented designers of this season although I really
liked Bradley and was disappointed to see him leave.
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